I'm all for this approach with how weak the SP market is right now. Feliciano and Jenks would be cool, fuck Fuentes.
Jenks was probably the only guy I would've gone two years for. But I'm glad Cash is being cautious with relievers, that got him in trouble in the past.
False. http://mlbcontracts.blogspot.com/ https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tpQLwiiQL4kzEzLhsUqVjLQ&output=html https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tz8qHiYrIzlFtVnly7gibjw&output=html Yanks have $175 mil committed for '11(12/25 signed), Sox only $150 mil including Jenks/Paps(19/25).
Cowherd is an assfrom pinstripealley.com) Let's look around the Inter-Google on another frigid morning in the Northeast and find out what is being written and said about the New York Yankees. I have to start with the whole A.J. Burnett/Colin Cowherd thing. By now you probably know that Cowherd went on his ESPN Radio Show Wednesday and told the world that Burnett's ugly 2010 season was due to a nasty divorce. Which, as it has turned out, is incorrect. I wrote about this Wednesday at SB Nation New York, and it's worth repeating. This is terrible, unprofessional work by Cowherd. He ought to be suspended, if not fired, for this bit of stupidity. He can be entertaining sometimes, but he is an egotistical guy who loves to hear himself talk and always wants to make sure that you know he is smarter than you are. I really don't know what caused Burnett's poor season. I just know that this was irresponsible on Cowherd's part, and he is a guy who should never be trusted when he starts his telling you he has inside information.
Kerry Wood took 1 yr. $1.5M to go back to the Cubs. Why did so many decide this off-season to start leaving money on the table and going where they actually want to play? This is America, god damnit.
Nobody who watched the White Sox last season is shedding any tears over Bobby Jenks going to Boston. He was laughably unreliable. The Feliciano signing is a nice one, as long as Girardi is smart enough to never ever use him against righties.
As long as Feliciano never, ever faces a righty, and Yankee Stadium becomes as much a pitcher's park as Citi Field, this is a GREAT signing!
On the bright side, we all know how Girardi loves him some matchups, so there's at least a slight chance he never will face a righty.
http://joeposnanski.blogspot.com/2010/12/being-there-with-greinke.html Long article on Greinke, but it makes him seem more weird than insane. He just fired his agent, and it sounds like the Royals will really try to move him. They'll want Montero, which means no chance of him coming here.
The thing with Greinke is that social anxiety disorder never looks the same in two different patients--so you really have no idea what you're getting with Greinke in New York. Compare that to another starter who some people want, Carlos Zambrano, who everybody knows is batshit insane.
What makes even less sense is the fact that at the end of the year he said his main desire was to be a closer again. I guess there wasn't as much of a market as he thought, or he just really wanted to go back to CHI.
Lee says "Thanks but no thanks." Wood decides to take significantly less to go to the Cubs. Andy still hasn't been convinced to return one more time. Maybe if the organization didn't treat its most loyal players like shit...
I hate to see a crying clown... The Yankees didn't create free agency, which essentially transformed baseball into a business but that's the way the game is and that's how it needs to be approached. Obviously they know how to do it successfully and its not time to panic yet.