This is kind of embarressing. The good news is with all this A-Rod nonsense it seems like no one even cares that half a billion dollars in payroll over the next 8 years just walked into camp and no one noticed.
Fat Francesa going on about throwing "cousin" under the bus. A-Rod exagerated Roberts 'breaking and entering" story.
if the media is going to hold AROD responsible, to have any semblance of intellectual honesty, the media should consider all players guilty of using steroids until they voluntarily release the results of their tests. players with nothing to hide would gladly do so, and those intent on covering up would not. but to single out Arod without any initiative in discovering the other 100 or so players is, ironically, a fraud.
Lol Francessa is an idiot, one guy just called up and said arod was 26 in 2001 so y was he changing his age in his speach which he was!! Francessa kept saying he was 26 in 03 and hes 32 now which is wrong hes 33 and turns 34 this year, but Francessa is an idiot, Arod was born July 27, 1975 get right Francessa its ur job.
Watching now ESPN. Why the big pause when it came to teammates? Did he want to cry on Jeter's shoulder? What was that???