17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Little weasel Woody show up at your front door demanding payments for PSLs.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    (PART 2)

    You have a hand to play... use it! When I went from 8 back down to 4, I was able to convince them that keeping me in the stadium with 4 seats was better than losing me and having 8 empty seats.

    Don't forget, you are buying 8 tickets right now for all 10 games. If they lose you entirely, they have to re-sell all of the 8 PSLs. And there COULD BE some legality there about re-selling your PSLs at full price again to someone and keeping all that you put in. I'm not insinuating they are not legally entitled to do that, but from a business standpoint, do they really want people running around out there claiming they got screwed royally with the PSLs and that the Jets KEPT all their money and re-sold at a huge profit?

    I mean, does Woody really want that kind of negativety circulating the airwaves on NY talk radio stations? So wait until after the season and you will have a shot with this, particularly if the Jets do 8-8 or less and no P/Os again.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The other thing I find interesting about this week's news concerning the offering of the PSL seat tickets to PSLers without having to pay for the PSL is that here's yet another crack in the armor.

    First the UD upgrade fiasco with the computer seat access chart... a very good attempt at preventing the devastating slide of UD guys walking away. This didn't help very much however, so then they roll out the $50 BS with no preseason requirement.

    Okay, not bad, but still not stemming the tide of defections. Now Houston, we definitely must have a problem because there are apparently PSL seats available for purchase. Why? Well, the reason can only be that people are now walking away from the PSL commitments. This is the first indication of that.

    So now where does this go if the slide continues eve further? Next stop is not only offering these lower PSL-free tickets to PSLers, they'll be offering them to UDers as well... and then even the general public. And who knows? A $125 EZ DRip Line seat being offered for $95? Do I hear $85?

    I mean, think about what that will do to the guy sitting in that section who paid the PSL and is now buying the tickets at full face ($125) plus paying for Preseasons and here comes Joe Spimoni from Section 347 and he parks his ass in the seats next door at $95 with no PSL and no Preseasons.

    Hey, if Woody could do it before and not give a damn about what the other fans think who paid full price, he can do it again.
  5. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Dont forget guys I not only got the $50 tickets with no preseason I also got free parking use that against them too.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I forgot about the free parking.

    Something is seriously wrong with this picture. I have no idea how many STHers know how bad this is but eventually they are going to all know it and resent it greatly.

    Somebody can cherry-pick the games he wants to go to and not have to shell out full face for Preseasons and parking. He gets into the stadium, goes to the UD, and then moves down and sits next to the guy who paid $105 in Row 5 and paid for two useless practice games and also full price for parking.

    That business model is doomed. That is going to raise holy hell come renewal time. I can hear the phone conversations now:

    "Yeah, I'm calling to let you know I'm not going to take my 4 seats again in 335, Row 5."

    "How come sir?"

    "Because you're charging me full price and I'm buying 10 games and paying for parking and the guy next to me isn't."

    "Well, this is our pricing policy. If the seats aren't sold we reserve the right to discount them to get the stadium filled."

    "Okay, then I'll hold onto my 335 seats, but I don't want to pay for Preseasons and I also want free parking like the other people."

    "Well, we can't do that, sir."

    "Okay, well, don't send me an invoice because I'm not paying it. I'm going to buy the $50 seats to a couple of games and stay home and watch on TV for the rest of the games. Take care..."

    And now you have 4 more $50 seats to sell. And more, and more, and more, until 80% of the Upper Deck is empty and you have to try to fill it with thousands upon thousands of $50 seats.
    #15966 Section 227. Row 5, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  7. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    With any luck they will be $25 seats if this happens. The Woody plan failing miserably like the Rex Ryan and Mike Tannenbaum plan.
  8. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    So I should push hard now or wait till end of season??
  9. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    I just called....I have have to dig through emails but all conversations were through the reps over the phone so for legal matters what would I use? This is now 3 years ago......

    Thoughts?? I will have a supervisor call me back they said. But they keep telling me they will not move over payments to 4 psl and will not take 4 back I must sell on my own.

    I will not default and wast 10k I would rather get what I can get for 4 psl and keep row 7

    Unless they can pull up phone calls I cant see how I can prove that they would not move my row 20 to row 7 and he made me buy them. yes he did but its just my word.
    #15969 Jerseyboyisback, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  10. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    Representations of Licensee. Licensee represents, warrants and agrees as
    (a) Licensee has read and understands the terms of this PSL Agreement;
    (b) Licensee is not acquiring this PSL as an investment and has no
    expectation of profit as the licensee of this PSL;
    (c) Licensee is acquiring this PSL for its own use and not with a view to
    the distribution or resale of this PSL or any tickets acquired pursuant to this
    (d) Licensee is acquiring this PSL solely for the right to purchase tickets
    to Jets Home Games played in the Stadium;

    (e) Licensee acknowledges that acquiring this PSL does not give
    Licensee any ownership, voting or other equity interest in the Stadium, the Jets
    or JSD;
    (f) Licensee acknowledges that this PSL may be transferred only in
    accordance with this PSL Agreement and the Transfer Procedures and that
    PSLs are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances;
    (g) Licensee acknowledges that, although this PSL is transferable subject
    to the provisions of this PSL Agreement and the Transfer Procedures, JSD has
    not represented and does not guarantee that there is or ever will be a market
    for the resale of this PSL; and
    (h) in accepting this PSL Agreement and agreeing to its terms and
    conditions, Licensee has not relied on any representations, warranties, or other
    statements of any kind made by or on behalf of JSD, the Jets, or any of their
    respective members, owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives or
    affiliates, except as expressly stated in this PSL Agreement.

    D is my best bet! Now that they are selling psl seats with out a psl owner why would someone buy more psl than needed if they are now selling psl with no PSL........
    #15970 Jerseyboyisback, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  11. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    9. Default.
    (a) Without limiting any of JSD’s rights under this PSL Agreement, if
    Licensee fails to pay when due any amounts to be paid by Licensee pursuant to
    this PSL Agreement (including, without limitation, any Installment of the PSL
    Fee), otherwise defaults in the performance or observation of its duties and
    obligations under this PSL Agreement (including, without limitation, any
    violation of Section 8(a) above and any failure to purchase the tickets required
    to be purchased hereunder by deadlines JSD may establish from time to time),
    JSD may take one or more of the following actions without prior notice to
    Licensee (except for the notice required solely under clause (ii)):
    (i) unless and until Licensee cures the failure or default, withhold
    from distribution to Licensee and sell to others any tickets that Licensee
    otherwise would have the right to purchase under this PSL Agreement, and
    retain all proceeds therefrom (without refund, credit, or other obligation to
    Licensee), and/or
    (ii) terminate the rights of Licensee under this PSL Agreement (A)
    immediately upon written notice to Licensee, if the failure or default is not
    capable of being cured (e.g., a breach of Section 8(a)) or if the failure or default
    represents a repeated failure or default, or (B) ten (10) days after giving notice
    to Licensee, if such failure or default is capable of being cured and Licensee fails
    to cure within such ten (10) day period.
    Upon termination pursuant to this Section 9, (w) Licensee will forfeit all
    monies previously paid to JSD hereunder, (x) Licensee will forfeit the PSL for
    the current (or upcoming) NFL season and all NFL seasons that follow, (y) JSD
    and its affiliates will have no further liability or obligation to Licensee, and (z)
    Licensee’s obligation to pay the outstanding balance of the PSL Fee, if any, shall
    be accelerated, making the full outstanding balance immediately due and
    payable. JSD thereafter will have the right, but not the obligation, to relicense
    the forfeited PSL. Any amounts JSD receives from such relicensing shall not
    reduce Licensee’s obligations to JSD or entitle Licensee to reimbursement or
    recovery of any amounts paid under this PSL Agreement.
    (b) The foregoing remedies shall not be to the exclusion of any other
    right or remedy set forth in this PSL Agreement or otherwise available to JSD in
    law or in equity. Licensee shall be responsible for all attorneys’ fees and costs
    incurred by JSD in the enforcement of this PSL Agreement. LICENSEE HEREBY
    (c) Any waiver of any of the provisions of this PSL Agreement shall be
    effective only if set forth in a writing signed by the party to be charged. No
    waiver by JSD of any default or breach by Licensee of its obligations under this
    PSL Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver or release of any subsequent
    or other default or breach by Licensee under this PSL Agreement, and no failure
    or delay by JSD in the exercise of any right or remedy provided for in this PSL
    Agreement shall be construed as a forfeiture or waiver thereof or of any other
    right or remedy available to JSD.
    10. Disclaimer of Liability; Indemnification.
    (a) None of JSD, the Jets or New Meadowlands Stadium Company, LLC
    (“NMSCO”), or their respective members, officers, owners, managers, directors,
    employees or agents, shall be liable or responsible for any loss, damage or
    injury to any person or to any property of Licensee or its guests in or upon the
    Stadium, its parking areas or elsewhere resulting from any cause whatsoever,
    including, but not limited to theft and vandalism, except to the extent due to the
    gross negligence or the willful misconduct of JSD, the Jets or NMSCO.
    (b) Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless JSD, the Jets and NMSCO,
    and their respective officers, owners, managers, directors, employees and
    agents, from and against any liability, losses, damages, claims, demands, costs
    and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses (including in
    any action between Licensee and any such indemnitee), arising out of or
    related to any personal injury or property damage (other than ordinary wear
    and tear) occurring in or upon the Stadium or elsewhere in connection with
    Licensee’s or its guests’ (as defined in Section 8(a)) negligent use or occupancy
    of the Seats or Stadium premises, or any misrepresentation under or breach of
    the provisions of this PSL Agreement or breach of any applicable laws, rules,
    regulations or orders.
    11. Miscellaneous.
    (a) All notices or other communications under this PSL Agreement shall
    be in writing and shall be considered given when delivered personally or sent
    by e-mail (with a copy by any other means for notice permitted by this Section
    11(a)), one day after being sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier, or
    three days after being mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
    address or e-mail address for the receiving party set forth in the Confirmation
    (or to such other address or e-mail address as the receiving party may have
    specified by notice to the other).
    (b) Except pursuant to Section 5 above, Licensee may not sell, assign,
    sublicense, pledge or otherwise transfer or encumber this PSL Agreement or
    any of its rights hereunder without JSD’s prior written consent, which JSD may
    grant or withhold in its sole discretion. Any attempted sale, assignment,
    sublicense, pledge, transfer or encumbrance in violation of the foregoing shall
    be void and of no effect.
    (c) JSD may sell, assign, pledge or otherwise transfer or encumber (each,
    a “transfer,” for purposes of this paragraph) this PSL Agreement and any or all
    of its rights and obligations hereunder to any other entity, including, but not
    limited to, any source of or guarantor or insurer of financing or any trustee,
    collateral agent or other entity appointed in connection with such financing
    (each, an “Assignee”), whether by security agreement, collateral assignment,
    transfer or otherwise; provided, however, that such transfer shall not relieve JSD of its obligations under this PSL Agreement except to the extent any such
    Assignee assumes in writing JSD’s obligations under this PSL Agreement. Upon
    reasonable prior notice from JSD, Licensee shall make any payments due
    hereunder to such Assignee and shall execute and deliver any documents that
    JSD or any Assignee may reasonably request to acknowledge and confirm that
    upon any such transfer, this PSL Agreement will remain in full force and effect,
    will continue to be a legal, valid and binding obligation of Licensee enforceable
    in accordance with its terms (subject to applicable bankruptcy or insolvency
    laws and general principles of equity), and that neither Licensee, nor to
    Licensee’s knowledge, JSD is in material breach or violation of this PSL
    (d) This PSL Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
    with the laws of the State of New Jersey applicable to agreements made and to
    be performed entirely in New Jersey. Any action to resolve any dispute arising
    out of or relating to this PSL Agreement shall be resolved exclusively in state or
    federal court located within the State of New Jersey. Each of Licensee and JSD
    consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over it by such courts and
    irrevocably waive any defense in such an action based on a lack of personal
    jurisdiction or forum non conveniens.
    (e) This PSL Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties
    with respect to the matters provided for herein, and supersedes any written or
    oral agreement, instrument, application, promotional material, brochure,
    website information, or other representation previously made, distributed or
    entered by or on behalf of them or their respective affiliates with respect to
    amendment or modification to this PSL Agreement shall be effective unless the
    amendment or modification is in writing and signed by both JSD and Licensee.
    (f) This PSL Agreement, and all of its terms and provisions, shall inure
    to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their heirs, executors,
    administrators, personal representatives, and permitted successors and
    permitted assigns.
    (g) This PSL Agreement and the rights and interests of Licensee
    hereunder shall be subordinate and subject to (i) the Stadium Project Ground
    Lease and Development Agreement, dated as of December 21, 2006, by and
    between New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority and NMSCO (the “Ground
    Lease”), and (ii) the Sublease Agreement, dated of as of August 16, 2007, by and
    between New Meadowlands Stadium Company, LLC and JSD (the “Stadium
    Lease”), as either may be amended, restated, modified, supplemented, extended
    or assigned from time to time, and any and all amendments thereto. Upon the
    expiration or termination of the Ground Lease or the Stadium Lease for any
    reason, this PSL Agreement shall terminate as of such date.
    (h) The maximum liability of JSD to Licensee under any theory of law,
    including contract or tort, for a breach by JSD under this PSL Agreement shall
    not exceed the amount of the PSL Fee paid by Licensee.
    (i) Time is of the essence with respect to the performance by Licensee
    of its obligations under this PSL Agreement.
    (j) If Licensee is a partnership or other corporate entity, as opposed to a
    natural person, communications and/or notices from Licensee hereunder shall
    not be effective unless signed by the individual signing this PSL Agreement on
    Licensee’s behalf, which individual shall be Licensee’s expressly designated
    agent for such communications and for receiving all tickets and other deliveries
    for Licensee hereunder.

    If you wanted to do some lite reading
  12. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    You need to tell them you have a financial hardship and can no longer afford the 8 PSLs and the tickets. Mention to them all the deals they have been making with other people. Force them to trade you dont take no for answer demand you speak to a supervisor and ask them if this is the thanks you get for supporting the team?

    They want to strong arm you its what they are trained to do. They get paid on commision.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    9 (a) (ii) bothers me:

    "Upon termination pursuant to this Section 9, (w) Licensee will forfeit all
    monies previously paid to JSD hereunder, (x) Licensee will forfeit the PSL for
    the current (or upcoming) NFL season and all NFL seasons that follow, (y) JSD
    and its affiliates will have no further liability or obligation to Licensee, and (z)
    Licensee’s obligation to pay the outstanding balance of the PSL Fee, if any, shall be accelerated, making the full outstanding balance immediately due and
    payable. JSD thereafter will have the right, but not the obligation, to relicense
    the forfeited PSL. Any amounts JSD receives from such relicensing shall not
    reduce Licensee’s obligations to JSD or entitle Licensee to reimbursement or
    recovery of any amounts paid under this PSL Agreement

    And 9 (b) is equally troubling:

    "The foregoing remedies shall not be to the exclusion of any other
    right or remedy set forth in this PSL Agreement or otherwise available to JSD in
    law or in equity. Licensee shall be responsible for all attorneys’ fees and costs
    incurred by JSD in the enforcement of this PSL Agreement

    And then there's (h), which all but eliminates the possiblity of claiming that one of their dirty, rotten, lying, scoundrel, snake in the grass "reps" misrepresented something either on the phone or in an email:

    "in accepting this PSL Agreement and agreeing to its terms and
    conditions, Licensee has not relied on any representations, warranties, or other
    statements of any kind made by or on behalf of JSD, the Jets, or any of their
    respective members, owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives or
    affiliates, except as expressly stated in this PSL Agreement

    So it's just as I thought. They had their legal department do this up right. I thank you for posting this because it's the first time we've ever seen the language. I believe many PSL guys who have come on this board over the many years were either too squeamish to post this or perhap[s never even read it in its entirety. But is certainly does seem to cover the bases for them, as I thought it would, and now if somebody wants to play hardball with them they can crush your nuts in a vice.

    So now it's back to softball, as 31 suggests. Lay down and beg for mercy. Use the tactic that you don't want to have to forfeit and leave them holding the bag on the 8 PSLs. Beg them to go along with giving you 4 instead of 8 and either consolodate into another section altogether or get rid of Row 20 for you.

    But I thought you had read my post about waiting, becasue I certainly do NOT think that the timing is right now and you do NOT have very much leverage at 3-4. At 6-10 in January (if God Forbid), then you call them back and reopen the issue. By then, the Chicken Little Scenario will be in full swing in the ticket office once again, and the corporate policy will be to salvage as many suckers as possible, even if it means giving in to guys like yourself. Right now they don't have to do that, so they won't. Therefore, I believe you are wasting your time if you're trying to resolve this right now.
  14. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    Yea true I just wanted to start getting the ball rolling. I will talk to a supervisor tomorrow and Im going to see if they keep up the psl ticket sales for psl owners to buy any psl seat not sold for the cards and chargers game if so im going to be pissed as fuck and go ape shit!!

    I still think my best bet is to try and sell 4 even at a loss.

    Im going to ask them what are all my options:
    1)Can i split my account into 2 accounts putting 4 seats on different accounts so I can sell 1 set and not have to pay off both sets to sell 4.

    2)Can i split and default on a set? meaning row 7 would cost 15k.

    3) Been out of work for a year and need to let go of 4 can I consolidate or upgrade or something.

    4) sell 4

    5) lawyer cause I have been played. Yellow parking passes for upper deck and now pls owners can buy more tickets with out the psl. BOTH things that were for PSL holders only and never to buy PSL seats with out a PSL. I would have only bought 4 than
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I like all of the above, especially #3 and #1 and #5 Yellow Parking and PSL Owners buying W/O PSL.

    Now again, think softball. And again, at the end of the season man. These pricks will give NOTHING when they think they have the advantage (a winning season) and will definitely CAVE when the "Musical Chairs Syndrome" strikes (if the Jets go less than .500).

    It is VERY IMPORTANT that you catch them on the downswing, just as it was VERY IMPORTANT that they catch YOU on the upswing, i.e., bringing in Rex Ryan who was going to take us to the SB and "kick everyone's ass" and the GQ El Guappo who was promoted as the next best thing to Who The Hell Knows What.

    Back off for now, buddy. Your opportunities will be better after Jan. And I personally wouldn't even think about calling them until Feb or March. That's when the total fucking panic sets in and they realize they've got to deal with guys like you.

    Pick your moments, man.
  16. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    It shouldnt matter when it is or what the Jets record is to deal with season ticket and PSL issues. The Jets should be compassionate to any and all fans needs. What happened to the customer is always right?

    You initially invested in something and now you cant afford it. You arent looking to walk away completely you are still a customer. Worse case they sell the tickets in single games like they are doing. How is that not a violation to other PSL holders who paid the additional price to sit in those seats meanwhile people sitting next to them only paid the admission price.

    There is something drastically wrong with this picture.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    There's been something wrong with this picture since the announcement of Giants Stadium being torn down.
  18. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Who's ready for the monsoon on Sunday?
  19. Jets31

    Jets31 Banned

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Two NFL teams raping the fans that supported them for all those dismal years Jets anyway. Sad state of affairs what transpired with the PSLs and tickets etc. I know many longtime fans who no longer have season tickets and many have owned them since Shea stadium. Its amazing how the new breed of PSLers seem to be bailing or wanting to bail when many hung in for years through some bad seasons and bad teams. Thank Woody for it all.
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Hope U caught Greeny on today's Mike & Mike show going off on Woody. If U missed it U would have loved it. For sure now even the younger fans are getting antsy. :sad:

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