terrible reference and usually if you feel the need to add rationalization its usually shouldnt be said. that and the fact that it took you 8100 posts before you decided to lay that gem on a young lady. anyways... i hope they eat 10k seats and have to tarp off sections like jacksonville. god i hate this stadium so much.
I didn't want her to think I was calling her a pig in case she didn't see it. Thanx for your input though. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.
The funny thing they are eating is Gridiron club prime, which is 50 yard mezz tickets. With a $395 ticket price, same as GHC with no food the few people who bought there were all relocated to GHC. So they combined the few who already bought in GHC with these additions from the Gridiron Club prime. Going to be funny seeing section 239 and 213 50 yard line Mezz empty. Guess freebies and VIPs up there. Heck even selling single tickets will be tough with a $395 face and $35 a parking and no free food. That is over $800 a pair to sit in mezz at face for right to buy a ten dollar beer, who is paying 25K psl for that right? The 10K seats closest to 7.5k seats have not sold wonder what they are going to do with that? Who is paying 10K psl with a $140 ticket price to sit on 11 yard line? Maybe 30 yard line which is same price, but 11 yard line?
When I say UDs buy PSLs, I didn't mean in the upper deck, I meant UDs relocating to PSL seats after seeing how bad their UD seat is.
but what happens when eventually Jets have to sell their UD seats they are sitting on. Moving from row 24 UD EZ to LL EZ row 24 for an extra 2.5k a seat is an easy sell. But what if choice becomes move your pair of row 24 UD EZ to UD sideline row 14 on ten yard line for an extra $200 bucks vs. moving to LL EZ 24 for an extra 5k? The big hole to me is that promotion they did for 2007/2008 and 2009 season ticket holders who did not buy seats for 2010, the less loyal who did not like PSL concept so much they did not even buy UD seats. They gave them no money down, free parking PSL seats in 2010 with no payment due till 11/2011. If PSLs tank or there is a NFL strike good luck getting a nickle out of them they will default. They were fine with having no seats. If Jets don't have a great 2010 and 2011 season these seats come back and good luck reselling two year old PSL seats. I think that is why Jets went back to a 10% downpayment. In a zero downpayment situation if PSls fall even 9% in value people are walking away.
your post reminded me of the old gi joe PSA commercials that someone redid. this one happens to fit the whole jets psl situation pretty well. hopefully i dont get in trouble for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8
He was referencing my quote that I referenced to your quote about bad references or something like that. lol
I actually am furious with the Jets, turns out there are around only 140 true sideline row one tickets. When I found out I could not buy all 140 I blew a gasket and demanded I be moved in front of row one. There is some room for a guy like me to drag my lazy boy onto field so they should do it. Hey if they want a sale
yea but mine is last weeks eposoide and has me shaking hands with Jerry Jones of Cowboys - Football related. I will switch when I find something fun again.
ha ha its cool i like admirers. my threads my avatar. 17a_tailgater.....rowonejetfan your like my evil twin mario and wario luigi and waluigi superman and bizarro ok im done
Bat-Mite is a fictional character appearing in stories published by DC Comics. Bat-Mite Appears as a small childlike man in an ill-fitting costume, Bat-Mite possesses what appears to be near-infinite magical power, but in reality is highly advanced technology from the fifth-dimension that can not be understood by our limited three-dimensional views. Bat-Mite idolizes Batman, and thus he has visited Batman on various occasions, often setting up strange events so that he could see his hero in action. Bat-Mite is more of a nuisance than a supervillain, and often leaves his hero alone when he realizes he has angered his idol.
Even if they let you bring your LazyBoy out onto the field, you'd probably bitch when you found out it's not on the aisle.
Woody Johnson about to be on live ESPN 1050 in a couple minutes (~6:25 pm 7/13) Going to listen for any PSL (*cough* bullshit) insights