He also makes funny sounds. Douchewaffle called me up 2 weeks ago and instead of greeting me with a hello, he cuckooed at me. Fucking wierdo.
Thanks Fozzi, it's easy enough. I have to bring the beer anyway, so the cooler's no hassle. Just don't want to fuck about on a train with it when it's full - when I'm heading back later it won't matter as the cooler will be empty, the food will be eaten and I will be drunk.
Well, I was on the phone with someone and I told them I'd call them back....and when I switched over, all I got was a kukawww. It was mildly confusing.
Yes he does. I suspect that most at the tailgate will be, they just work really hard at making sure people on here don't find out.
I might be the meanest, cold-hearted son of a bitch you will ever meet. I will be wearing a Soxxxx nametag.
Is there any rule against bringing live poultry to the event? Somehow, the vision of us with chickens running around at our feet seems quite appropriate.
yeah I got the directions too...red dot..green dot wtf???????? guys, Elmhurst? ON purpose? serious??? what fucking hotel is even in elmhurst????? enjoy your stabbing and ass fuck. Should be awesome. Where is the fucking tailgate. Cant we just say" its in fucking lot blank? Is this a CIA operation?
MB is a bad traveler already, we don't need to tell him scary stories that might upset his tummy. Elmhurst isn't the neighborhood from Coming to America anymore.