My title is worn as a badge of honor. Just look at who does the voting around here. To look at it any other way would be as stupid. Besides, it has nothing at all to do with knowledge, it has to do with opinion as every other pointless thing on this board does. I choose to disagree and the itsy bitsy babies just can't take it.
How about Hughes so far this pre-season? Although there is no spot for him, he is making a case to plug him into the rotation. 7.2 IP 3 H 2 R 3 BB 8 SO
It appears the Yankees are trying to find somebody to play 3rd base other than the scrubs they have penciled in now. (the link to the full article won't open for me)
The Yankees have already denied any interest in Teahan. All that article is doing is taking a bit of rumor and trying to pass it off as actual news
I'll predict right now that unless ARod shows a terrible setback a couple weeks from now, or some team basically throws a Gold Glove 3B in their lap for low-level prospects, the Yankees will not bring in someone to play third. The time frame for his recovery is short enough that it doesn't make sense. As someone said (might have been Giambi) the other day, the Yankees' pitching situation makes it a lot easier to weather any time missed by Alex. So they'll only be winning games 2-1, rather than 9-6. I'm okay with that.
FYI, I don't know about anyone else, but I try to watch pre-season games when I can. (I've actually even been on's gamecast for all the day games this year. Damn, I really miss TGG during the day...) Anyway, Joba on the mound tonight against Cincinatti on YES @ 7:15pm.
I'm totally uninterested in the WBC. The Olympics are good for the same purpose. And I'll take the Yankees with a depleted roster over the Netherlands any day.
I'll be interested in seeing Joba tonight. I think it's his third start and his first two have been atrocious. Gardenhire said a few days ago that the Yankees can win without Arod but they have to pitch to do it. That means all of them.
You mean 2-1 rather than 9-1 right? The pitching is the constant in this hypothetical, A-Rod is the variable. Artie (from Howard Stern Show) may actually be right. Losing A-Rod for 6-8 may actually be a good thing so the media won't F with the teams' psyche early on.
Not quite. He was saying that the pitching has improved over last year, so opponents will be more likely to score one run instead of six, but losing A-Rod takes makes it more likely that the Yankee offense will score two runs instead of nine.* Incidentally, here's the direct quote from Giambi: "They went out and they got great pitching. It's a lot easier to win every night, 2-1, than it is, 10-8. They made great moves to help themselves on the mound. They should be able to hold on until A-Rod gets back." * - I am not vouching for the accuracy of Giambi's numbers here. Frankly, I'm surprised Jason could count as high as ten.
Heh, I won't vouch for the numbers either, but the point remains, and is totally valid. The way the Yankees shored up the pitching makes them a lot more capable of weathering the non-ARod storm than had they not had the pitching and grabbed, say, Manny, were he still available. Adding Teixiera doesn't hurt either.