17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Actually, requiring the parking pass money in advance is a smart move on their part, for several reasons already stated here. (It guarantees parking money for games where attendance could be bad, money in their pockets earlier etc.) Also, its probably easier not to have all that cash in the booths to collect on game day.

    When the pass system began, once we got to gameday I liked not having to dig for cash in my car at the booth each game. No change tendered meant faster entry for everyone. I saw some benefit in it. The extra $20 in my wallet went towards extra beer.

    My rage has been the orange/yellow designation, and what that did to the tailgate groups. Now they are back-tracking from that, and my group has the same issues in reverse - some like the orange Izod area. Some want a retreat to the old location. This shit never ends....
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The man has it fucking nailed.

    Watch Upper Deckers gain priority as years go by. The Yellow offering was the tip of the iceberg. "Fill the Upper Deck" will be the mantra, and likewise, "Fuck those who've already paid, especially the idiotic PSL suckers" will prevail.

    We all know what this has been about from the git-go. It's not difficult to see now what the game plan has been. Hook them, reel them in, and once the money is in the house, forgetaboutit.

    The Upper Deck will be the real workout. Do everything we can to fill those seats and make it look like we know WTF we're doing over here in New York. Give them whatever it takes to fill those seats because we've got a Superbowl coming up and we don't want to create the impression that you don't want these seats. We've got SB tickets to sell.

    I am so fucking glad I decided to ride out the tempatation to go PSL, you guys have no idea. Good seats now in the Uppers and I wear it as a Badge Of Courage. I never gave in and I hope I helped others fight it all the way. We've arrived now, PSL free. The rest is going to get better, much better.
  3. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Now that we've got the seats covered, I want a Jets SB 227.

    Make it happen dude.
  4. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    The long time season ticket holder's with great seats hated PSL's. But PSL's did give people that were on that long wait list a chance to become first time season ticket holder's and even pick up great seats. The Jets couldn't make both parties happy.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    True. In today's sports world, the ability to get a new stadium is the opportunity for a team (or teams in this case) to "monetize"

    Like 227, I'm happy I didn't bite on the PSL. I'd be hurtin' now if I did. But boy do I miss my seats in the lower tier with the roof over my head. On game day I'm not thinking about PSL payments, I just miss my good (always dry) seats. He's also right on about the future attempts to sell those same upper seats many of us were not even offered two years ago when they held the best ones back from us. It could soon be rare to see the last few rows occupied for either a Jets OR Giants game. The value isn't there.

    We can bang on and on about the value of the PSL but the one thing most of us can all agree on is the poor stadium configuration. Too much middle space dedicated to suites. The Upper deck is too high, unsheltered, with most of its seats inferior to the previous TWO stadiums in an age when many of us have fantastic screens to watch on at home. As crazy as it is, at least Jerry Jones tried to do something about that with his ginormous silly scoreboard/replay board in Dallas. He at least took a shot at presenting something unique to those willing to spend big bucks on the high seats. Our stadium? No, other than all of the stores and availability of Pepper and Egg sandwiches. Throw in the terrible escalator system, lack of elevators, the ability for rain to soak the upper concourses and it adds up to a big problem peddling $100 + seat prices per game - PSL or not. The weather in 2010 didn't help them any.

    It was incredible that in February 2010 -6 months before a football game was even played in this place some of us predicted escalator hell. We were right about that and will be right about some of these other things too. Thank God the team is good.
  6. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    just a reminder once the lockout is over, for those of us who only paid half of our season ticket $$, august 1st the remainder of the $$ is due
  7. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Got an e-mail yesterday stating that I could purchase an additional orange parking pass that I requested earlier in the year. I just called them up and completed the purchase. They tried to make it sound like I am so lucky that they were able to accommodate me :lol: ; do they really think that I believe they would have left that extra money on the table??? I never doubted they would be happy to dip into my pocket some more. Puhleeeeeezzzze....
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    What is the status of the PSL resales now? I haven't been paying attention. I'm wondering if the lockout has affected the prices.
  9. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Since the Jets do not have a PSL marketplace up it's hard to tell. Going by the Giants PSL marketplace, PSL's are selling for over face value even during this lockout.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    1) Why wouldn't the Jets have a "PSL Marketplace?"

    2) Historically, the Giants' demand for tickets (and subsequently their PSLs) doesn't compare to the Jets' demand and PSLs, so maybe I'm thinking we shouldn't use their sales as a comp. In fact, you might as well be comparing Dallas Cowboys' prices to the Jets.

    But surely there is some kind of marketplace for Jets PSL resales, even if the Jets are afraid to feature such a site as a link from their organizational website. I haven't checked lately on wherever site that may be, but I'm interested in knowing whether the market prices are higher or lower (the Jets, not the Giants) than original asking price. Again, Jets will probably have nothing to do with Giants.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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  12. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Jets Receive N.J. Public Relations Award
    By Special Contributor

    Posted Jun 16, 2011

    a a The New Jersey Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America presented the New York Jets with its Award of Excellence for the organization’s significant accomplishments and contributions to the profession of public relations at the 21st annual Pyramid Awards held Wednesday night at the Basking Ridge Country Club.

    The award honors New Jersey-based organizations that have excelled in consumer engagement, crisis communications and overall public relations. Jared Winley, director, and Nick Filis, coordinator, accepted the award for the Jets' media relations department, which includes senior director Bruce Speight and manager Meghan Gilmore, and for Jessica Ciccone and Laura Clemente in the team's corporate communicatons department.

    The Jets have recently received several recognitions, including nominations by Sports Business Journal/Daily for “Best Professional Sports Team” and “Best Sports Facility of the Year,” as well as three Sports Emmys from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for their “Hard Knocks” television series.

    Throughout the year the Jets also continued to stay committed to several philanthropic causes, such as the Alliance for Lupus Research, the New York City Department of Education, United Way and more, with programs like Hometown Huddle and Tix for Kids, while at the same time developing a new stadium, which incorporates environmentally friendly materials, practices and elements.

    The brand is also extremely active in the social media space with more than 850,000 Facebook fans and is the most followed team in the NFL on Twitter with almost 150,000 followers.

    “When it comes to generating positive publicity, as well as dealing with potentially negative exposure, no one was more effective last year in New Jersey than the New York Jets,” said Rich Lukis, president of PRSA NJ. “The Jets have proven to be one of the most PR-savvy organizations in the state, and we are proud to honor them as this year’s Award of Excellence winner.”

    About PRSA NJ

    The New Jersey Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (www.prsanj.org) was founded in 1960 and represents business and industry, counseling firms, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. Its parent organization, PRSA, chartered in 1947, is the world's largest public relations professional organization. Based in New York City, PRSA has nearly 32,000 professional and student members organized into more than 100 chapters nationwide, 19 professional interest sections and numerous affinity groups. The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has nearly 300 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Very interesting^

    While I understand the awards bestowed upon the Jets for "Best Sports Team and "Best Sports Facility," I'm not sure I understand the award for public relations "excellence." According to this cockamamie organization undoubtedly supported by dues that are paid by its "members", “The Jets have proven to be one of the most PR-savvy organizations in the state, and we are proud to honor them as this year’s Award of Excellence winner.”

    The transistion to the new stadium was a public relations nightmare that was not handled well at all by the Jets. The amount of lies, half-truths and knee-deep bullshit left many loyal, long-time ticketholders extremely pissed and without much recourse. If anyone in the NY area deserves the award, it's the NY Giants, who at least manned up and were forthright from the beginning.

    But I guess the award is for how well the Jets bullshitted their way through all this. The award for "excellence" is based on how well they've been able to excellently falsify and diminish the real perceptions of them as snake-oil salesmen. That's what good PR is all about, and apparently this dipshit organization prides themselves on awarding those who can publicly schmooze instead of actually produce.

    I remember, years ago, when we were selling Buicks. And the Buicks in the 1980s, particularly the LeSabre, had horrendous stalling problems. Sales were dropping because the Japanese were kicking our teeth in with reliability and the factory was hell-bent on picking Buick sales back up.

    So, at a meeting, one of the GM executives actually made a declaration that the only thing that really mattered was our "public perception." And they had launched an all-out PF campaign to convince the public that the LeSabre was an extremely reliable car, even though we all knew that people were stalling out unpredictably on the Belt Parkway at all hours, leavihg them stranded and extremely pissed.

    But their answer to this was that what really counted was perception. The perception that Buick was reliable. I often thought that if GM had put that PR money into actually making the car reliable, the rest would take care of itself. Build a better car, stupid. But no, they spent millions on PR trying to convince the public the POS LeSabre was a great car.

    This is what I can't stand about PR firms like this one. They put out supposedly "meaningful" polls, like some of the assinine ones I filled out, with questions about what I like on my fucking hot dogs and how likely I would be to purchase a $10,000 PSL. Never once did they ask pertinent questions, so the responses they got could never be negative.

    But this is today's world. Quality is not nearly as important as what is perceived. Create the perceived impression that the product is excellent and presto... you receive this year's "Award of Excellence" from an unknown, cockamamie PR firm. And then you put this out to the newspapers as PR to lewt the public know the PR is excellent. And all is well....
  14. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    MetLife Stadium?


  15. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Too bad MetLife didn't get the naming rights for the Met's park. Oh well. Nothing around here makes sense anymore. Maybe the insurance company didn't want to be THAT closely associated with the Mets. Couldn't blame them.

    I will refer to this place as "JetLife Stadium"
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "MetLife naming rights worth a reported $17 million a year."

    Oh good! Woody has more revenue! Now he can reduce ticket prices for us! Mm-hmmmm....
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    had a dream last night i was at the suberbowl. the jets where playing the giants. we trailed at halftime. i smoked pot with a stranger almost got kicked out and the Jets scored 2 TD's late to win the game. the last was on a trick special teams play.
    it was Glorious
  18. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    What was, the Jets SB win, or the pot? :breakdance:
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Please furnish name and contact info of stranger.
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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