17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't give a shit about the need for the Jets to make money. And no one on this entire board does either, except you. The Jets have done nothing but make money with this entire process. We should all be concerned about the Jets making money? After all this? You have got to be kidding.

    But this isn't about the Jets making money or the military being able to buy tickets. This is about ROJF being able to buy tickets under a "Military Discount" and then resell them, so STFU.

    Okay, so the military should be able to buy these cheap tix and resell them because we need "bodies" in the stands? What bodies. Obnoxious Ravens fans who stand up on 3rd down and laugh, while sitting in their "military" seats? Pats fans next week doing the same thing?

    Again, it's not about the bodies, it's about ROJF being able to buy tix at a military discount and then resell them to obnoxious Ravens fans. STFU.

    No lectures to me, please, on military men. You wouldn't know what a military man needs, feels and thinks because you were never one yourself. Military men don't want charity... they don't want a military discount in order to resell in the secondary. And they especially don't want to abuse the system or priviledge. Why? Because that's the mindset (I know you cannot conceive of this). They joined to serve their country, not take advantage of a miltary discount to put tickets on StubHub and circumvent the intent of the gratuitous favor being afforded them. But of course, you being the selfish, self-serving individual that you are, wouldn't possibly know that because everything you do is built around self-service, resell and making money "in the secondary."
  2. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    ROJF just adds on to what other people say and tries to make it his own.

    This guy is delusional, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Pats fan too fat to get out of bed logging on just to mess with Jet fans.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The only reason he was on the first train home was that he bailed with 1:37 remaining in the 4th quarter. Figures.
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    GOOD STUFF Gordon Thanks
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thanks for the link gordon interesting to see how its done. they should do a full show on it for science channel.

    rofl please listen to 227 and 17a.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Actually, I am a big military man. But more of a black ops martial arts dirty dozen natural born killer type. The Bronx nuns fully trained me using just a wooden ruler and pointer on how to kill and main dozens of enemies in one single swipe.

    I have never bought a military ticket in my life, I just gave code out to everyone last year.

    227 likes to think everyone overpaid. Not true. row one LL last year was front row club with a $425 ticket price, this year the seats have either a $125 or $140 ticket price. Even baking in a $75 PSL fee the tickets are over $200 bucks a ticket cheaper than last year. The key is not PSL or ticket price it is value. Upper Deck Prime row 26 at $125 a ticket for instance is a very bad value. Row 5 315 at $105 a ticket is a very good value and LLEZ row one by where Jets come out with a $120 ticket and a $2,500 psl is a great value.
    There is no such thing as UD is better or worse than LL, it is where you are.

    I think in my section the biggest difference I see is Jets are now popular enough where clients are asking for tickets. In past it was the individual went to game or sold tickets. Now around 50% of my row is every game the owner not scalping seats but giving them to customer or clients. Hence I have a higher quality of people around me. Lets stubhub scum.

    The Jets are a business. The jets are pure capitalism at its finest and ugliest at the same time. Also today's military are not the "greatest generation" for most it is just a job that is better than sitting in the projects with no HS degree hoping you don't get shot before you are 21.

    I think new stadium was great last night.
  9. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    One thing i will say is that Woody sold out alright but he sold old for being a bitch!

    GIANTS fans got alot of tix the preseason game, while it's common I was weary because it was a new stadium.
    But How the fuck did that many Baltimore fans get tix to our home opener?

    That was ridiculous! I'm sure Woody sold out and is sending out shit to the visiting teams...if that's true it's a disgrace and would actually prove my point about the prick.

    I had 2 RAVENS fans right in front of me... they were actually kewl guys but I should have asked how they got the tix...

    God forbid the media investigates...they are so obssessed with the fukin reporter that shows her ass instead of shit we actually care about.
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Hey Ray Rice and him mom was in 135 with a stack of Ravens folks, Whoopi Goldberg I saw on the aisle of 134/135 nearby. Kelly Rippa and family was in mezz, Think about it, unsold tickets woody has to still pay visiting team and NFL their cut, he just loses his cut. However, if he gives tons of seats to ravens he most likely ain't liable for the Ravens cut just hte NFL cut, win win.

    Jets lost cuase of 15 penalties, sanchez not throwing and dropping balls, not cuase a lot of raven fans were there. However, there will be a boat load of Pats fans come Sunday.
  11. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I must say it was really annoying hearing the Ravens fans every time Heap caught a pass.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    That thinking is so 1970's it surprises me someone as hip as you think of yourself as being would not be more in tune with reality. In other words, in your opinion, they have no future anyway, so why not join the military. And only losers on a losing track would ever think of joining the military, which is why the military is loaded with losers in your opinion, people who need the money, so they should be able to scalp the miltary discount tickets, right?

    Now I know for sure you've never been in the military. In fact, you can't hold a candle to today's kids in military uniform. You need to get the hell out of New York City for starters, and expand your horizons. Go out to the midwest or the south and meet young people who join the military and ask them why they are doing it. You're going to find completely different answers than you'd expect. And I guarantee if you ran your cockamamie "scalp your military discount Jets tickets and make yourself some money" scam by them, they'd probably look at you like the miserable, money-grabbing, ticket-scalping, "kick the old ladies out of the restaurant" loser that you are.

    Seriously, man up and get yourself some moral character for once.
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Serouslly, dude I see the recruiters in times square and the folks who are signing up in NY are scary. Are your kids in the military? I doubt it. I
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Received this email today and haven't had a chance to answer it, but I will tomorrow. I intend to give them a real earful on the Upper Deck parking screwjob:

    "The Jets value the feedback and support of our fans. We are constantly working to ensure that your gameday experience meets your expectations in every way. Because your continued support is so important to us, we need to hear your voice! Please take the next 5 minutes to express your opinions regarding your experience at the Jets game last night vs. the Baltimore Ravens."
  15. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Terrible experience at the stadium last night. Every aspect of this new stadium is a downgrade from my experience in the old stadium, and I get to pay about $200 more per game. The parking stinks, getting to the seats is a PITA. The replays and down/distance markers stink. Seats are much higher. Bunch of non-season ticket holders in my section (which last night was filled with Ravens fans, and will surely be filled with Pats fans next week; that a way to price out your true fan base Woody). Long lines for restrooms. Not too mention it took about 30 minutes just to get back to the street level after the game. Whoever designed this stadium should be shot. When we finally got out of the building there was a mile long line for the shuttle buses so instead I dragged my father and his replacement knees through the cattle crossing. Then we were forced around to an entrance in our parking lot directly into all of the exiting traffic. Just an all around nightmare. I can go on and on but why bother. I've been a season ticket holder for 20 years and this was easily one of the worst experiences ever. I'm pretty close to joining the one and done club. Thank God I didn't purchase a PSL...
  16. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Jeez, that is one of the most ignorant statements I've seen in a long time...
  17. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    There were battles in WWII where they requested volunteers for suicide missions where everybody volunteered. WWII Vets are true heros. It was a real war with real enemies. I don't want to talk about mlitary. 227 loves the topic as he was in some war, Grenada or something. Or maybe he drove a Ford Granda, I forget.

    Now back to stadium. I had no problem with train to and from the stadium. Great experience, but then again I knew the tricks from last year. I also had no problem entering and exiting stadium as I know with flawed stadium design you need to sit near the row six lower level enterances on visitors side so you don't have to go up any steps or stairs and can get in and out of stadium in a few seconds. Plus zero lines for bathrooms and concessions by me, heck I got beers and dogs and went to can zero wait at halftime. Also learned last year never buy a seat where somone is standing in front of you as you are held hostage to them the whole game and are forced to stand when they stand. Also learned sit on the 50% towards better side a little off aisle so you dont have to stand much and aisle people don't block your view.

    Sold my pass online for $50 bought rail pass for $10 and had no gas or tolls to pay and I did not have to run like a nut and pack up car when rain came.

    Also were a lot of raven fans near me, Suprise, it is VISITORS side. That is where they like to sit. Didn't Jets heavily advertise one of main selling points of good season tickets is you can use ticket exchange to sell tickets and even make a profit. I emailed a few of my buddies and co-workers and family members who have seats day of game to see if they were going, like 50% of them were not there and had sold seats. On ticketexchange poof you don't even know the buyer. My wifes b-day is this weekend and I sold my Pats ticket via ticket exchange, have no clue who bought them online and don't care. May watch game to see who is in my seats. Average new PSL holder I personally know, around 60 seats are going to on average 4-6 games this year. They want to pay off PSL by selling and want to guarantted their play-off games and have a seat to pass on.

    Stadium is great is you did your homework, Stadium is also great if you were smart enough not to buy any seat and get the bargains next year, Stadium sucks if you bought bad PSL seats and are stuck.
  18. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I will try better next time and try to make the most igornant statement you ever heard, sorry about you dad getting in and out, that is total bs.
  19. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Yeah good point on getting out of the stadium. The escalators aren't continuous all the way out, and the ramps are hard to find. I thought that the shuttle buses would be a pain, but someone said that they weren't a problem - guess it depends on how many people come out at once. The place cost 1.6 billion, and seems like about 1.5 billion of that went towards building private suites
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    wow so that huge stack of raven fans sitting together up top my buddy who was actually up there got a ticket at face, asked the raven guys how they got all the tickets, said they were doing a special for Raven fans buy five UD EZ and only pay for four. Aint that a kick in the pants. Friend was mad he paid $95 and they paid under face.

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