17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    The irony runs deep with this one.
  2. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Don't worry, you won't be missed, say hi to ROJF for us.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You were never in VN or anyplace else with the military, sg3, or you would have immediately known what it was without having to google "1LT" this morning to find out it means 1st Lieutenant. You didn't know that 24 hours ago, remember? Busted.

    People who served in the military know what a SGT is, or a CPT, or an SFC, or a PVT or CPL or a 2LT or 1LT. Busted once again.

    You aren't who you say you are. It's no wonder we're suspicious of your presence now in this thread. Interesting that the Jets Ticket Office is concerned enough to assign you to "pick up" this thread and thwart and attack any negative posts. Busted once again.
  4. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    BOOM Headshot.

    Courtesy of 227, who else?

    Good job sir!
  5. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Let me see if I can round up any free passes. I use a badge that gets me and the family in so only I can use that but they do give out 4 free passes every year. Those are gone already.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    shouldnt be hard, my assumption is they are actually the same person. as much as i hope i am confident he will not be gone for long.
  7. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    314 I was just kidding thanks anyways for considering it---------as for that guy who knew everything about everything and had the # 's to prove it---does this mean we are not going to share that beverage:beer:
    227 and company , how do you score that in the book? Do I get credit for an assist or putout should this guy actually be G-O-N-E gone gone gone :lol:
    stay dry all
    ps I sit and await my " priority account " relocation phone call-----oh talk about irony:jets:
    pss just got home from my brothers house---his buddy who was at the party has or should I say had upper endzone seats--yep he is a goner just like sg3-----I will get the section and row and 17A can add him to the list
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    CBG, not that its my business, but if they give you good seats, you are still gone?. Hate the UD all together? Getting to old for this? Hate everything? We might have the best team/orginization we ever had and a home Championship is on the menu so why not suck it up for one more run, thats what's keeping me going. If the Rex/Tanny combo is gone before we win a Super bowl, that's it for me, I am not going through another QB/Coach/GM rebuild. After all these years, I know once I give em up, they will win 2 in a row so nothing short of benches will stop me from going. I need one championship run, I want to know what's its like to be a winner
    #11568 sec314, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  9. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    I'm not one to make a lot of posts, but out of all the threads in TGG, I read probably 90% of the posts made in this thread.

    It seems to me that the Jets made the 50% due by April 1 deadline for the sole purpose of seeing how many people in the UD are going to bail. I really don't believe they will upgrade people who are asking to be upgraded and put on a wait list, since they know that the upper row seats are hard to sell, I think it is all BS. They no longer have a wait list for seats where you might have to wait for years to even be able to buy a season ticket, so I think if you truly want to upgrade your seat, you'll have to say I am one and done like cgg, and then call in as a new customer once they know what seats have opened up and see what seats they offer. I wouldn't trust these guys ... Worst case is you buy tickets on the second hand market for now, and wait till you get an offer for seats your happy with.
  10. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Good post with good reasoning in remaining a season ticket holder.
  11. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Thanks Crisp, my posts usually get ignored because of the other famous people that post here. And Clayture, I agree what you say but there is no consistency with the Jets, me and 227 did the one and done got upgraded and I could not be happier. I feel like a took a dump after 4 days of constipation, damm, that was last week. I feel better about being a STH, this is where I should have been from the beginning, I can't believe I settled for the seats I had, they fooled me in thinking the UD was gonna be sold out after 1984 and I was glad not to be below row 10 anywhere. Remember that guys, after 1984 would have to go PSL. What a scam the SOB's were running last year.
  12. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    hey 314---I have posted it before but heres the readers digest version, I am just so fed up. I honestly do not care what they offer me I am gone. They can offer me 1st or 3rd row over the glass on the 50 and a lapdance from the flight crew member of my choice but I am still gone. I will listen to the offer and however the conversation goes I will post the info on here to help anyone else . Like many others I dealt with all the BS and lies---I picked my seats last year because they were close to OUR tailgate,,,,,and then they hit us with that Orange parking pass crap , which forced me to buy a second pass ( yellow ) . The parking is just the last straw that honestly pushed me over the edge. The seats are way too freaking high ,besides the view, the wife cringes when my little guys go to the bathroom or concessios---yeah 314 it's over for me NO LIE. I will probably buy 4 games a year,,,sit downstairs with the kids, save alot of money and the kids will enjoy it more. Now I just await the call if it ever comes--should be comical.
  13. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    oh and 314 I do not ignore your posts--in fact I read everyones on this thread------------thanks again 17A for starting this
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Totally understand CBG. Take the extra cash after Disney and save for the Championship game because she's coming. I will cook you a big, bad ass bacon cheese burger and one cold beer on that cold February night
  15. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Personally, if you are posting here, you probably will be considered a die-hard fan. That being said, I hate seeing die-hards pack it in. I like having a stadium full of loud, crazy die-hards. Makes going to the game a better experience.

    I see the way tickets are going. I mean, remember having to scalp in the actual parking lot. Now you can sit on your computer all day and broker seats if you like.

    The blame falls entirely on the business side of the Jets for all the reasons documented in this thread. The field product is too enticing to give up on (for me) so I will be there regardless if I get an upgrade or not.
  16. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    314 , thanks for the invite and WHEN that game happens I will be there and I will bring the tails .:beer:
  17. porkman

    porkman New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    314 you sound like you really rock the tailgate every week
  18. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Seats Abandoned (copy & paste)
    section 347 row 10 seats 1,2 & 3
    section 346 row 22 seats 1 & 2
    section 321 row 18
    section 343 row 22
    section 348 row 26
    section 342 row 16 seats 5,6,7&8
    section 335 row 9 seats 1,2,3,&4
    section 341 row 16
    section 303 row 8
    Section 342 row 20
    section 341 row 22 seats 27 & 28 aisle
    section 319 row 10 seats 11,10&9
    section 319 row 11 seats 11,10&9

    if anyone happens to snag these seats please notify us.
  19. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I love to tailgate porkman, in spite of the people I go with who like to eat bologna sanwiches on white and drink diet cokes.
    #11579 sec314, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  20. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    It is official------no more season tix for me I am officially "ONE AND DONE"

    I spoke to a nice lady today , she asked me why I was bailing and yes she did try and relocate me---I told her rite from the get go that I had no interest in renewing and was only returning her call out of courtesy and that I thought this whole process has sucked from day one. She offered me a lower row in my section (342) and I told her I would not renew if I was offered 339 (the 50 yard line ) first row! She also offered sec 340 ,we never discussed row but it was farther back than my OLD row 20 and again I told her not interested, " I am done ". She began to talk PSL's again I told her that I did not mean to cut her off but I am not interested. She then asked if " I would not mind telling her what bothered me most about the process and why I am leavin, my reason" and I began to tell her a few of the things we have discussed, the view / height/ parking passes/ the holding back of good seats and then I realized that none of that mattered "I AM DONE". I won't lie---it was not something I looked forward to doing dispite what I have posted but I felt / me personally that I really did not have much choice and it was a no brainer for me. I told her that I discussed all this with the wife n kids and told her what I had already told my son and you guys , that is "we will still go to games every year , and we will be able to get tix as they will be available " . I thanked her for her time and she told me if I had a change of heart to call her back anytime---------she said I would get an e-mail of cancellation and I did--so yes guys I loved being a season ticket holder but I am relieved that I no longer am and that the " process " has ended for me.
    ps I think I now know how people felt when the Dodgers left Brooklyn :jets:

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