So an NFL player is going to accept getting cut, and then go back to that team at a reduced price, all because the team thought he was overpaid? That player is going to be like, "Oh, whatever, I'm sure that they had their reasons, no hard feelings." I'm sorry, I really am, but that is one of the most moronic things I have EVER read in the history of this message board. I really hope this is the last comment on that utter nonsense so this thread can go back to an actually interesting topic.
Im guessing gholston becomes a full time 3-4 end next year expect alot of weight added he serves no purpose as linebacker or situational pass rusher , might as well
No he's going to say; "fuck the Jets. I'll take a less money despite them!" Once a player is cut, he's cut. He now has to sign a new contract. Would he rather take $10 mil, pack up his shit and go to San Diego or take $10 mil and resign with the team he knows and has been with for * years. I swear somebody did that Moore....maybe?
Yes Brick at RT. We're doomed if he's the future of LT for us. He's a good T, but he looks like a little kid against elite REs. He needs to move over, if, that is, we have an upgrade for LT. As far as your second sentance....I have no clue what that says. It's very Raiderjeauxish.
Yeah but if there's no cap and you can cut dead weight and have no implications I would cut Gholston and if he wants to come back on 780 K good if not he can fuck off then
This Thread has gone into Shitter. There is more Fantasy in some of these posts than Disneyland. Thread should be closed or let's get back on topic of D-lineman.
I believe he's only a Junior or a redshirt Soph. I usually know most of the significant players and Taylor doesn't stand out. The author of that mock is smoking some good stuff.
Taylor's a mammoth lineman, but I don't know if he'll come out this season. Transferring from Penn State took a year of eligibility away from him, so he may want another year of playing time to improve his stock. I didn't include him on my list because he's an underclassman that isn't rated very high and he's done close to nothing for the Bears. I know this stat isn't all his fault, but Baylor has a horrible run defense - worst in the Big 12 actually. He's supposed to be the anchor of that line and they are not performing well so far. If Cody is gone by our pick, I'd love to see the Jets take this guy in the middle rounds.
It was National Football Post
I keep seeing mocks that give us an OLB in the 1st (usually Kindle) and it's pissing me off. Our first round pick absolutely has to be DE or NT, maybe both.
Wake Forest's Boo Robinson (NT) 6'2 300 - mid rounds I've heard about this player a lot but... NT? Isn't he a bit too light? At 300lbs he's a typical 4-3 DT. I think we have some DE's that are bigger than him! I'm not making judjments... just wanted to know why you consider him a good NT prospect...
Absolutely!!! Boo is probably closer to 320lbs....he has put on some weight and has the frame to add more. Not in the same class as Cody, but should be a very good NT. Rex could even move Boo out to play some DE occasionally. At this time, Boo will probably be a rd 2 selection.