17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    If Jets tank Jets will be selling PSLs real cheap. If Jets soar team wins.

    Note up till Feb 1st 2010 you have to put down 10-20%. Jets only started this after two full years of selling PSLs and only went into overdrive with the no money down, no pmt till 2011 and free parking a few weeks ago.

    What makes any of us think a scalper out of kindness of heart will make Jan 2011 psl payment after he already sold his 2010 tickets?
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thats the fun part, even if they tank they can still raise the prices and people will either walk and risk their credit being ruined or they will pay and continue to pay and continue to pay. because they have an infatuation with their team. you dont appear to be the type who really understands that infatuation with a team.

    its not a matter of the kindness of their heart, its the fact that its a scumbag thing to do and shouldnt be tolerated. but hey everyone is doing it so why not them, or you, or me. after all its just taking advantage and uncontrolled greed.

    bottom line is that just like in everything the person who isnt a scumbag pays more because of it. the jets will recoup their losses one way or another just like when they set the price for grapes at the store they figure in a certain amount of shrinkage. so YOU are paying for the little old lady who thinks its ok to grab a few while she is doing her shopping and eat em.
  3. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    No lights in the endzone that I could see.
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Tell me, seriously now... have you actually visited the new stadium and sat in some of these Row One lower seats? I have, and they suck. You have no view, especially in the lowers. In the Mezz, it's better, but not much better.

    This is because the lower deck is sloped ever so gradually. The Row Ones are so freaking low they are worthless from a football fan's point of view. The Mezz is a little better, but still sloped somewhat gradually, and the Row One seats are much better than the lower Row Ones but are still very low as looking at the action.

    The Uppers would seem the Row One of choice, but now you are too high and too far removed. I know the value of Row Ones as defined by the old stadium, but the Row Ones in the old place were MUCH BETTER than this new stadium and I'm not sure there is anything in the new stadium that equates to the old stadium.

    I know, all this doesn't matter, of course. What matters from a scalpers (your) viewpoint is being able to advertise "Row One" in your StubHub ad or eBay offering. But I am telling you right now, this stadium is too spread out for Row Ones to count as heavy as they did in the old stadium. The old place was steeper... much more of a football arena than this new Piece Of Shit, so the old standard of selling Row One for absolute top dollar may not apply after fans actually sit in some of these Row Ones and realize they're looking at players' asses when they are 20' away and then find themselves looking at the screen when they're any further than that.
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Them fighting words calling me a scalper. Actually I got offered section 110 row one and they go for a ton on stubhub but since unlike scalpers I would pay off the 30k psl for those two seats I heeded 227's advice the Jets may sue the pants off me if I try to walk away.

    I was also offered row 19 on aisle in 143 by 142. I seriously considered them and even put them on hold for my bil. But he backed out.

    I took the low row aisle in 144 by 143 because PSL was cheap and I thought it would be fun to see the touchdowns and cheerleaders close up. Plus people like to go with me to low rows. Even people like you like to go once in awhile down close. Worse overall view but different experience.

    Also I plan on only sitting in my PSL seats 3 times this year so I needed a easy to sell seat that was not too expensive if I got stuck with it. I plan on going to more games but I got an offer from a guy at work for a 195 club corner at face later in season after good games are done and I will sit with BIL or cousin a few times when I have no one to take to my seats and they are stuck with one.

    If I knew for sure Jets would let people walk 100% and not the 95% I would have took the row one section 110. If I was going to all ten games I would have took section 143 row 19. But since I am gong to 3-4 I took the cheap psl by sideline.

    Of course I second guess my self. My tombstone will either read I should have took section 110 row one or section 143 row 19.

    The best row one is coaches club. They are actually back a few rows and higher so you get the row one view without the drawbacks.
  6. Le Tricolore

    Le Tricolore Member

    May 29, 2010
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    Annnnnnnd I'm finally going to be seeing my first NFL game. I live in Montreal and have been following the Jets for the better part of the last 15 years (I'm 25), and I'll be seeing the Packers @ Jets this October. I bought a pair of tickets today in section 110, row 27, and I could not be more thrilled! October 31st can't come soon enough!
  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Great!!!, how much did those bad boys run you? Section 110 is a great section and row 27 is a nice height plus it is a very narrow sectoin so you don't have to worry about being suck in middle and climbing over 15 people to get out. And it is sunny on jet side to boot.
  8. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Thanks for the welcome, I'm now in section 317, row 19, pretty much the same view of the field I/we had in section 314 of the old place (just a lot higher :smile:).

    I'm going to miss section 314, spent many years up there with a lot of good memories; Willie screaming, Weasel dancing, cowbells banging, Johnny Walker (God rest his soul). Too many good times to list. Oh well, hopefully we'll be starting new memories in the new section, but I get the feeling the closeness and camaraderie will never be the same. We shall see...
  9. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    You're not dead? Feels as if John Travolta hasn't posted round these parts in years....!
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    look and weep
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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  12. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Sec 314 will never be duplicated. "Who's here in December" never to be heard again. What row where you in sec 314? . I was row 9
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I used to hang at gate b at half time but not to look for tities, wonder where we can go in the new place. Another thing taken away.
  14. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Gate D has been titty free for 2 years now, that was my gate-

    They put those hanging cover things up and blocked all shots at the titty.
  15. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    sect 317

    And I am in 317 as well, a couple of rows below you, displaced from my beloved Section 312, Row 19, where I have sat since the 80's. Jetbo
  16. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Gate D

    That Pic my friend is messed up!!!
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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  18. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Didn't they do all of that because women started bitching & moaning about being asked to show their tits? What did they expect in a stadium of 78,000 filled with 95% men, more than half of them drunk. It was all in good fun. I never went to Gate D, always Gate C spirals, and nothing like that happend there. I don't know, didn't seem like it was that harmless of a place to me. Seemed like a lot of woman enjoyed flashing for the fans from what I read/pictures I saw.
  19. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    seeing those covers was devastating for me. i loved Gate D debauchery
  20. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    You poor guy, first the Puerto Rican day parade and then this

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