17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    17a's name is Pat??

  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Don't totally give up on the idea of improving your Uppers. There will be considerable movement now from the Uppers into the PSLs. anyone holding Uppers will not want both and the Jets will et them off the hook with their Uppers and apply the money spent to the PSL seats. This will open up more seating in the Uppers.

    The are not going to be able to tell people the lies about empty Uppers much longer now. The bullshit about "NFL Seats" and "no one is moving out of Row 16 and lower" is bullshit. People in the EZs and corners will move into Mezz and Lower Corners, opening up some decent seats. The right thing for them to do is offer the openings by seniority again in one more round, but they won't.

    I'm afraid I have to agree with ROJF on this. These seats will be offered eventually in a one-day, "out of the gate" day like this one, where it is dog eat dog and first come, first serve. If you want better location, that may be your only chance. You will probably have to jump on more seats in the Uppers and then try to sell your current seats this year and dump them next. This is the only way I see this happening, unfortunately, and ROJF is probably right.

    The Jets have fucked everyone as hard as they can throughtout this whole process, so nothing is gong to change in that regard... nothing. If it's any consolation, EVERY fan I talked to last night (Jets and Giants) were united in their disdain for the entire process. The NY area football fans are pissed beyond belief across the board and will look with jaundiced eye at anything the Jets/Giants are selling/promoting in the future. One guy even packed his own supper via SubWay and refused to buy anything at the stadium in protest.
  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    when i called this morning,if i would have taken the lower level endzone, the jets where taking my upper endzone corner row 10 seats back.which is actually row 3 b/c the rows start row 8.(5-7) handicapped
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I know you will dismiss this as bullshit, but I am okay with my seats now, after sitting up there for the entire concert. I was up there from 4:30 until close to midnight. No, I'm not as close as I was in 227, but NEITHER IS ANYONE ELSE. The stadium is too fucking spread out, period. Buying these cheaper corner and EZ PSLs DOES NOT GET YOU ANY CLOSER and in fact, worsens your overall view of the entire field of action in most cases.

    I would strongly advise someone to actually go to the stadium if they are contemplating pulling down their pants and falling for this. Better yet, I wish they had the opportunity to sit in the Uppers for an event before deciding. I've sat in the Lower EZs and Mezz EZs. Even my rep pointed out how diminished the sightlines are further back and pointed out how annoying it is to be closer to the field because the elevation isn't there. So, the only recourse for this is to sit in higher rows in these sections, and now you are much further from the action and sitting on only a slight incline which lends itself to EXTREMELY blocked vision when people stand up in front of you. The only escape from that is to have bought seats in the lower rows above tunnels, etc, where you at least have so elevation with no one in front of you. Unless you like looking at the guy's ass in front of you every time Revis covers Moss, you are fucked in those section. And now the only PSLs available are further back, so, IMO, you are NOT improving your overall experience.

    At least in the Uppers (by far the steepest grade of al levels), you can watch the game (and the entire field) without seeing the guy's ass in front of you. And you always have the jumbo screen to look at after the play. At the end of the day, you go home knowing you're not making cockamamie PSL and your ticket prices are stable. Plus you can walk away in a heartbeat for ANY reason. Let Sanchez blow out his achilles and Revis pull up with hamstring issues and Kris Jenkins demolish a lumbar disc in his back and all of a sudden you're 2-6 going into the Bye and then we'll see how valuable those PSL seats are.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, the rows start at 8 and your Row 10's are quite nice seats. You will see, 17a. When the crowd is there and the Pepsi Corner is rocking and you can see THE WHOLE FUCKING FIELD and you've had a great tailgate before the game and everybody is having a good time anyway, you'll say to yourself, "You know, this is a reall great value. I'm at the game, had a great tailgate, kids are enjoying themselves and it didn't cost me a fucking fortune." A lot to be said for that.

    The PSL seats are all about making people feel important... "Look what I have!" My views are better than yours!" It doesn't mean this is necessarily true. My old Mezz seats were truly a much better location. Not so with this Mausoleum. The old expression, "There's not a bad seat in the house" has changed to "There's not a good seat in the house." I truly believe that. The fucking place is so flattened out, the spread or value difference between the PSL seats and the Uppers is not such a difference as it used to be. There are many advantages to being in the Uppers, and I'm not just talking about the money, the PSls or the ticket prices, which is an obvious difference.

    The only thing we need to straighten out is the cockamamie parking situation, which I think is going to be inevitable. The Jets have obviously (and egregiously) done this as "punishment" or as a forceful tool to get themselves over the top and avoid unbelievable embarrassment. Once that has been resolved, the Orange Parking restrictions will have to be lifted and our Uppers will be an EXCELLENT value.
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 even my BIL gave in today and bought row 12 a few seats off the aisle
  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 even my BIL gave in today and bought row 12 a few seats off the aisle in section 135 near sectin 137.

    He is not a pompus asshole looking to impress people. His logic is his boss will let him take people to a few games a year as a company expense, for those games he can expense the two tickets and 1/10 of that years PSL cost.

    Since he loves a sideline view and wanted to be around the 20 -30 yard line and did not want to spend too much cause when there are no clients to take he is paying for himself he set a limit at 10K a seat. That seat did not exist until today. He bought two. He aslso wanted a seat easy to sell, row 12 sideline by the 30 yard line should be an easy sell on stubhub.

    Jets are also letting people downgrade if they buy more seats. Pure genius. If you have two seats in 146K section and are pissed section next door is half the price, Jets will let you trade your two seats for four seat. No extra PSL revenue but you are selling twice as many tickets that way.

    Guy I work with bought two 15k seats in that sliver of a section on Jets side last year for 30k and boy did he get screwed. Actually most mezz a people are mad two. I think if we had this as our orignal pricing Mezz a and LLEZ corners would be empty instead of full.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Good for him and congratulations and it sounds like you will have some PSL seats to sit in once in a while too. It doesn't tempt me because I'm not talking about 1 or 2 seats. I have 4 together and I'm staying where I am. I'm just off the aisle too and close to the steps for easy access to the concessions. The only move I will make is if something opens up in the Uppers that is an improvement. I'm staying in the Uppers though. Last night helped me put that to bed. We had a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

    For me, it's about being able to affordably bring the family. I'm a grandpa now, so I'll have my grandkids with me sometimes and we can tailgate and still have fun and watch the games and I still have enough money to help them through college. No payments and no worrioes about Woody shafting me with heavy-handed price increases on the ticket price.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Section 135 is originally a $15,000 PSL and a ticket price of $140. What are they charging now?

    I'm happy for your BIL, but what are YOU doing? If all of these deals are so irresistable and such a money-maker on StubHub secondary, why aren't YOU jumping on this stuff like flies on shit?

    BIL sounds like a nice guy but Woody is not. The Woodster will be on those ticket prices like a dog on the bone. Just warn him of this so it doesn't come as a complete shock when the invoice hits.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think this is where our views differ greatly. While resale is important, it's not high on my priorities and I think it is very high for you and your BIL.

    But this is something that I've never been able to get across to you even though I've tried so many times. YOUR BIL IS THE FINAL BUYER OF THESE SEATS. There is no "secondary market" profit at these prices. Losses, more than likely. The seats are still overpriced and the dollars spent for them assume way too much in the way of blue sky, sunny warm days, 1PM kickoffs and winning seasons.

    They're still seats out in the open and under the weather. And they're likely to increase at a rate that far exceeds what most expect and they are seats burdened with a PSL. THAT ALONE MAKES THEM LOSERS IN THE "SECONDARY." BUT COUPLE THIS WITH Sanchez snapping his achilles and Kris Jenkins blowing out his L4-L5 disc and Revis being out with a nagging hamstring and the season is 2-6 and then you try to sell these tickets to a rainy 4PM game with no bids and all of a sudden you're counting the dollars this is all costing and wondering "WTF have I done here?"

    I go to the games and enjoy them. Not worrying too much about the secondary. And glad I don't have to either.
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Actually he kept his section 342 seats. So I am going to finally meet you next season. I also have seats downstairs already, row 3 aisle by higher priced section. With my BIL seats now He has five, I have two and cousin has two. My cousin has seats by 17a. So we have nine seats in Pepsi corner.

    Btw in sections 142 and 135 at 8:30 am they had seats in rows 7, 8, 11, and 13. Now as of a few minutes ago the lowest row is high teens. They sold a lot of 10Ks in a few hours.

    My rep who is honest told me they are on track to sell "ever single sellable" seat by opening day. There are some truly crappy seats mixed in the cheap seats and some vastly overpriced seats in middle of EW Mezz clubs. I might actually believe that. However, what happens to the fact that every single person buying today is already an existing season ticket holder. Lots of people with bad LLEZ corner at 5k or bad TC at 6k or UD EZ upgraded today. But what happens to the seats they are leaving behind, won't they have to be sold?
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Funny peeked at JI as I know they were Mezz A nuts and had senority and were bragging last year how they were best value in stadium at 4k. Better overview view than LL EZ and closer than Mezz B

    Now they are all bitching and moaning. Even better they were complaining they per game cost is much higher than LLEZ now as they have a bigger PSL payment. All complaining how can I ask more money on stubhub for row ten mezz a then LL EZ row ten? They feel they got ripped off, same guys also loved high rows LL EZ corners which stayed at 5k.

    Other thing they are mad at is they can't downgrade and all the good 6k and 7.5k seats are sold out. Only choice is stay where they are or upgrade to new 10K seats. However, that is a huge price jump in psl and the ticket goes up in price too.

    Funny part most desirable sections under old pricing Mezz A, LL EZ corners and sections 111a and 115a 15k next to Coaches Club were actually best seats value wise last year. Now they are the worst value seats and johhny come latelys are saying ok I will take two in section 123 where Jets come out for $2,500 and can you throw in free parking, no money down and no psl payment till November 2011 and can I put it in my dead aunt ethels name.
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    actually that offer is dead.
    to get the 50% off you must put 10% down on the spot and pay for parking.
  15. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    My head's going to explode thinking about moving changing shoulda done this shoulda done that waited, spilt-up my seats to improve the view etc.

    I can't believe the Jets have given me 18 months of torture over this. To think that today, June 11th, they are close to basically reshuffling the deck and starting over is unfathomable.

    Like 227 I have too many seats (6) to dick around. I have to stay where I am in 301, rows 8 and 9. Fuck it.
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My bil got free parking this morning. That offer is not dead. That offer is good till 7-2-2010.

    In fact BIL got free parking, first PSL payment in November 2011 and three installment payments to pay for his 2010 tickets. 1/3 June, 1/3 July and 1/3 August.

    10% down on spot and pay for parking are for suckers.
  17. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Stay where you are. If you want to sit together in a large group you are getting shit seats anyhow in the sections with big price reductions.
  18. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I think in 2 weeks they'll be mostly soldout-
  19. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    if you haggle anything is alive for discussion.

    what i was offered and turned down was 10% down and no free parking
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My bil is a good haggler, over course of one year I was offered, row on mezz b, section 123 fifth row where Jets come out right next to 121, was 5k now $2,500

    Also row one section 110 row one.

    100% I would have picked the section 110 or maybe the section 121 if I knew now what I knew then. Mezz B, well that was only worth $2,500 tops in the first place.

    Scalpers got a gift from god today as low rows sell and does not matter where in lower bowl. They had lots of row one to row five seats in the now $2,500 and $10,000 sections. Plus they already got discount in 6k and 7.5k sections. They competely avoided the Mezz and high priced LL seats. The rich get richer. Only place they got burnt was the 4 LL corners but they can buy more in middle I guess.

    Good news for stub hub people is Mezz B and LL EZ middle seats will be for sale cheap on line. Some people bought extras when they downgraded and are just looking to break even.

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