17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I certainly will & thanks for the invitation if I do attend a game
  2. asbcheeks

    asbcheeks Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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    I doubt that's the case considering the Jets lumped all pre-1978 STHs into one group for purposes of seat selection in the new stadium - the official reason being that they lost all pre-1977 records. Where did you hear that about the SB?

    I pray this becomes a real issue rather than a hypothetical one some day.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I can't blame Champ for doing this, if I were in his shoes I might do it too. But I do blame the Jets ticket office for not being on top of what amounts to a blatant and flagrant legalized scalping situation.

    It makes me wonder how out of it the FO must be to have a guy with a primary residence in TX buying multiple seats every year without at least calling and questioning the situation. Just goes to show you they don't give a shit who the tickets go to... it's all about the money.

    Which also raises another point about how serious they are about transfers. It's all bullshit, especially using the transferability as a selling tool for the PSLs. They don't really know from Adam who the hell is on the recieving end of the tickets and PSLs they're selling. As long as the check arrives (and it can be written out by someone other than the ticketholder), they don't care.

    I transferred my tickets to my son's name in January, but for all practical purposes, had I not done that, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. The Jets don't know if I'm alove or dead, and my son could have just pretended to be me for the next 40 years and mail in a third party check even. So they've used this "transferability" issue in some cases to scare people into the PSLs, (like they're on top of it), but the reality is they don't know shit from shinola about who the tickets are going to, how they're being used and who's hands they wind up in.

    Just another shining example of how fucked up the Jets ticket office is.
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I have mentioned this before but nobody picked up on it. Call it the Leon Hess rule & somewhere deep down in the NYJ offices there must be a list of all pre 69 STHs who in 82 & 98 got 2 balls in the SB lotto vs STHs after 69 only having one ball in that same lotto. Now I DONOT know if the same rules will apply for the next lotto that applied for the 82 & 98 lottos. I also think sec 134 posted something about this as well
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I have repeatly posted over & over that the associates I sell the tix to pay ONLY FACE VALUE for the tix so please do not allege that I am scalping my tix cause I am not
  6. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I'm just curious about something...

    Let's say the Jets make it to a SB and you're awarded tickets. How will you handle that with your renters? Will you just take all of the tickets and go or will you offer some of the tickets to the renters who have been buying the tickets from you and going in your place all these years?
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't care what your "associates" or "tenants" pay for them or whether you're scalping at a higher or underselling at a lower price, it's none of my business.

    What is interesting is that the Jets have never questioned the address. They obviously don't concern themselves one iota about where the tickets go or who resells them, yet they'll make a big sales pitch out of "transferability rights" if you buy their cockamaie PSLs, knowing full well they don't really monitor or oversee any and all situations anyway.

    A guy can buy the PSL and then scalp the tickets all day long with no consequences. The entire program lends itself to circumventing the laws. It all should have been challenged in court from the very start.

    Screw you Woody.
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well there are only 2 SB tix per account given out no matter how many seats U own. The renters are fully aware that IF we would ever again appear in the SB we have 1st dibs on those tix. We also have 1st dibs on 2 seats to any home PO game that they may appear in if we desire to attend that game. I'm curious why would U be concerned in the least what my arrangement is concerning my seats?
    #1128 championjets69, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well U made this statement which tends to imply that I am scalping the tix.

    I can't blame Champ for doing this, if I were in his shoes I might do it too. But I do blame the Jets ticket office for not being on top of what amounts to a blatant and flagrant legalized scalping situation.

    I would appreciate U clarifining exactly what u then meant by that post
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Philadelphia has some really wonderful facitilites, Champ. Several years ago, the eye clinic at my VA hospital up in E. Orange picked up on what they thought was occular carcinoma (eye cancer inside my eyeball!!!) They sent me to the Wills Clinic in Philly (Dr. Shields, a world reknown eye-cancer specialist) and they were first class all the way. Turned out it was a false alarm for me (fortunately), an anomoly that just looked like eye cancer, but my point is, you will find the very best facilities in Philly for sure. I still go back there once a year for an exam.

    I realize this is off-topic but hope this helps and good luck to your son and your family.
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes thanks my son has been admitted to supposedly what is one of the best for his ailment

    Thanks for ur good wishes
  12. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    in regards to comments about the nyjets ticket office. every year they sent warning letters to season ticket holders about reselling your tickets and warned you of the consequences yet internet sites including e-bay openly sells tickets some pictured with the account numbers as plain as day. there is no concern as long as the nyjets get their money for the tix dont let anyone fool you on this one.

    if they wanted to fix the mess auctions and online sites are a place to start.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    What I meant by this is that the Jets FO must have known all these years that with an out-of-state address, the strong possibility existed that the owner had moved away and was now reselling. And they chose to look the other way or (at the very least) not even question it.

    Now they're doing the same thing... still sending you tickets without questioning, yet now they've got everybody all worked up over offering transferabilty if you buy the PSLs, like it really matters. The hypocracy is staggering.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Exactly my point. Which makes all their "transferability" bullshit so hypocritical. All of a sudden they're concerned about who owns what? Bullshit. They've never been concerned and doing it now as one more ploy to intimidate people into buying the cockamamie PSLs.

    It'll be interesting now to see what happens with scalping laws and it that will be tested in court. If a guy "owns" the rights to the seat now, why can't he sell the tickets for whatever he can get (legally)? He "owns" the rights to the seat, why shouldn't he be able to stand right outside the front gate and waive that ticket in the air for $5,000 if he wants to?
  15. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    my brother in law called me and reminded to mention here about the ticket upgrade fiasco and lies. he claims to have put in for upgrades years ago and they never granted his wish yet the waiting list shrunk. and other season ticket holders around us moved up and down like an oil well. and openly talked about it. woody is the ring leader to the circus that exists in florham park.
  16. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I wasn't concerned, I was merely curious since I buy my season ticket off of someone else.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Here's the bottom line, Coors. We're screwed.

    I'm not in quite as bad a shape as you are, but I might as well be. By the time I get to choose my 4 seats there will be nothing left that doesn't require the use of a portable Hubble Space Telescope.

    There will be no use complaining and I'm not one to do that anyway. My 25 years account for squat. If it gets bad enough (probably just about there already), I'll just opt out all together and watch from home.

    I don't care where in the Upper Deck you are, the parking situation sounds like it'll be a real hassle. Without a PSL you get nothing. Then I'm sure the Tailgate Police will be out in full force in that brand new parking lot, making sure nobody as much as spills a drop of mustard on the asphault. The first row of the Upper is as far away as the last seat in the Uppers in the current stadium, and that's pretty far.

    So between the parking, the tailgate hassles, the extra walking to the car and the horrendously distant sight-lines, I look at it this way: Will it be worth it?

    I may... MAY... try this for one year. If my kids think it's okay and we all want to deal with all of it, fine. But if they don't, maybe I'll just bow out and then be able to pick and choose here or there for a game or two off of Stubhub or eBay. It ain't gonna change my life drastically... I won't let it. Fuck Woody.
  18. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    section 227 row 5 well put man and im with you on all of the above. woody can try to screw us any way he can scheme up but in the end he wont. i trully stand by what i said posts ago about the nyjets having no choice but to sell single game packages to fill that stadium. ticket brokers and agencies are only gonna be able to absorb so many tickets. guys like us though i wish you the best will be very supportive in buying 1-2 games at a higher price than usual and still come in under the total cost of tickets and the psl fee.
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you would think it would be like a car loan. you buy the psl you are responsible. if you decide to sell you must pay the bank and they will give you the title to give to the new owner.

    the fact they are doing it the way 17a is saying seems weird to me, then again leave it to the jets to even screw up getting money :)
  20. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Well, I got my tickets today - I have 1980 seniority. I have 4 seats in the 5th row of the current upper deck in section 309.

    The process was easy and my rep gave me all the time I needed as I checked the view from the available seats on the 3D virtual tour site.

    Here is the state of play today. The corner mezzanine PSLs- sections 207a, 245a, 220a, and 232a had only last row available. The closer to the middle you go, the lower rows are available. In 206a, 246a, 221a and 231a, there were 4 seats available in rows 5-8 depending on the section. In looking at the 3D virtual view from the EZ Mezzanine and after 30 years of being on the sideline, I just don't like the end zone view. I want to see the whole field, so I declined the PSLs. And if I didn't like the EZ mezzanine view, I certainly was not going to sit in the upper EZ.

    I asked about the upper primes - 313-314 and 338-339. Essentially, only the last row was available. As you move over, the available rows get lower. On the Jet side (the sunny side), the best available in sections 312 and 315 was above row 23. In sections 311 and 316, it was row 18 or 19 and 310 and 317, row 15.

    The situation was better on the visitor sideline. In section 340 and 337, seats were available in row 18 and I believe row 15 in 336 and 341. The further down the sideline you go, the lower the row that is available, obviously. I don't believe anything below row 13 is available before you start rounding the corners, however.

    I opted for being as close to midfield as possible and as low as I could get. I took section 340, which is about the 35 yard line and one section over from upper prime. The seats availabel in row 18 were 20-23, which were on the section 341 side , further from midfield. I like the middle of the row because I don't want my view blocked by people walking up and down the stairs. I asked about row 19 and were told that seats 7-10, which were closer to midfield were available. That is what I took. My rep confirmed that the fifth row of the new upper deck is the same height as the last row of the current UD.

    So in the end, I chose to sit as close to midfield as possible while not being in the last few rows. I am 7 seats over from upper prime and am paying $105 rather than $125. I have been on the sunny side for 30 years now, but I opted for the lower rows on the shady side. I am not sure the sunny side is better. It is unbearably hot in September, doesn't make a difference on a cloudy day or for a 4 pm or night game. So I give up the warmth of the sun for maybe two games a year for better seats.

    I sat in row O of the uppers at Shea and they were high (under the overhang of the upper deck). I didn't mind that view. I'll probably have to break out the binoculars again to see some things, but I got better seats than I expected, but not as good as I have now.

    I also asked about parking. No decision has been made yet. This is what is most concerning to me. If the 27000 UDers are going to relegated to the parking deck and limited outer lots, it is going to hamper meeting other people for tailgates unless you are willing to park and walk. I told my rep that I don't understand why parking would be a problem when there are more spots for this stadium than there were for the current stadium at full parking capacity. He agreed, but had no answer for me as to parking.

    Feel free to ask any questions if I haven't answered anything you want to know. I am glad it is over, somewhat pleased I have decent seats, somewhat concerned about the distance from the field, but pleased with the full field view. We'll see how I feel in August 2010- I'll probably go to a preseason game when the stadium opens just to experience the seats.
    #1140 Joe Willie White Shoes, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009

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