The media circus didn't hurt the Dodgers at all last year. I think IATA's idea has a lot of validity. Manny won't want to play in the incessant cold of San Francisco for what will surly be a bad contract. What makes that idea even more appealing is that he could sign at any time and not need to wait for July. As soon as a big bat goes down he could step right in. Still nothing with the Dodgers. Looks like a standoff.,0,6930630.story
Yes because of 3 reasons... 1) the media circus was hitting .400 2) they had a manager who knows Manny well, and knows how to deal with big market media and last who is liked by the media 3) the playoff race left no time for his antics
Nobody cares in LA, it's not the same as New York or Boston. It's 70 degrees and sunny every day, they're not trapped inside the house dreaming of pitchers and catchers and warmer weather to come. They don't obsess about it. If he signs, he signs. If he doesn't, he doesn't.
That's actually a pretty good point. We're all married to our teams because, as you said, we're stuck inside dreaming of the first pitch, while a city like LA has much more to do with thier time.
Wow..what a fucking fraud Sheets (or is it Shits) is. He was just hoping somebody would sign him, I'm sure, and then have the surgery anyway. "Free agent right-hander Ben Sheets is planning to have the flexor tendon tear near his right elbow surgically repaired and is hopeful for a return in the second half of the 2009 season, his agent Casey Close told"
Stark had an interesting take on the situation... Sheets is either a class act(not taking arb knowing that he'd be on the bench), or a complete idiot(not taking arb, then getting hurt).
I can see this whole A-rod thing helping him and the Yankees this year but don't ask me to explain it because I could also be seeing this thing totally wrong.
Is this going to be a good thing for Alex? Maybe he was awful under pressure b/c he knew deep down he was a fraud for using steroids. Maybe the weight of this is removed and he plays looser and plays like he is capable of in October? I hope so. I think we all know how I feel about ARod but the bottom line is I have always rooted for him as a Yankee and will continue to do so. He has handled this controversy well(for a change)and I hope it relaxes him now going forward. We'll see.
I still can't believe not a sole alive has come forward to say they sold him anything, injected him or anything else..maybe he did buy all this crap at GNC.
The best years of his career came when he was clean. They didn't do much for him at all as it turns out. Maybe he didn't know how to use them properly.
First off we don't know he was clean. Second, although he still couldn't hit w/ RISP in postseason w/ Seattle he put up good #s. He has been awful w/ the Yanks and maybe the worry over being caught played some sort of role? I don't know, I'm trying to justify his awful play when it matters.
He has been anything but awful with the Yanks. He has won 2 MVPs and you may be right, we don't know if he was clean but he got tested about 10 times a year since he has been here and blood tests were included when he played in the WBC and will be again in the next few weeks. Now lets wait and see who else is on that list when the rest of it leaks out.
I was talking about postseason and he has been worse than awful outside of that Minny series and the first few games of the Bos series.
Yes, we all know how he has been in the postseason. The rules of chance say he can only get better. Of course the Yankees will have to make it to see.