17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Oh my. And he calls me "Uncle Angry." LMFAO...

    Somebody needs some serious anger management counselling.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    the same guy sat in front of me for the 1st time all year. and he buys a single ticket and seat 2 stays empty.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Yes it was a great day to be outside and watching a football game but there were empty seats-----lots of them :sad:

    I do not know if it is possible for the Jets to ever make this change ? The design of the place is so poor and as someone else said " I won't sit upstairs again " either. The team is in a playoff hunt on a great day weather wise and there are oceans of available seats in the Mezz and down stairs :sad:

    So much for anyone making a " healthy profit " on tickets :breakdance:

    17A maybe that guy sitting alone on front of you was the SHILL , I mean I can't imagine him having many friends :)

    Enjoy the playoff run all hopefully we win out and have some fun :beer:
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "the same guy sat in front of me for the 1st time all year. and he buys a single ticket and seat 2 stays empty."

    That's b/c he has no one.

    The fuckin' misfit doesn't even own tickets, just pretends he does as part of the shill gimmick. Disregard the MF and go about your business.
  5. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    My seats are in 346 and my friend has been twice with me but his father hadn't. They sat in 344 and his dad said "who designed this stupid shitbox stadium. It's the biggest piece of shit around." That was pretty much his words. Saying he couldn't figure out how the hell to get to the upper deck with the escalator set up and that his seats in row 27 in the old place were a hell of a lot better than row 15 where he sat.
  6. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I remember when I was waiting to get that phone call, you know when we all waited our turn due to senority and to listen to what our Jet rep had to say and what seats were available to us. I was like a kid on Xmas day waiting for that call as I am sure many of you felt the same way. I never could have imagined back then, feeling as I do now about the new place and the PROCESS that we went thru----- Wow that sure seems like a lifetime ago huh ? Thanks again for starting this thread 17A and everyone for their info , posts and stories :beer:
  7. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Here Here.

    When I think about all of the hours I spent preparing and thinking about the months leading up to that selection day - how many seats should I get? PSL for some of my account seats but not all? Staring at that 3D seat view web-thing, staring out the construction cam views to better judge each section, And, also straightening out the Jets mistake that my seniority went to '79, not '81 as they had listed me to be (Hardly mattered as it turned out) etc etc, and on the day they called, my surprise at what a measly choice I was offered. Man oh man, what a letdown.

    Actually the bigger letdown was once the games began. The experience of being inside the stadium sitting up there was far worse than I could have imagined - and THEN the rains came ; )

    We sit here and see many other beautifully designed stadiums, including Seattle last night - a stadium that looks cool, is open air yet spent money on some type of roof that looks like it shields a good percentage of its fans from rain. Our stadium was built to yield the absolute most money from suite revenue - and really nothing else mattered. We (the average excited die-hard fan) were taken for granted.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, that was in '09, right? I think my date was June 16th. I can even remember sitting next to the phone waiting for the call. I fugured I'd get something low row in the uppers. I wasn't expecting Prime but I figured there had to be 4 seats maybe like in Row 7 or 8.

    No dice. Row 16s in the corner... "best available" Manny said. He wound up becoming one of the managers... got promoted from Rep because of his lying skills. The guy was really good. Had me convinced everything else was gone. Little did I know they started holding back after a week or so... blocked off everything from 12 on down. Champ was the lucky one, he got in under the wire before somebody got the bright idea of giving the guys with seniority a real good shafting.

    The following year I was able to move down to Row 9 closer to the 50, and by last year, after threatening like hell, I was able to get my Primes. But it wasn't without a lot of bullshit. Left a real bad taste in my mouth. In fact, my wife had it... tells me to tell them to go to hell. She was real pissed. It was all I could do to convince her we've got to hang in there. That's when I called them up and gave them the ultimatum. move me or lose me. I figured fuck it, I'm leaving anyway, might as well shoot for the moon and see what happens. Took me all this time to get the original seats I should have gotten right from the fucking beginning if MAnny the fucking bullshit artist had been truthful and legit.
  9. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Scoreboards revisted

    Something I don't want to forget to mention that I observed while I was at the Giants/Packers game.

    After the very first Jets/Giants preseason game in 2010 - the first football game in the new stadium, I posted preliminary stadium disappointments, one of which was the vertical ads that striped the four big scoreboards taking away space that could be used for replays, etc. Well wouldn't you know, during Giants games they don't do that? They devote the entire width of the screens for field action other things you want to see. It's so much better. At first glance you're not sure why its better than it is during Jets games, then it occurs to you "oh yeah, no annoying red "Sharp" ads (or whatever) on each side.

    It looks great, and makes a difference, IMO. These scoreboards already have advertising across the top. Constant ads on three sides looks terrible and cluttered. (Citi Field is the worst offender) Obviously I know now that this is just a Jets move. If any of you get to Giants game you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Maybe this is why Giants fans don't complain about this place as much as we do. It's subliminal. :wink:
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I hate to say it, but it may be one one reason why people are staying home and watching on the big screen.

    I'm not saying they're noticing these little subliminal things, I'm saying they're noticing the big, fucking gargantious things. Like fucked up elevators. Like overpriced tickets. Like hassles getting in and getting out that Giants fans never fucking had in the old stadium.

    Drive in. Park. Tailgate. Go up the escalator to your seat. Depart the same way. Get out onto the TNPK in minutes. Case closed. They don't fucking have that now and they paid a fucking fortune (PSLs in the Uppers... Are you fucking kidding me?)
  11. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yeah, I remember getting ready for the call, reviewing all the data and 3D views. I was so happy to make the cut, remember we all thought that after 1984 you might not even make the Upper deck. That's funny. I settled for section 319, row 10 and was happy as hell. Turns out the seats sucked, corner end zone. If I did not get an upgrade, I was gone for good. I got to admit, I love my seats at the 30 yd. line, row 8 and considering the price of $105, I am very happy. I go to every game so I don't eat tickets and never bought them to do anything but go. Pre-season is where I usually eat one game. I don't see how anyone can sit above row 10 and not between the 20's now that I sit in Section 340. I would just give them up and buy indvidual seats. And slowly but surely, they will improve the appearance in preparation for the Super Bowl. Of course, without more escalators, its still a piece of shit to get to the Upper deck.
    #12871 sec314, Dec 14, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2011
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The Super Bowl here... this is going to get interesting. Yes, I think they will "spruce up" the place, but I'm not sure there is much they can do about the general layout.

    SB folks will arrive in droves from all over the country, expecting what they've experienced in some of the finest football stadiums in the country. Just fucking wait until the reviews come out. This will be a "one and done" for SBs. People will be bitching for months on end, writing negative feedback online for all the world to see.

    And that's the best it can be if the weather cooperates. It'll be downright fucking hilarious if we encounter a good blizzard or Nor'Easter that Sunday. Wind and rain blowing sideways into the stands... frozen parking lot with people freezing their asses off. Too fucking much... LMFAO...
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i hope its the shittiest weather ever for the super bowl.
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    imagine people leaving the super bowl early to beat the traffic? or the entire club seats behind the glass???? the 7 best sections behind the jets bench down under the stands watching on TV... ha ha
  15. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I was actually pissed when they were awarded the game - something I NEVER thought I would feel.

    I felt that way because the league rewarded Mara and Woody for building beautiful suites with a stadium built around the suites that falls far short of how it was promoted to be. They should have been penalized by never getting a SB since they couldn't dig up the cash for a retractable roof.

    Image the Jet-setters who attend every Superbowl climbing up to row 20 in a corner end zone, needing 45 minutes to get there. In February. Even the nicest February weather we could hope for. At night!

    Holy sh*t is that going to suck...
    #12875 LogeSection2RowJ, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2011
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Early February is probably the most brutal of all time periods. In fact, I can't think of a single week that would be better if you intentionally wanted to piss off as many people as possible who need to be outside for an extended period of time. There is no better week in northern NJ in which to teach people a lesson about how long it takes to catch fucking pneumonia, especially while drinking alcohol to intentionally lower their body temperatures.

    Given that the whole SB experience is just about an all-day affair for most of these attendees (most arrive early in the morning and party in the parking lot all day long, then attend the game, which doesn't fucking kick off until 8:35 or so. Good luck with that. Then they step into what is possibly the world's most gargantuous wind tunnel, complete with running, blowing, ice and water to add to the chill affect on top of the alcohol, and you've got the makings of some people who probably paid upwards of $5,000 per seat to contract the most vicious, life-threatening attack on their immune system known to man.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm laughing to myself just thinking about this SB. Who TF thinks this shit up?

    I guess it's the same people who tear down a perfectly good football-viewing stadium in order to build something with shittier football views and more inconveniences, even though they are charged with building a better football-viewing stadium with more conveniences.

    The whole thing has just been a surreal experience to watch and witness.
  18. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    you, my friend, are an imbecile
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i see you didnt leave... again...
  20. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    wow what a disappointment--it's like getting a toy on xmas day and no batteries :eek:fftopic:

    I thought the SHILL got banned :sad:

    is that just a temporay thing ? I was hoping once banned ,,,,,,banned forever :beer:

    to top it off the SHILL comes back after being banned and insults someone :sad:

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