having the sun in your face sucked!!!! like 227 said,i had to shield my eyes for the whole game.sunglasses and hat where a must. also it drained the shit out of you when you walk in drunk and continue drinking in the sun.by the time the game is over you are shot. this is why i picked the Pepsi Corner and also b/c i believed i woas going to be parking over there near the turnpike exit 16w...
I pretty much agree. If price were no object and I could have any seat in the house, give me Mezz Row One 50 YL. But I believe the question was, "at the current ticket prices" what would you take. Hands down it is Section 339, Row One at the 50YL for me. I have 4 seats and the Mezz 50YL would be a killer as far as ticket price goes. The Upper Deck is right above is not that much further away and less than half the ticket price. I could seat 4-5 people in 339 for the price of 2 in the Mezz directly below. The Mezz, IMHO, is set back too far. Gone are the days when this is the best seat in the house. And the Lowers, for me at least, are too pancaked out... too gradual. It is so shallow it's ridiculous. You have to get up to at least the drip line before you start seeing anything, and then you are as far away as Row One in the Uppers but still paying through the nose for your ticket. I'm afraid the old Giants Stadium expression "There's not a bad seat in the house" has been replaced with "There's not a good seat in the house" in the New Mausoleum Stadium. The whole palce is way too spread out for me.... really poor design and therefore not worth paying heavy frieght for a "better location." There are no better locations - only more expensive ones.
actually 340 has a row 5 and seat 1 is right next to prime seats $125 a ticket. so for $105 thats the best seat in the house
No sorry 340 does not have a row 5. Check the interior webcam and you'll see that 337,338,339 & 340 do not have row 5.
You ARE going to be parking over there, buddy. Record this post and drag it out a year from now. It's going to happen. We just haven't started fuckng the PSL people yet. That starts once the PSLs are all sold. Notice these people are being made NO PROMISES that the parking will remain the same as it is now while they're signing up. Just like they're being made NO PROMISES or guarantees orally or in writing about ticket price increases either. The Jets didn't want to get their tits in a wringer. The hammer falls when the PSLs are all sold. Woody will have a hard on like you've never seen before after all the humiliation he's had to endure over cutting prices by 50%, free parking, no down, etc., etc. He's an NFL owners laughing stock right now for misjudging his market and he'll whip out that hard on in a heartbeat the minute all the PSLs are in the bank. You're going to hear squealing and whining coming from the 100 and 200 levels as clear as if Sitrialli's Pork Store were just downstairs.
I'm two sections over toward the Pepsi Corner and will probably sneak down to Row One on occasion, ala Section 227-style. My new seats are actually cheaper than my old seats. I am getting into this, believe me.
http://www.seatandrow.com/NFL/NewMeadowlands/NewMeadowlands.htm yep row 5 seat one 340 best value in house at $105
you are right, but on other side there is. I have never actually been to NMS. It might as well be Mars I have only seen it in pictures
i was going by this. my flash isnt working properly so i cant see the interior camera http://www.seatandrow.com/NFL/NewMeadowlands/NewMeadowlands.htm
Yeah, I'd agree with that. Whoever is in Row 1 340 on the aisle next to 339 has it made. The truth is, I know what happened to all those Upper Row Ones we're all talking about. And they were never sold to any individuals. A while ago, when I had my business, we used to advertise with the Star-Ledger. And if you were a regular advertiser and your Star-Ledger sales rep like you as a customer, he had the wherewithall to get you Row Ones in the Uppers at Giants Stadium. Those seats were never sold to anyone... they were on hold for the media, NFL and such. Every once in a while I could get 4 seats (for free) to either the Jets or the Giants on the 50 in Row One. The good games were always spoken for to the real heavy-hitters, guys who would take full page adds like every day. But even for me, I could still get a couple of sets a year from them for gratis. So now you know why guys (with the exception of Champ who settled in the corner) who had very, very early seniority were called and told, "All the Row Ones are gone." It was a bunch of bullshit. They were just set aside. I'm very sure of this.
All of this is exactly why I chose row 35 (right on the drip line), instead of row 28 (which I was offered), in section 148 (Pepsi corner). No sun in my eyes, somewhat of an angular view, and as high as possible without being under the Mezz overhang. :up: I know Mezz is a better seat, but not Mezz B (also offered). But if I had my choice, I fully agree... give me Mezz, visitors side, on the 50. I'd also take Mezz A, on a visitor side corner probably just as easily.
When you finally get to the New Mausoleum Stadium, you are going to be amazed at how different the perspective is than the pictures show. And of course, the stadium is empty in the pictures. As I stood in the Lower EZ at about the drip line, I could see how gradual it was. You walk down to Row 8 or so and all of a sudden you realize, with every step, that you are losing sight of the overall field. Now sit in a seat and imagine what I call the "ass factor" on such a gradual incline. On every play, the guy in front of you stand up and you're looking at his ass becasue the slope is so gradual it's pathetic. Not that the upper rows of the 100s are any better, mind you (the slope is still as gradual) but at least you can see a little of what's going on on the other side of the field, "maybe!" The ass factor is everywhere in the 100s... 200s also, as it is just slightly steeper in grade. The trouble with the Mezz 200s is, you start pretty far back in thsese sections, so you're REALLY far back if you're beyond the drip line again, and still the slope is not very steep. In the Uppers, the slope is steep... almost dangerously so. I mean it is steep man. But that's okay. It worried me a bit when I first got to the concert, but after a while it is not a bother at all. And the "ass factor" greatly diminishes. You're looking at the entire field and you have the jumbo screens to follow up on the replays. There's not a good seat in the house" is the new motto for The New Mausoleum Stadium. That and, "Once you're in, you're buried."
since you are such a bsd vip and a bad ass playa with a mofo attitude when are you going to take me to row one for free!!! Even if it is the cheap seats. Last years visitor side LL Row one was best seat, now that Rex is not so fat I would say Jets side is best.
To each their own, my man. Everyone has their own opinion and favorite view. Mine has and always will be LL EZ. I love it for all the reasons that I've posted a bunch. Want a Clint Eastwood in a Jets uni avatar??
Cut it out, man, you're scaring the s*** out of me. Seriously, are there still tours of the stadium being done?
We've sat aisle for 22 years, and I got tired of Up and Down, and Up and Down, etc..... I opted for a couple seats in to lesson the burden a bit. 2 less people I have to stand for.