With no offer from the Giants? That'd be craziness. Even if Sabathia goes somewhere else (which I don't see happening), Sabathia's agent would never get another client if he gave the Yankees a reason to back out before getting a concrete offer from someone else. ETA: This is the Yanks' third meeting with Sabathia in three days. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. GM's can't force meetings with players if things aren't going their way. It's usually that players ask to meet with GMs to hash out a few (non-contractual) issues or get some questions answered.
If Cashman flew to CC's home to meet with his wife, that's a very good sign. Come on Cash, get it done!
Let post #688 mark the point where Don's meltdown really takes off. . . . . unless he's taking the day off, of course.
just word of mouth NO ink to paper. i think he is just taking it for the money. i think there was no west coast team bidding more than $100mil.the brewers offered what $105???? he pitched his heart out this past year just so he could get this money. i predict he is a bust with the yankees.
CC 7 years 160 million are you kidding me yankees????????????????? just spend away the guy didnt want to come. its like the slutty girl blowing a guy every day just so he would hang out with her. Baseball Sluts!!!
LOL the Yankees had to increase the offer to $160 million when their offer was $40 million more than the next closest offer.
I learned to not care about payrolls anymore but it is funny that CC played them to increase their offer by $20 mil. Having a bidding war with yourself is pretty funny if you aren't the fan of the team
That's a lot of years, but whatever. Two legit Cy Young candidates in the front of the rotation. Now get Sheets and make it a trifecta. That puts Joba in at 4, unless of course Cashman makes magic and also gets either Lowe or Burnett in. If not, then Andy is back to be the 5th starter. Cashman should make a move for Teixeira right now.
That's amusing coming from a Mets fan. You know, that team that outbid themselves for Johan Santana, and then went on to outbid themselves to replace a closer who couldn't finish out his contract with one who is losing velocity. ETA: Yup, paying a guy more because there is serious condsideration being paid to other teams by that player is so much worse than paying a guy more who has low demand. Only in Flushing boys, only in Flushing.
The closer deal was still pretty small for the best closer on the market and less than half of what he wanted initially. And Santana is also much better than Sabathia and we didn't randomly add 20 million to an offer when you already have everyone outbid very badly. It looks like Sabathia played them like puppets for more money.
Let me break it down for you: 160-200 innings of top-notch pitching > 70 innings of top-notch pitching Every time. ETA: As for Sabathia, they added a year, yeah... but they lowered the AAV.