17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I last week spoke with the Jets regarding my seats. I was offered an upgrade but basically to crap. I was told the Pepsi Corner area there isn't as much inventory. I told the girl I won't move to another area since this is most convenient for me. I basically ended the conversation by saying I know the Jets sell on stubhub and if they want to work with me they can if not I will get seats on their below face value without preseason.

    I've already begun looking on their and ebay for full season tickets and some are going below face value and in good locations. The one on stubhub are above face but I see blocks of 12 tickets in the upper deck. Who in the right mind buys 12 tickets up there?
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Are these asking prices? StubHub asking prices this time of year are quite a different story from what the actual selling price is a week before the game. Just trying to figure....

    I'd concentrate on the below face value seats in good locations. Those are always going to be owned by somebody owning a company who purchases the tix in the company name, knowing it's a write-off, and then selling them online to recoup cash in their own personal name. They're able to skim off cash that way and they're willing to take the company loss to enhance their own personal wealth.

    This is yet a very complicated explanation of how and why the more expensive seats get sold, only to be resold again on StubHub at a more reasonable (market adjusted) price.

    All the more reason to tell the Jets to go fuck themselves and you'll find your own seats on Stubhub, thank you.
  3. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    The stubhub asking prices are above face value but not much above face value. No way in hell would I buy them but point I'm making is the prices will definitely tank this year. Not as many exciting matchups and no playoffs last year. Also the stadium now isn't new anymore.

    I'd love to keep season tickets but only on my terms in seats I want. The big issue is I will only take aisle seats.
  4. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Are aisle seats a big issue for everyone? While it's nice to spin in and out of your seats quickly it's also a pain in the ass standing up for everyone else in your row. That's one part of being on the end that's annoying as hell. Some games it seems you hardly get five plays in a row without having to stand up to let someone else pass.

    I suppose it's about bladder control and how much food you buy once inside the place.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I feel your pain. I started just a few seasons before you and feel the same way. Aside from the sheer size and height of the stadium which makes most of the upper level a poor viewing seat, the biggest disappointment and really biggest disgrace of all was the ingress/egress planning. 1/3 of the stadium faces an area where no one enters or parks, yet the stadium was designed symmetrical. (Anyone here ever use Bud Light escalators? Do they have them?) This over-burdens all other entranceways and gates. There are half the number of escalators needed, and because they are over-stressed the access-ways surrounding them on the first two levels are dangerously insufficient.

    Of the three new NY outdoor stadiums built recently, this one (the tallest one) is the only one with NO ELEVATORS for its upper deck seats. Yankee Stadium is awesome in that regard. Citi is good but the elevators need to be sought-out. They have them though.

    This place was designed in an office somewhere where they had no idea where it would be plopped-down. In fact, I'd bet whoever planned it expected it to be smack-dab in the center of our parking lots. (If he flies in from the midwest to visit he'd think "oh wow, I wouldn't have done it this way had I known it would be HERE") It's the only explanation for this mess. The only excuse for not having elevators is Jets and Giants owners not giving a rats-ass for those seating in the least expensive seats. It's more disgraceful for the Giants since those seats are also PSL seats. I wonder how a disabled person could get down quickly from up there... Anyone here know about ADA requirement rules? Shea Stadium was no picnic, but getting in and out was easier. Bathrooms were worse. That's it.

    So, getting back to your comments, I don't think the problems can be fixed. Since it's a shared stadium, it's twice as difficult to agree on and implement these major changes.

    Considering all I've written, now think back to all of the hype and smiling faces several years ago announcing such a modern facility that will be the class of the NFL. Makes you queasy, doesn't it?
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've had both and I'm still undecided. With any luck (and especially if you have a short row), the aisle is really convenient IF you don't have a bunch of drinkers in the middle. I've had that and you are constantly standing up to let them buy beer and then get rid of the beer... a real PITA. And some of them get so drunk they're bothering you during a kickoff or critical 3rd down or whatever. Come on man!

    I've also sat in the middle and I don't drink as much as I used to (drink in the parking lot but then cut myself off in the 1st Q for the drive home), so that was really nice not to have to get up and down all the time. I'm in the middle now and that's okay with me because I'm not running to the BR like I used to. There's pros and cons but it all depends on how your row is. A lot of the uppers are musical chairs from week to week, so yu never know.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Really good post and you've nailed it. I've often seen this with home construction, especially down on LBI where we spend a lot of time. Some builders use "cookie cutter" blueprints because they don't have to pay again to have a house plan redesigned. So they'll put up a house exactly like the one they put up two blocks away. Only trouble is, this lot is different from the other one and the decks that he put on the other house faced the ocean instead of the neighbor's bedroom. They build it identically anyway, and it's a ludicrous fit for the lot that it's on.

    Same must have happened with this stadium, as you so ably point out. It was definitely designed by someone who thought it would sit squarely in the middle of a parking area, surrounded by equal access.

    Even before I knew how spread out this monstosity would be, I questioned the wisdom of taking seats on the Home side for that very reason, so I took Visitor's side for better parking options.

    But yeah, the guy flies in from Des Moines and looks at the location of the stadium in relation to its surroundings and goes, "Shit... they never told me about this!"
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    My humble question is if the stadium sucks as badly as U guys outline why do U renew the tix?

    Has anybody gone on the NYG message board to determine if there STHers are also moaning/groaning about the stadium?
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Answer to #1: I don't know. Still on the fence.

    Answer to #2: Not that I know of. Don't forget that the Giants had a much longer wait list and also you've got the SB victories. Imagine if our Jets had a few more recent VLTs alongside the one from '69. I think it would be a different scenario entirely. I've always said that if this team is winning, I don't care if I have to sit in the bleachers at Rahway High School to watch them. The stadium amenities are immaterial to me.
  10. stuartfl

    stuartfl Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    +1 great post.
  11. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    No one in upper deck complains and think they had to pay a 1000 psl too!

    My dad has 2 in lower level and they cost him 5000 each for 146. He wish it was like the jets where he only had to pay 2500 but oh well.
  12. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I cannot speak for anyone elses message board but I personally know Giant fans who have tix and they ALSO hate the new place! If you think the view from up there blows just for Jet fans ,, heres a news flash it sucks up there if you are a Giant fan as well,,the silver lining for Jet fans is we do not have to pay a cockamammy PSL to sit there but hold tight that day will come for us also.
    Go buy yourself some Springsteen or Bon Jovi,, or Monster Truck tickets and sit up there,,,thats alot of fun too-----don't forget to bring your binochs :wink:

    ps I gave it a try for one year,,and walked away from season tix with no regrets. The Jet reps told unlimited lies to me and the views form the upper tier were horrendous and the steps downrite dangerous for my family--my decision was an easy one:grin: ---but thats me
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Of course it's a great post. It's classic Champ.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've been in the UD of the old stadium and that was fairly steep, but I won't take my family or grandkids into any of the rows in the new stadium beyond Row 10. If your 4-year old son or grandson trips coming down, he is headed straight for hell.

    What they did was make the 1st level very shallow. So shallow that you are screwed if you want to watch the action, because if someone stands, that's the end of your view. But at least it was covered in the old stadium. Not so with this one unless you are in the back and then you are way far away.

    The 2nd level is a better pitch, but a very expensive level, and again, without much cover, which the old stadium had.

    Now you get to the 3rd level. With the exception of the Prime areas, you are not only removed, but on a VERY steep pitch. Prime is still steep, but you can deal with it because it's only 4 rows. Beyond that, you take your life in your hands climbing at a 50-degree angle. Seriously, I'm surprised no one has fallen and started a class-action law suit.
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I've looked a little bit and they feel the views suck too but they don't have the issues we have. There were things the Jets handled better there were things the Giants handled better.

    Things the Jets handled better:
    1. No PSL in the upper deck. Good PR move saying they're saving 1/3 of their seats to be PSL (I will put the bad part of this in the next section.
    2. Picked new seats based on seniority. Seats may have been held back etc but the Jets still did go in seniority order when they made the phone calls.

    Things the Giants handled better:
    1. Put a PSL on every seat. They didn't do this BS caste system except closer parking for club seats but that never really offended anyone. The upper deck parking out in no mans land and doing this after people left deposits left a sour taste. Also saying you can't transfer your seats to family members. Lets be honest though the way the upper deck is going the Jets will gladly transfer it to your kids or grandkids after all. That or they can just mail in a check or pay by credit card and the Jets will never look at it.
    2. The phone calls the Jets made before the seat selections began were a terrible idea. There I was getting a phone call before the 2008 season stating that there was a good chance I wouldn't get seats in the uppers and I should start to save for a PSL. My response was then I won't be going to games anymore and well I got my upper deck tixx. I know a few people who said F U a price increase and a PSL in 2009 I'm done and left a year early.
    3. Trying to make the upper deck sound like a bad idea. The Jets put the idea in our heads about how bad the upper deck would be by using the lines about how the 5th row is the equivalent of the last row in the old stadium. They also took us to see our seats and said how bad the escalators would be and how how our seats were. So here I am already thinking I bought a shitty seat and should get out of there ASAP. If they didn't advertise the upper deck as crap a lot of us wouldn't have had those ideas in our heads. It's like selling someone a Ford Taurus and saying afterwards your Ford Taurus sucks buy a Cadillac. Problem is a lot of us didn't see the Cadillac as a necessity and since we were told our Ford Taurus sucks we decided to never buy one again.
  16. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I sat a couple seats off the aisle and now I'm on the aisle. The standing up is a pain in the ass. I also have some back issues so for me it's nice to be able to stretch my leg out when I want to. I don't leave my seats often but when the game ends I can just get up and leave and not have to climb over people.

    I also enjoyed making friends with people who walk past me to their seats by sitting on the aisle.
  17. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    This is just a hypothetical but I wanted to see everyone else's thoughts:

    If Peyton Manning came to the Jets would that increase or decrease your chance of renewing for next season?
  18. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    It will definitely stop people who are on the fence from leaving, that's why ,I feel the jets must explore it,,plus Manning if healthy is a no brainier to me. The cap hit and cost is another story',,,,,,,,,,this said I still cherry pick my games , they can call or e mail me I am still gone.
  19. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Probably decrease. I'd want to see it. But, if I don't renew I'll still be going to games anyway. I can see the Jets going through the motions at ticket renewal time just to spice up sales. Count on that.

    The idea of it scares the crap out of me though. They'd need to blow-up the team and the philosophy. I don't want this team to remain interested ONLY in tickets sales and headline grabs. Let's stay the course rather than roll the dice. Let's build a dominating defense. Getting Manning could really blow things to smithereens here if it doesn't work out. Let's face it though. With the Jets history, it's likely it wouldn't work out.

    But, let's leave a Manning discussion for other threads.
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes but taking what U posted into account why do U continue to moan & groan & still ne om the "fence" to reupping?

    Also why would U or any of the 4 or 5 others complainers who post here care if the UD is totally M/T since I do not think U or those other posters own any part of the NYJs. I would think if you so angry at what the NYJs did to U then you should be doing a jig thinking of all the money Woody is losing when the UD seats do not sell :sad:

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