I get confused when I look at your avatar. I really feel like there is some pissed off 80 year old typing this stuff on here. lol Don't mind me- :beer:
I for one will be whipping out the phone when my 9 year old daughter says she is bored and wants me to buy her a bunch of over-priced items at the stadium.
Judging from my insane checking of seats. Upper Deck Prime and the four $105 sections closest to Upper Deck prime had almost zero openings since they were sold in spring of 2009. No one gave up those seats practically. If you are there you are gold.
I wanted Upper Prime and never talked my way into any. Ended up with two in 341 close to where the Apollo spaceship landed. Never got offered better. Nothing decent on the home side at all. Think about it. With Stubhub and friends, keeping UD Prime and lower UD Sideline seats is an almost no risk situation. For $1050 to $1250 per seat with no PSL, you can: 1.) Send/Take kids to the Preseason games; 2.) Sell just about any ticket to a regular season at a profit; and 3.) B/c of no-PSL, you can give them up next year if you want without any further obligation. On a per ticket basis, I just cannot see people losing money on them or giving them up this year. If they bought PSL Seats, I bet the kept the good UD seats they got with Seniority. I would.
Gotta disagree with you a million percent. Upper primes are $125 each, compared to what, $75 last year for similar seats? That's a 66% markup and all the sushi in world won't make people want to pay that much all of a sudden. I don't see it man, except for the first row I can't imagine the average resale going for more than about $100 per ticket over a full season
I only sit in Upper Deck Prime. The mere mention of a non-prime sear depresses me. Like going to Peter Lugar and getting now prime steak. I want and deserve my Prime. In ud best I was offered was 342, 335 and 317 row 15 and back. I went on stubhub/seatgeek and ran projected resale values minus fees and found that is where breakeven begins. Around three sections from upper prime 15th row and higher. Basically, every seat closer if you sell all ten game is a guranteed profit. That my spreadsheet tell me is the "scalper line in the sand". I passed if I want it is cheaper to buy individual games up there rather then hold seats in hopes kids one day want them or pray for play-off rights, Too much Kotite era memories for me.
actual sales are like $195 a ticket. remember, scalpers unload them all by the time we beat the pats. If jets go sour and ticket prices fall they are already out and wont renew next year.
BTW 227 I love you man, remember when you are enjoying those great UD seats next 30 years it was rojf who lit the fire under your can. when I sit in UD I will pm you my exact bat location so you can stop be and say hi, I will even buy you a large beer!!! I am impressed you are not wishy washy like me and you stick to your guns.
Post of the year. I can't stand any of this crap, I go to games to enjoy the in stadium atmposphere/vibe, I don't want my home brought to the game. And the video screens are a joke because they only show highlights of Jet plays, not of the other team or replays of close calls. The video updates of out of town games are 45-60 minutes behind the actual game. I guess they are worried with HDTV/3D and the price of tickets, people are going to stop going to games. I am going to stop going if they don't stop adding all this peripheral crap. To much noise!!!
I would never sit in the 6th row lower level, I have a fear of heights. I will tell you how Upper Prime is on 50 yard line when I am up there. Remember, I have never been to new stadium. I will be posting a ton of shots after Jets/Giants and Jets/Ravens. From my families four seats locations where we are all swapping around seats so I will be sitting in a bunch of places. Even by you. I even have a zoom feature so for the guys like SAR in mezz A so I can get a shot of his seats from the field.
The Upper deck will be the place to be, old Shea and 80's STH's. The lower you go, the higher chance of a lame fan.... for the most part. I am not expecting to many BB users texting away or yuppies showing up at 1:40, going to their seats on 3rd and 10 and making everyone stand up, eating shitty looking chili dogs, texting away and leave at 03:15. That will be in the Mezz and LL for sure. The UD is a win win. I can't wait for 8/16!!!!!!
Hey after playing the New Madden does anyone know what the Turf field will look like for the Giants and the Jets?? is there an image somewhere or a design? the one in the Video game is sweet green endzone with white jets lettering and the NFL and AFC logos next to JETS just was hoping that they werent just plain turf with the white lettering like last year kinda looks cheap
That is what it looks like in all the images the Jets have put out so I hope it will look that way. We'll find out in 2 weeks I guess(unless they are holding it back for the reg season).
Look at sales data on Stubhub, someone with upper prime or lower upper sidelines could easily drop the price and cash out at a profit right now. With a 15% commish to Stubhub, the breakeven price for Upper Primes is $1438 for the season. Right now, good UD Prime seats could easily be sold without any problem for approx: Giants: $100 Redskins: $30 Ravens: $220 Pats: $220 Vikings: $195 Pats: $195 Texans:$155 Bungles:$155 Dolphins: $175 Bills: $125 Total Revenues: $1575 with a rough profit of over $100. Let's say you owned two such seats: Lets say, Upper Prime, Row 5 or better. If you decide to upgrade to PSL seats, why give them up? You can easily: 1. Sell them on Stubhub as per above. BTW - my numbers were conservative and reflect aggressive pricing. Someone willing to wait could probably do better. Worst case scenario - small loss. 2. Sell the whole season to a scalper for an immediate profit (or at least break even). 3. Sell them to friends for FV. If the Jets have a home playoff game, you make a nice little profit. The time to decide to give them up is after this season. By that time, we should know the true demand for Jets tickets for next season. With no PSL risk, waiting is a no brainer.
Dude that's meaningless, for Yankees Saturday games a $25 ticket behind the plate would go for about $40 on average (+60%) 2 months before the season. Now that the season started you can pick them up anywhere from $10 to $20 a day before (-20% to -60%). It's all supply and demand, wait until the Jets season starts and the Jets have unloaded their thousands of unsold seats. That will be the true market value Exactly, right now. Those fat margins won't be so fat after the season starts and they won't exist at all mid season, even more so if the Jets are fielding a mediocre performance Yeah it is a no-brainer as of today. If you can land them buy immediately, keep the games you want and sell soon and you'll come out on top. It's all about timing ---------