I'm hoping pats-hater can call in a favor and ensure we have great weather for the tailgate and the game.
17a royaltee jetsbabe chrebet86 MBGreen - $$$ MiamiPuck BadgeronLSD KOZ Rockefella Bojanglesman- banana pudding, possibly Carolina BBQ pork (unhealthy southern food) UkilledKenny Scikotic SixFeetDeep Murrell Mantana Soss JetFanMack JonnyD----CASH TommyGreen MadBackerPrime Tony IgnatiusJReilly Theo Huxtable Hobbes Guinness Steve032 ScotlandJet-$$$, finest Scotch whiskey and a wee bit of Haggis Maynardsmyhero-uk - bringing a tray of brooklyn , a bottle of Woodford bourbon oh and about 40 marlboro. LoyalJetsFan- MBGreen approved wings so where is sunnygs and big country on this list? what about shadetree????
17a royaltee - HDTV, Poppers, some beers, Possible Wine/Liquor & Cowbell for puck jetsbabe chrebet86 MBGreen - $$$ MiamiPuck BadgeronLSD KOZ Rockefella Bojanglesman- banana pudding, possibly Carolina BBQ pork (unhealthy southern food) UkilledKenny Scikotic SixFeetDeep Murrell Mantana Soss JetFanMack JonnyD----CASH TommyGreen MadBackerPrime Tony IgnatiusJReilly Theo Huxtable Hobbes Guinness Steve032 ScotlandJet-$$$, finest Scotch whiskey and a wee bit of Haggis Maynardsmyhero-uk - bringing a tray of brooklyn , a bottle of Woodford bourbon oh and about 40 marlboro. LoyalJetsFan- MBGreen approved wings
This looks like and sounds like it should be a HBO doc in the future!!!! Can't wait my fellow drunks!!
I'm going as Art Flato. By the way, this "count" that we have going doesn't take into account the "extras" we'll have in tow, such as brothers, children, wives, mistresses, etc, so the potential for this to be a VERY large group is certainly there.