ummm.... it was actually his projected MLB ERA. And if you're going to try and discredit Bill James, don't. In no way am I saying Hughes is going to put up a 3.35 ERA this season, but Bill James is generally excellent at what he does
Amazing indeed! What a genius it takes to take his boss' checkbook and throw money at people. C'mon dude, theres nothing "amazing" about Brian Cashman. When he has to make "baseball" decisions, he aint so great.
I just don't want to give up Kennedy or Melky. I guess Melky and Igawa could work but I don't want the yankees trading one of there better youth prospects.
I'm not discrediting him. I am saying that the Yankees have no plans whatsoever of having Hughes in the majors this year. They have said so, it's not a secret. Now if they have injuries (and I am sure somebody will go down) he is probably the first to be called up but to predict his stats seems silly.
Yes, signing Sabathia was a lot easier with a huge checkbook. At the same time, it took him 3 meetings, one of which was with his wife, who wanted nothing to do with leaving the west coast, to get it done. Burnett was all money, fair enough. If he gets Teixeira, at least part will be having sold him on playing for the Yankees, as he's another guy who doesn't particularly want to be a Yankee. If he trades Melky for Cameron, even "throwing in" Kei Igawa, I don't know how you can't call that a slam-dunk. He traded Wilson Betemit for Nick Swisher. Is that not an instant win? If he signs Manny, Sheets or Pettitte, fine, there's nothing but money determining any of their landing spots. And so far, we still have all of our talent in house. Whether you accept guys as having future potential or not, we still haven't given up anything of value, yet we've improved the team significantly. I understand people hate Cashman, but does he ever get credit for anything? I mean, this team has been playing in October for a long time now, this year excluded. Did he have absolutely nothing to do with that?
I'm not sure he wants to go to Boston either. I think if he had his way he would stay in LA where he rented a beach house last year but it seems his wife wants to be back east.
I doubt that highly. He wants to be on the east coast. Somewhere. Anywhere. But he wants to piss in the Atlantic when he goes into his backyard in the morning, of that I'm certain.
What story is that? I have never once heard him say he wants to play for any particular team. Do you mean wanting to play on the east coast? No, I don't buy it. Like I said, I read where he absolutely loved living on the beach in California last year but that his wife wanted to be near her family back on the east coast. That I believe.
I never trust your news reading, so I'd have to read that article you cite. I have read, though, that he'd prefer to play closer to home. Boras has said as much a few times. There's a reference to it somewhere in this thread. That's what I meant. I don't doubt that he would play in Anaheim. But money being equal, there are too many undenied stories that suggest he'd prefer to play in the east.
Trust this and this isn't even where I read it, it's a fuckin Boston rag no less. "Anaheim provides Teixeira with familiarity, since he spent the final two months of the regular season there, having been dealt to the Angels by the Atlanta Braves the week of the trading deadline. That gave Teixeira time to get comfortable with the facility, teammates, organization and manager Mike Scioscia. If he returns, there will be no orientation period necessary and few adjustments necessary. This is a significant edge for the Angels, since Teixeira already knows what to expect and routine is critical to most players. Southern California also affords Teixeira a superior lifestyle choice. After being traded to Anaheim, he rented a house in Laguna Beach, with its short commute to the ballpark, and reportedly enjoyed the experience, though Angels sources worry that the first baseman’s wife, Georgia, prefers to live on the East Coast."
That's McAdam. As reliable as they come. He doesn't go out of a limb very often. Solid, though. But, as usual, you extend a news report a bit further than it actually goes. If that one isn't it, then the actual article would be more helpful, because I don't know how that one supports your point. Yes, he is familiar with Anaheim. Yes, he problem enjoyed living on Laguna Beach. Who the hell wouldn't?!
That's not where I read it, didn't I say that? What I read said what I said it said. This came up when I googled it. It's a pretty good paraphrase. Obviously, more than one person seems to be thinking along the same lines. On case you have forgotten so quickly I will tell you again. I said he loved living on the beach in California and his wife wanted to be back on the east coast. What part of that is embellished here?
First, I doubt there was anything more than what McAdam wrote in that article there. A writer surmising that a player renting a house on Laguna Beach might have enjoyed it. Have you ever been to Laguna Beach? Fuhcryinoutloud, that's like saying, "Reports suggest that he liked sunshine and and boobs." Duh. Conversely, any wonder why it's suggested that his wife might want to move east? Every other story suggests that he'd prefer to migrate eastward, and his agent made a veiled reference to that very thing. You toss something from out of the blue that he "absolutely loved" living on the beach in California. That's extending it to something no one ever said. Least of all, his agent. Who DOES, by the by, live on the beach in California, and probably does absolutely love it.
I wasn't sure if these had been posted elsewhere or not. Didn't see them. New photos of new Yankee Stadium.
Why do you feel the need to exaggerate, then extrapolate from your exaggerations to reach the most negative conclusions possible? I'm seriously asking here. What Cashman and Girardi have both said is that there are not planning on having Hughes in the rotation this year, and that if he does get there, it's because he's earned the spot. In other words, it won't be like last year, where he pretty much had a rotation spot handed to him in February. This is not a proclamation that Hughes will be banished to the minors for the entire season due to the fact that they have no confidence in him or anything other implication you've been trying to milk out of their statements... and I'm hard pressed to see how can reach these conclusions.