17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    My first choice for seats was in that Alcohol Free section. I thought they would be good for the family and I since it was under cover and the PSL was reasonable. I went to check them out the year before the stadium opened. It was the Friday after Thanksgiving in 2009.

    It was a bitter, windy day. My wife and I were assigned seats on the aisle back up under cover. The view was ok, but I have to tell you, being under cover gave zero shelter from the wind. It seemed like the wind was blowing right through the stadium and being funneled into that area......it was cold.

    A friend with us was checking out his new seats in the Mezzanine club. We went to see his seats, and the minute we walked into the heated club, my wife was sold. The sales person told us he had a pair of seats in the Club Corner...they had just lowered the ticket prices and PSL. We went from 4 seats in the mezzanine B to a pair in the Club (We later added a third so our daughter could join us for all the games).

    Overall, those seats under cover are good to protect you from the rain and snow.....but I don't think will do anything to protect you from the wind. Also, the family section is only on the one side.....the other side of the stadium has the Bud Light corner.....I don't think it would do to have an alcohol free section adjacent to the Bud Light corner :smile:
  2. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    welcome over here, Goltsch....

    you'll find the gang over at this stadium forum interesting but not quite the same as the one at JI

    Let's just say that, other than a very few of them, you'll think that Traitor Jay and lorwood are huge supporters of the new place when compared with the gang here at the green
  3. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Thanks. By the way, the name is Ron. I have loitered here more than I have contributed over the last few years....but I love reading the posts of some of the folks here.

    I understand that I am in the minority here actually having the balls to like the new place. I understand some folks' distaste of the new building, as they were forced out of their long time good views. But this is the way of sports in the 21st century......better views cost more. It is interesting seeing all the different opinions some fans have.
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    goltsch, were you the guy who had purchased in the mezz but had a daughter or something that was disabled or couldnt take the cold or something like that? if i remember correctly you were a guy who made a decision based on your needs and were very understanding of the hate most have for the new stadium.

    if thats you, its scary that i remember that from well over a year ago and its amazing to see all the stories and opinions in this thread.
  5. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    No, that isn't me....my daughter is just fine. We did add a third seat so our daughter could go to the games with us..... I did have some medical issues back when I went on the tour, so that had influenced my decision on my seat choice. It wasn't the cold, but the hard seats, I missed the entire 2009 season because I couldn't sit in those seats for three hours. That was the worst autumn of my life. Maybe you are just mixing up my posts.

    I like to think I am understanding of those that dislike the new place. I went upstairs during my tour of the stadium and was struck by how similar it was to the old stadium. It is like they spent all their money on the first two levels. If I was a Giants fan and had to pay a PSL for up there, I'd really be annoyed.

    It is simply amazing to me that they can spend so much time and thought to create the first two levels and leave the third deck looking like they ran out of money to finish it.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I can't speak for other Upper Deckers, but for me, it's never been about the amenities. Ever. From Day One. Amenities don't impress me.

    So, in my case, I don't care if it looks like the old Giants Stadium up there and if it looks like they ran out of money. I don't care about that. Austerity doesn't bother me as long as I have a good seat with good sightlines.

    What they DID fuck up was the closeness to the field. The place seats roughly the same amount of asses at the old one did, but they succeeded in giving everyone (even many lower deckers) a shittier view. This was done to accomodate their cockamamie "lounges" and other useless nonsense.

    But this is just MY opinion and again, I don't profess to speak for anyone else. They didn't mess up when they made the Upper Deck austere, they messed up when they fucked up the good views we had from ANY FUCKING SEAT in the old stadium, whether it was blue, red or fucking purple. Didn't matter. All the seats were good (and many were even under cover). Can't say anything even close to that about The New Mausoleum.

    They really messed up big time when they drew up the plans for this expensive shithouse.
  7. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i hate i cant smoke on the spirals or enter oe exit as quickly and easily as the old stadium.they eliminated a 2 minute escalator ride from ground level to upper level and replaced it with a 15 minute horror show.and thats just going up. forget trying to take the escalators down after a close game and everyone is leaving at the same time.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've said all along they still need to consider adding a one-shot outside escalator. One way up before the game and one way down after the game, just like the old stadium. That thing moved some serious numbers with no congestion whatsoever. I fully expected at least that and probably more, but instead it's yet another fuck up.

    I guess common sense engineering goes out the window when you're busy planning all the cockamamie lounges, clubs and other amenities. Who TF cares how long it takes these assholes to get in and out? If we can keep them captive a little longer we can sell them a few more $9.00 bottles of shitty beer.
  9. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    the views are better in just about every seat in the LL and the Mezz at Jet Life

    the views are worse in 90 percent of the seats in the UL (excluding first four row prime seats between the 30s)

    the good part is that every Jet season ticket holder had the opportunity (some more than once) to view their seats in the offseason before the 2010 opening season and, upon seeing that their UL seats weren't any good, to move to better seats with minimal PSLs that would have allowed them to enjoy their seats in the new stadium. PSLs in the LLEZ and Mezz B could have been obtained for a 2500 buck PSL financed over 15 years which is a pittance

    In reading this and the stadium forum at other places, it is clear that there are virtually NO complaints from those who took this opportunity and are now in the lower two levels

    Many of us who were stuck up in the upper reaches of the old dump were able to move ourselves to terrific seats at Jet Life. Life is about choices
  10. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Not everyone has the luxury of a rich daddy paying for PSLs. $2500 per seat is not a 'pittance'. That's the down payment on a car
  11. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    What kind of car are you putting a small down payment of $2500 on?
  12. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    2500 bucks financed over 15 years -- something like 20 bucks a month including interest

    2 packs of cigarettes a month = a pittance

    and the vast majority of the 55000 mostly happy season ticket holders (those with seats in the lower and mezz levels) didn't have any "rich daddies".... what they did was work hard, earn money, invest wisely and thus EARNED the financially capability to enjoy live NFL football for many years from seats where it can be enjoyed
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    that or they are suckers who spent money for the right to spend more money.

    the it only costs so much every month line is exactly the type of thought process that got our entire country in the fucking shit hole mess its in now. smart people dont finance shit like the right to buy football tickets.

    luckily the average guy can just go to stub hub and pay less than face value whenever he wants to go and get seats just about anywhere... for no money down.

    it might seem like i am being a dick, but its only because its you sg3.
  14. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    frankly, don't really give a shit what you think

    pretty much the same thing you would hear from all of the 55.000 Jet fans that chose wisely and are enjoying great views at Jet Life
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I have yet to hear someoen in the mezanine say they think the view is BETTER than the old stadium. The lower level is steeper so yes it does have a better view.

    I wouldn't finance a PSL. The majority of those $2,500 PSLs are shit seats behind the goal posts and are obstructed.

    I know people happier with their views but not happier with the price they paid for it and some are considering defaulting on their PSLs and seeing what will happen to them.
  16. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Year 1, I had seats in both the UD - sidelines and the LLEZ.
    1) We still have our LLEZ seats and are very happy with them. Although they are in the endzone, they aren't obstructed in a way that I cannot live with. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e195/Digetydog/10-21-2011NYJetsgame2.jpg

    2) We don't have our UD Sideline seats because this was the view. While not obstructed by the goalposts, it was a horrible view and it was very cold and windy up there.

    3) Financially, the LLEZ seats turned out to be cheaper than our UD seats. Because we don't go to night games (very long commute), we sell our seats to 3-4 games per year. Both years, we made enough profit from the sales to easily make our PSL payments. Reselling UD seats is tough b/c the preseason games have ZERO value (Loss of $210 off the bat) and because nobody will pay a premium over FV to sit up there.

    4) Since the Jets raised the PSL in LLEZ back up to $4K, we could probably sell our $2500 seats for a profit with very little effort.
    #12696 Digetydog, Nov 5, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2011
  17. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I just find it rich that you tell other people how they should spend thousands of dollars on tickets when you obviously don't pay for your seats. Your daddy owns them and he brings you to games.
  18. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    A used one. Whatever.. it's not like everyone has thousands of dollars to spend on football tickets.
  19. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    " SHILL " for the Jets , I mean SG3 , I thought you were gone? Did'nt you say you were leaving for the umpteenth time yet you are back again? I read a few other threads and noticed you were posting :shit: --to any of you that are unaware of what SG3 is all about or if you care to get many different opinions / facts about the new stadium I might suggest you go back and reread as many pages of this thread as possible. Guys have posted some very helpful and informative info --see 17A and 227 and many others.
    SG3 has posted the company line , so if he aint a REP or does not work for the Jets he should send them a resume :rofl:
    As far as sitelines are concerned the OLDPLACE was WAY better as far as sitelines , sadly there is ZERO comparison. As far as noise the old place blows METLIFE out of the water-----the playes have stated that (see Bart Scott just to name one ) and the loudest game I ever attended was against the Pats on 9-20-09. Nothing compares and sadly with the Roob Goldberg design of this new place nothing will ever come close to 9 -20-09.
  20. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT at JET LIFE could very well be the LOUDEST Jet home crowd in franchise history in ANY stadium EVER...

    until the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME at JET LIFE this January which will be EVEN LOUDER

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