If only those investigative reporters could put the same amount of effort into finding out who leaked A-Rod's name and/or who the other 103 players on the list were.
I don't think he was hiding. Pretty easy to find. What is funny is Selig's people saying they want to meet with him and find out who the cousin is. You would think they would read the papers for once.
Heh, there's no profit in finding out who leaked the info. And there are probably few names as big as ARod's on that list. That list is probably being closely guarded at this point. I'm actually quite surprised ARod hasn't filed a suit yet. I guess he's been advised not to make this any worse by fighting. Anyway, I can't wait for games to start. Let's go Yanks!
According to that Mets drug dealer whose name I forget at the moment it was 4 players who ratted Arod out and he says he pretty much knows who they are. How he knows or how they would know is a mystery. I actually found an encapsulated version of it but there was a much bigger article at the time. http://weblogs.newsday.com/sports/watchdog/blog/2009/02/kirk_radomski_sees_much_more_s.html
You're 100% right. This is going to go WORSE than imagined...And we haven't even played 1 Spring Traning game yet! What a MO-RON.
ANOTHER LIE FROM ALEX FRAUDRIGUEZ http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3920425 What else ya got bro?
^ I feel strange saying this, but I'd cut him a little slack on the part about buying the stuff over the counter in the Dominican. It may not have been legal to sell it over the counter, but in yesterday's Daily News story, the reporter in D.R. went out and bought steroids and testosterone over the counter in four of five pharmacies that he visited. None of them carried Primobolan, though. Still, it wouldn't shock me if the guy did buy it OTC. The rest of the story still stacks up as pure crap, so that part I can brush right off.
You should wipe the drool from your chin. I don't really see it being that different for him, honestly. He's been booed mercilessly everywhere he's gone and performed just fine. It can't be that much worse.
You may want to cut him some slack, but with each bit of news that comes out, he seems more and more like a lying, cheating piece of crud... http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3921929
That's the problem with the media.... as far as I'm concerned he got caught, he fessed up let him get on with his life. Unfortunately there are people that want to destroy this guy because of jealousy. I hate the Yankees and everything they do and a large percentage of thier spoiled brat fans but I don't have anything personal about any player on that team. Let the guy play baseball and get on with his life. As far as Bud suspending him that is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. Bud and his boys allowed this to happen and the union was tipping guys off on when hey were going to be tested. I wonder who gave them that info. If anybody needs to be brought down over this it's Selig. Instead that asswipe will continue to collect his 18 million and further soil our game.
He'd be suspended for working with someone banned by the MLB, not for the drugs. He lied. Alot. His press conference was full of bullshit. He is a fool if he thought he could get away with saying just, "his cousin". He KNOWS how the press is, being a Yankee. If he had come clean, 100%, he'd be alright. But he decided to lie. He looked right at us and lied. Fuck him. I hope he goes down.
I just saw on the bottom line that apparently Arod was paling around with this guy as recently as last fall. They are saying he went on the road with Arod and stayed in the hotel with Arod's cousin....... stay tuned.
Does it break your heart? Does it hurt to know he looked right at you (not really) and lied? Please. This is not your boyfriend lying about cheating on you. Stop with the emotional hyperbole.
Yeah, that's for sure. It might if he hits 19 HRs in April again too. The only difference being the ugliness won't be coming from the Yankee fans then.
Lol. He's a fucking cheater. He's a lying piece of crap. If this was Manny, you would all be on his case. Fuck AFraud.