17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    if im following along correctly my brother in law 16 years seniority may only be offered psl tickets and we will have to forfeit our current season tickets and seats? as we speak someone could have already chosen our 4 seats. that sucks
  2. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Jets PSL Crap

    As much as a lot of people may not have loved our previous Jets owner Leon Hess, I am sure that he is turning over in is grave at what Woody and his Henchmen are doing to current Jets Season ticketholders regarding their seat choices in the new building!!!

    Wake up Woody, this is no way to treat your best customers!!!!!!
  3. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    woody wanted a new fan base all along. this was a sure fire way to thin out the herd. he knew it from the day he bought the nyjets. rip leon hess.
  4. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Woody Sux

    It still blows thinking about it.
    More than 27 years of going to see my beloved Gang Green, and countless 1000's of dollars spent, and without buying a hefty PSL, I probably cannot even get the seats that I currently have at Giants Stadium.
  5. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    it seems the plan all along no upper psls was to get the current nyjets crowd into the upper deck no mans land or push them out all together and bring in the new ritzy crowd who could afford the psls into the lower level seats.think about it. woody is a businessman with people who work for him that are paid to headhunt and find schemes to make woody more $$$$$$.
  6. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I also think those no PSL seats were something of a PR move by Woody. If you remember, at least when it was first announced, there was some bitching by Giants fans asking why they couldn't get such a good deal, too. I remember reading this in the Ledger and on nj.com.

    Most people, even current ticket holders, aren't as well informed as the folks reading and responding to this thread. Several of the folks I go with are completely clueless about this process.

    Anywho, happy Memorial Day, all.
  7. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    the upper level seats are the dumping grounds for those who couldnt or wouldnt afford the psl fee. by not charging a psl fee and issuing tickets by choice seniority is nothing more than a pr move. my brother in law and i attended every regular season game for 16 years and now the guy with 25 years seniority who never attended a game and sold the tickets for profit will get priority in the ticket sales. it sucks no matter how you look at it.

    whats next a letter from woody saying thanks for nothing.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i wonder how many of those giants fans that bought jets tickets just because they couldnt get giants tickets will reup at this point. we all know there are alot of them.

    i also have to wonder wtf woody is thinking if he is thinking about running out the old jets fans and bringing in new ritzy jets fans. thing is this franchise has never ever had anything fancy about it. and i highly doubt you can just go and find 40k ritzy people in in new york these days to come out and spend ass loads of money on sunday afternoons.

    well heres to hoping woody loses his shirt the next couple years and sells the damn team to somebody who isnt a douchebag.
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Hope U realize that ALL of us have been Woodys customer for 9 season. I would venture a guess that you have more seasons under ur belt with Hess then U do with Woody.

    You appeared to be one of the lucky ones if ur seniority is 82 since U will get the opportunity to select non PSL seats no matter where they may be in the UD. That puts you lite years ahead of the majority of STHs who will not get the opportunity to even select those seats.

    If seniority is unacceptable to U what method for selection of the non PSL UD seats would you have recoomended to Woody if U were his right hand man?
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I have been in the UD since I have had ST which goes way, way back to 65. I was not forced there by the NYJs I chose to be seated there because IMHO the higher U are for FB the better the enjoyment of the game. Now to allegation that most of the fans in the UD are NYGs fans at heart I have to say at least where my seats are that is not the case whatsoever. In fact when I look around the UD NOW all I see is is a sea of green. I really wonder if U had canvassed all UD STHs before U made ur post to determine if what U post is anywhere near correct

    BTW are U a STH or have U ever been a STH?
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    OK if U feel that seniority was unfair way to determine who chose the UD non PSL seats & if U were Woody what plan would U have enacted to disburse those seats?
  12. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Jets PSL Crap

    I could go either way on what is the basis for seat selection:

    The Giants for example have a $1000.00 PSL for Non-Prime Uppers, both Upper Sideline ($95.00 per seat for game ticket/Jets NO PSL, but $105.00 per game), and Upper Endzone ($85.00 per seat for game ticket/Jets NO PSL, but $95.00 per game) and $5000.00 PSL for Upper-Prime Sideline (1st 4 rows @ $105.00 per seat for game/Jets NO PSL, $125.00 per game). Even though the ticket prices will rise, if we did a hypothetical for both teams with NO PRICE INCREASE FOR 10 YEARS on the UPPERS:

    1. UPPER EZ, GIANTS amount paid out after 10 years would be $9500.00 (incl 1000.00 PSL)
    and JETS for Same Seats for 10 years, $9500.00 (no PSL), so a WASH

    2. UPPER SIDELINE , NON-PRIME would be $10,500.00 for both teams, so again, a Wash.

    3. UPPER PRIME, 1ST 4 rows, GIANTS $5000.00 PSL, SO $15,500 VS JETS/NO PSL, SO
    $12,500.00, SO JETS A BETTER DEAL.
    EXCEPT, for the UPPER PRIME, CENTER SECTIONS, 313,314,338,339, ROWS 7-26.
    These seats for GIANTS were $1000.00 PSL, $95.00 per game, or $10,500.00 over
    10 years, while JETS WERE NO PSL, but $125.00 Per Game, or $12,500.00 over 10
    years, so GIANTS price is $2000.00 better for these.

    Under the Giants Plan with a $1000.00 minimum PSL, if they had applied this to the JETS Fans, it might have knocked a few people out, but I doubt it.

    But on the Selection Method:

    The GIANTS basically said if you prefer the seats that you have right now in Giants Stadium, as long as you are willing to pay the prevailing price, you can have your same seats in the NEW Building. SO, if you have UPPER PRIME NOW, and you want UPPER PRIME in the new stadium, you can have them, as long as you want to pay the $5000.00 PSL, but if you want to move, you may not be able to. So someone that woud have Lower EZ's with a PSL of $5000.00, but wants to move to the UPPERS with $1000.00 PSL, they may not be able to even if they have seniority. Or in the reverse, Someone sitting in a 10 yard line Upper Prime seat, may now be able to move to the lower EZ section that they always wanted, and the PSL is also $5000.00. But because most of the people prefer to move to cheaper seats, or may ave to bail out all together, this may have been a great move possibility for that person. So it really depends on how you feel on the issue, and what you are willing to pay.

    BUT with the JETS, SENIORITY would be great, EXCEPT that WOODY'S PSL Management crew is NOT adhering to people choosing by Seniority!!!!!
    Like I have said in a previous post, I know someone that has "2006 Seniority", and I do not know how they did it, but they have been confirmed in 35 yard line, Upper Sideline, Sunny Side Seats in the NEW BUILDING. So rules are not being followed, and that my fellow Jets fans IS TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #992 jetbo, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  13. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Does anybody know definitively what the parking situation will be for nonPSL uppers?
  14. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Non-PSL Parking

    Unfortunately I do not. I am assuming they will sell you parking passes in the Reserved Parking Sections (non Club or Suite parking areas), but they purposely left that VERY VAGUE in the literature. Just another way to possibly get screwed!!!!!!!!!
  15. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    OK if U feel that seniority was unfair way to determine who chose the UD non PSL seats & if U were Woody what plan would U have enacted to disburse those seats?

    my response to championjets69. we have sat in the uppers for 16 years why should lower level seat owners have the opportunity to take our seats and possibly eliminate us all together. i never asked for the lower level seat owners to give up their seats for me. you either take your current seats or you go on a waiting list for the uppers. why be given the opportunity to take away another longtime fans seats? it just doesnt make any sense. if in fact we are bumped out the door. woody can kiss my ass and eat shit and die.
  16. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    PSL Seniority

    I actually believe that seniority is the way to go if fairly implemented.

    In the old stadium there were a lot of seats that were not fairly distributed along the way, so with the new building, choosing by seniority is like starting on a clean slate and trying to get it right.

    Unfortunately when you throw in the PSL's and the high ticket prices, it skews the process in choosing seats, as a lot of people simply cannot afford to pay Woody's ridiculous prices, even though some STH's may have great seniority. It justs sucks all the way around.
  17. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    seniority my ass. i want to remain in my seats that ive owned for 16 years. lower level fans who refuse to remain in their seats and pay the psl fee go on a waiting list for uppers. dont take mine sheer bullshit nonsense all ok with woody the dick.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think we are misunderstanding eachother. i remember whenever we used to get lots of opposing fans in the stadium people would say that we have a bunch of giants fans who jumped on when we moved to jersey simply because they couldnt get giants tickets and wanted to be able to go to games. and that they would sell them for the bigger games that they could make money off of.

    not any particular area and i am not going to say this is definitely what happened but i know a number of people have commented on it in the years i have been here.

    my point was really that if there are in fact people in the stadium with sts now that are truely giants fans i would doubt that they would want to pay a psl to continue to go to games.
  19. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    from the diagram i saw on my stadium tour,parking is in 4 sections.
    press and suite parking is closest to stadium.FREE
    club psl seats are next $40
    psl parking would be next $35
    then the remaining non psl parking $20
    that $20 parking is lots 18 & 13 only
  20. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I was having some fun Champ, that's all. Take a chill pill. Its only Football.... right?

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