17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you would never think they would be so completely fucking retarded. but they went ahead and did it. this is probably the most absurd and obnoxious thing about this stadium, it shows a complete disconnect and that they have absolutely no clue what the fuck people want or care about.

    see seattle if you want to provide a decent home field advantage and still give your fans some cover. these fucking retards just completely lost sight of what matters.
  2. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Disigning the place like that is the flaw in itself. Why allow the rain into the upper deck concourse in the first place? You know it's bad when the vendors are wearing rain gear.

    One thing they can do is attempt to cut the breeze from coming into the stadium through the open metal slats that are supposed to be green during home games.
  3. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Did anyone in the numerous surveys leading up to the new joint ever tell Jets management they wanted to be dry in the upper deck concourse? I mean, do you actually have to TELL them this? Would have been nice, but don't see it ever changing.
  4. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I noticed on SH that groups of 3 and 5 tended to get a premium price over 2 & 4 in the same section.

    As for UD seats, I think the lower rows are worth buying (especially UD Prime), but the rest are not worth it unless you can go to every single game and want playoff tickets. Otherwise, SH is the better option + I would bet money the Jets offer single game tickets in the UD again.
  5. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I have been to both Cowboys Stadium and NMS. Simply put, the UD seats at Cowboys Stadium are much MUCH better than those at NMS. In addition to the protection from the weather, that GINORMOUS video screen is at eye level.
  6. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Last March we went to view our seats in the upper level. Our original seats were next to last row in the last section (sideline) in the verizon corner. This was on the Saturday where big storms hit in the Long Island Queens area. We were up in the 3rd level concourse the wind was whipping and the rain was coming at us sideways. Saw the seats, and remember how they really really sucked ... mostly because of the lack of protection. Just no where to go. Yeah they were far up there and in the very corner, but the bigger concern was protection from the elements.

    We were given the PSL upgrade pitch and after a week of thinking about it, took PSL seats in mezz ez (222a). So our seats are in the open also, but at least we can escape to shelter during the downpours, and lightning. I do bring my rain gear so I can sit out and watch the game live.
  7. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    this may be why they left the upper deck concourse open. they purposely fucked up the stadium in order to make sure they could sell their wares.... i dont want to think they would do something like that BUT recent history has proven they dont give a fuck about anyone and its all about the psl.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    That would be a very safe bet. They have absolutely no clue how many Upper Deckers are going to bail on them this spring. They're totally exposed.

    Totally exposed because they insisted on fucking over so many UD people in so many ways, lying to them when it came their turn for the phone call, lying to them that they "weren't sure" how the parking would work, then casting them out to the Orange areas. Then lying to them when they called back asking for upgrades... "those seats aren't available." No, better seats weren't available if you wanted to upgrade within the UD, but miraculously WERE available if you offered to buy more seats outright, as I did.

    Suddenly, they had better Upper seats. This was in August, 2 months after telling me on June 16th that the seats they were giving me were the best available.

    Lying sacks of shit are going to get the fucking of their lives this spring as beaucoup Upper Deckers tell them to shove their lousy seats up their ass. Watch how many UD seats flood the market in late summer. Anybody who renews their UD seats and paying face value for the tickets will be faced with countless seats being sold by the Jets at huge discounts ("military," "gay," you fucking name it). You will qualify for the discount if you are breathing and able to reach for a credit card. This is going to get really crazy.
  9. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Amen, Brother...
  10. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I know with this whole CBA thing lumming over the league it doesn't matter but does anybody know when we will find out if ticket prices are going up next season. I know the bill will be due around May but I am curious if they will announce ticket prices for next season before then.
  11. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I am totally on board. People who go gaga over Fliet Migon are crazy. I love Rib-Eye on the bone, its the best steak period, end of story.
  12. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yeah sure, you would not want to see the Jets play in the Super Bowl at OUR place because its Feb. and cold.. I mean come on, some of you are just piling on. You getting old and don't have the energy or you just cant afford it but if you have been going for 20-30 years, go another year or 2 because we are going to win it all soon. If Rex and Sanchez don't do it, then I am done because I can't go through another re-build but I ain't using the stadium as an excuse like most of you. And I hate the escalators and bathroom deal.
  13. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Exactly why I'm considering bailing on my seasons.
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I just love going to games, I respect what some of you are doing, but it would be hurting me, not the Jets. They make most of their money from TV, attendance is an embarassment, not a necessity. I ain't giving up until Rex and or Sanchez fail
  15. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I love going to games too. I'm just done with the 500 mile round trip and the $$ I've been spending to make it.
  16. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Whew, driving that long after a tough loss is gotta be mentally draining. Damm, I live 10 miles away and the drive home sucks, could not imagine driving a couple hundred miles with traffic after a home game. You deserve credit for doing it this long, never mind the shit stadium we have now. Its the shit team that would kill me. Just pick your games to go to and the $ you save goes towards the home playoff games that we will be playing next year.
  17. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Yeah, It does sound cranky, and you're right, I would want to see them should they get to one. They will, and we'll see what happens.

    Let me rephrase it. It would be really really really really difficult to pay what the NFL (let alone secondary market) charges for SB tickets to sit in THAT stadium high in THAT upper deck in February - even if its the Jets. I'd rather shoot my money load and at least be in New Orleans or Florida. I can't fathom parting with 6K for a shitty stadium experience even with the Jets involved. Dare I say it - imagine paying 6K for two upper deck seats, freezing your ass off, add some unsheltered sleet, wind, etc, and the Jets lose the game...... To Dallas. Wow, nightmare!! Especially after having better seats two weeks earlier to see an AFC Championship game for $200.

    It's more about money than energy my friend. If I had a shot at buying tickets this year, I would have. Our stadium doesn't deserve to host is my main point.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You know I love you 314 and respect the tenacity you exhibit with these games.

    But honestly, it's exactly this kind of mindset that has had me thinking what you're thinking since 1985 (and earlier)... I'm talking since I've been mailing in my check every spring for 26 years. Twenty six years!

    It's always gonna be next year. It's right around the corner. This coach is gonna get it done. This quarterback is the "franchise" one. This time it's gonna be different. Mail the check in one more time and I'll get the upgrade. The seats will improve... you'll see. Woody won't fuck me this time... that was last year. The stadium experience will improve.... he'll see the light. He'll make the parking better for the Upper Deck. They'll fix the bathrooms. They'll fisx the traffic flow. The prices won't keep going up, he'll take it easy on us this year.

    I mean, man.... every fucking year. Bill comes in, I send out the check again.

    Only this time things are a little different. This time they pounded on me one too many times. There has not been ONE fucking thing that has happened in the past 24 months that I'm happy with. Yeah... I know... I'm getting old. Well, maybe I'm getting smarter too.

    Things are different now because I have never before felt like such a fucking sucker as I feel like now. I really feel like the FO has taken complete advantage of me and a lot of my firends. A lot less for a lot more money is what I got.

    Worse seats. Worse parking. Much worse field vision. More time to get in and out. Farther to walk. More stairs to climb. More time to wait in the bathrooms. More congestion at the stadium. Much more congestion leaving the area. More traffic becasue I'm not getting out to the lanes quick enough because my cockamamie seats are so fucking far up and the exit from the mausoleum takes much more time. Much longer walk around the cockamamie train depot and crowds thru the tunnel.

    I can still support this team (and I do) despite all this. Older, yes. But maybe smarter. Hear me out. I can ask the Jets for an upgrade this time and really mean it. I can give them an ultimatum, in fact. Upgrade me this time or I'm fucking gone, dude. Take back my 8 Upper Deckers and shove them up your ass if you don't work with me this time. You fucked me for the last time. I'll forfeit my tickets and it won't cost me a fucking dime to do so, unlike your hostages and Bandwagon Stoolies who yuou suckered into buying a PSL. You upgrade me or you'll have to sell these suckers all over again... with a players strike looming, no less.

    And if I want to go to a game, I'll by select tickets WHEN I WANT TO and not before, or not because I HAVE TO, like your fucked up "Preseason Games" in which you don't even feature starters half the time, yet feel compelled to ream me full price for.

    Okay, the Jets go to the SB. Great. They make the playoffs this year and get home field even. And the playoff tickets ae through the roof and I decide I want to go. So I pay through the nose for the tickets. And guess what? I'M STILL AHEAD because I didn't pay for all the other garbage games.

    I walk away. Bt I still have the option of buying someone else's PSL down the road. And I still have the option of calling back in and buying Uppers. It's not like they're going to sell out anytime soon. The way I'm starting to look at it, I can buy seats any fucking time I want to.

    And listen, this is important. This is not about supporting the team. I've been doing that (financially supporting the team) for 26 years and emotionally supporting them for even longer. So I can still support them emotionally. And I can give up supporting them financially and justify it completely, because I'm sure you've heard the old adage: "Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me."

    I'm seriously thinking of cashing in. Woody fucked me once too often. I bleed green but I don't have to bleed greenbacks.
  19. no psls

    no psls Banned

    May 21, 2009
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    Bravo ; I've been a season ticket holder since 1982 and I feel your pain ; it's an addiction ; I hate the new parking rules but if you want to go to the games, we have to deal with it . Life sucks sometimes .
  20. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Another hall of fame caliber rant from a first ballot HOF'er! Well done 227! You are certainly in your prime during the off season ; )

    I agree with everything you've said, except blaming the Jets for the preseason though you probably realize the entire NFL does it. My most memorable moment on this thread was the when you went to visit the stadium for the first time looking to raise hell, but almost bought a PSL instead. That was too much - but you came to your senses and resisted. Let's hope this year when you call to bail, they don't get you thinking about the new "Woody-Bench" club that's being planned ; )

    I MAY conducer cutting loose three of my six seats. We'll see. We happened to have great tailgates this year over by Izod. Who knew? I didn't even mind the walk over on the raided tunnel, but as you point out, most everything else sucked and I can still pick and choose games I want to attend, and still park over by Izod for the tailgate if I care to, for the games I want to attend.

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