1st Round - Quinton Coples

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by soxxx, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    For everyone thinking Vernon 2.0, please check out Rex comments in the press conference link. It's one of the last questions asked & he explains why that comparison is not valid here --> http://www.newyorkjets.com/photos-a...nference/99410e2f-e812-4f70-bf06-7369d6c66a9a

    Coples was slated to be drafted much earlier in quite a few mock drafts so this is good value.

    Rex has done the following:
    - Adjusted his defense to work around one of the top CB in NFL history.
    - Converted Maybin from bust to productive.
    - Although Vernon was not a good player, Rex inherited him when taking over. Vernon's last season he was getting pressure sometimes so he was a little productive.
    - Jets has been one of the better D in the league ever since he's become HC. Of course none of the above bullets mean Coples is guaranteed to kick ass but it should give fans some hope that this pick can indeed payoff.

    Rex is capable of bending/twisting defensive schemes to take advantage of where his talent lies. This defense has now has two young DE on the line and a young NT and all three of these lineman have high upside.

    Also, there's quite a few players supposed to be drafted last night currently on the board for day 2 of the draft. It's pretty easy to see scenarios where OLB/ OL still gets enough talent from this draft to be better than last season.
  2. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Thanks for the insight. Didn't watch him much while he was in college. Always good to get first hand interpretation.
  3. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    No, it means they're ignoring the O line because they do so every single year.

    Also, if they truly picked BPA they would've gone with DeCastro, he was the best player at his position maybe in the whole draft.

    They may have spent more picks on offense since Rex has arrived but thats very heavily weighted towards the lower rounds and these players haven't had an impact so that doesn't matter to me.
  4. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The Jets had 3 former 1st round picks on the o-line for a few years recently. How do they ignore the o-line every single year? You're not being honest with this assessment.

    Did they fuck up last year by going with Hunter and not picking up a backup center when Turner went down? Sure they did. Did they fuck up the year they went with Clarke at G? Sure they did. The Jets have had one of the better o-lines in the league recently though.

    It's not accurate to say the Jets ignore o-line every year. Hell, they could still grab an o-lineman today!

    I was hoping for them to call DeCastro there, but most people had Coples ranked as a better player than him overall even if DeCastro was the highest ranked Guard.

    The used a first, second and a few players to get Sanchez. They traded up to get Greene. That's a lot of resources spent on offense. They've also found a starting guard in Slauson, a starting FB in Connor, and a nice starting slot receiver in Kerley. Hopefully McKnight can become our 3rd down RB. I also wouldn't rule out Ducasse (2nd round pick) becoming a starter this year. It's his first year with a full NFL offseason.
  5. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Had time to digest this and by my estimation both KC and Seattle took much bigger gambles than us. Rex was very smart in his press conference, he compared him to Ellis and Pryce, but that was more accurate for Big Mo. When you look at this kid at his best you see Seymour and Mario Williams. That's why they took him. Our D Line is HUGE. Add Ropati into the mix and Ellis and we have the biggest in the league with some high picks. Let's hope it works.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Gotta agree with Nagle here on the quality and quantity of D v O since Rex got here. It's hard to give Rex and the FO too much credit for going Qb in the 09 draft, since with Favre gone it was going to be Clemens, some trade or washed up vet Qb from FA, or a high pick to Qb - in short, most any coach would have voted to go high pick for Qb.

    Since then, we've seen three first rounders in a row go to D.

    I don't have much to say about the Coples pick itself. Sounds like opinions are mixed. But ftr I am not a fan of exclusively going BPA, and even a BPA approach here seems questionable to some. I have to wonder, three years from now, who will have done better, Coples or DeCastro.

    Of course the problem with BPA as everyone knows is if you have holes on your team, how are you gonna fill them? I still think the OL needs attention, I still don't like Keller as the starting TE in a ground and pound, I still don't think the Jets can use Green as a workhorse, and i have no idea who will be the starting #2 wideout on opening day. In addition, failure to go OG in this off season will essentially require the Jets to get one next year, not to mention 2013 needs at probably at least two LB positions, perhaps even three. Safety?

    I just didn't see DL as a pressing need on the Jets.
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Hopefully that huge wingspan of his can help take away some of the passing lanes in the middle of the field where we've been getting ass raped.
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Lots of room for debate on draft picks. I love OL men but I believe the Jets brass have no confidence in our QB position. There is a rational that putting a pass rush in front of Revis, Cro and Wilson will pay bigger dividends than putting weapons around a QB who can't hit the side of a barn anyway.

    I'm not that cynical to believe that, I simply believe that Couples was the No. 1 player on our board when we picked. Since we actually have need for pass rush, safety, OL and WR taking Couples simply because he is at the top of your board makes sense.

    Since we weren't getting Luck, or RG3, I can see the argument for putting our eggs on the defensive side and trying to build an elit unit. Without a top QB we aren't going to build an O that puts us over the top.
  9. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The draft isn't over. We could still come away with one of these guys today.

    Jonathan Martin
    Mike Adams
    Jeff Allen
    Mitchell Schwartz

    Cordy Glenn
    Kelechi Osemele
    Amini Silatolu
    Brandon Brooks

    Peter Konz
  10. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    i wouldn't disagree with that, but i just see ingram as a more fluid athlete and surer thing than coples.

    bottom line, still would have preferred oline help as the first pick. ground & pound depends on top notch olines.
  11. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    The three former 1st round O lineman were PRE-Rex Ryan era players, so my point of Tannenbaum caving towards Rex's love for certain players is still valid. The Offensive line has no depth since the Rex era began and they gambled on their past successes way too much, it REALLY caught up to them last year and yet they go back to the same old shit again.

    They could still go O-line today sure, but If I'm a betting man they won't.. They already passed up a much better opportunity to improve the O line by getting DeCastro/Reiff.

    All of those players you mention (Besides Sanchez), Greene, Slauson, Connor, Kerley were drafted 3rd round or LOWER so its hard for me to say thats a lot of resources on the offense. Also just because they start for the Jets doesn't mean they are any good. 1st/ 2nd round draft picks in some of these positions would have been better players and these guys probably don't see the field - maybe the Jets don't have the problems they have today on offense.

    And don't get me started again with Ducasse please...
  12. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Maybe he is, only time will tell. Another red flag for ingram was that he was a one year wonder. He also doesn't have a true position in the NFL.

    I too was hoping for DeCastro with that 16 - but can definitely see why they went Coples. I can't complain about them going BPA - that's a great long term strategy if you're consistent with it.
  13. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    If you want to look at just 1st and 2nd round picks since Rex arrived it's 3 on each side of the ball. Yes, all 3 on defense were in the first round, but two of them were very late first round.
  14. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    I'm sorry but I'd MUCH rather take a chance on Coples than to have gone OL in the 1st. Especially with the way this draft was going.Coples wasn't my choice but I would have been pissed if we went with anything other than a pass rusher. With the exception of Irvin, we really had our 1st choice of who we wanted to take. Reiff is a good but not elite tackle. Decastro, while good, is a guard. Sorry, but I want somebody who has the potential to be special in the 1st. I want a skill position player. IMO, pass rush and safety help is a far bigger need than getting a guard. Besides, there are still guys on the board like Massey and Martin.We can still go O line and get a guy who produces just as well. That being said, I wouldnt go O-line in the 2nd either.
  15. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I'll defer on the OL till after the draft...I'll trust the coaches, but there is one simple truth being missed in this discussion.

    Tom Brady is the product of an amazing Short-Intermediate passing game. The road to the Super Bowl, starts with winning the division, and the only way to do that, is beat his ass. The more talent you put in the front 7, the closer you get to doing that....That's why Buffalo went all in Super Mario. But they still have the Amish Pea Shooter.

    Miami, and Buffalo are always going to be Miami and Buffalo...But Brady is getting older, and Beli is getting more stale. Long term planning counts. A young Nasty front 7, and an aging NE QB, is a good thing.

    I'd expect one more year of early Defensive front 7 picks.
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    See Above.

    These guys are looking at the evolving picture.
  17. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    thats what i said. you don't always see!
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Right now we have Wilk, Ellis, Coples. Ropati is young for his age. If they pan out, thats an amazing D-line to work with. Everyone before the draft was saying pass rush or OL thats all we want, we got a pass rush hopefully. There are still 6 more rounds for the Jets to get OL and we know Tanny will trade up, he always does
  19. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    No. Ingram or Jones was the way to go. The fatass loudmouth once again tries to prove he is smarter than everyone else. This is without a doubt Gholston redux. Ryan and Tannenbaum take another step towards the door.
  20. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Or the Jets could try to duplicate what the Pats were able to do and build a Short-Intermediate passing game themselves...

    Sure Sanchez will never be Brady - but he could be Ben Roethlisberger... I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility.

    the long-term focus should be less on just beating the Patriots, and more on making the Jets a better team. If we took off our Patriots glasses and just looked at the Jets for what they are, you'd want to make the Offense much better...

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