17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    The stadium should be completely down by July 1st, at the latest, giving them 6 weeks to remove all the rubble and pave down the lot.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    no way july 1st. you have to remember, that it is still 20 feet below ground level where the field was.they will have to fill that in still and make that safe.
  3. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Everyone should write letters and send to Jets Ticket office, or send emails to STH@newyorkjets.com, if you ARE NOT HAPPY with the Parking Situation. STUFF THE MAIL or EMAIL BOXES. Let your voices be heard. It would NOT BE that difficult to just Eat Crow and change the policy.

    Woody needs to wake up and smell the coffee. He really dropped the ball on this one.

    I talked to someone at the Giants ticket office (he was even laughing at the Jets Plan), and they said that the SPECIAL VIP Parking would only be for CLUB and SUITE Ticket Holders/Guests!!!! The rest of the people can park wherever they like. I know that all Giants tickets come with a PSL, but Most of the Ipper Leevel was only $1000.00 For PSL, which the Stupid JETS should have done as well.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    if the jets charged a $1000 PSL for the uppers, i would have bought the $4000 in the mezz a.plain and simple
  5. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Jets Upper and Parking

    It would have depended on what I could have gotten in the uppers with the $1000.00 PSL. If I could have gotten a low row between the 40's I would still have stayed upstairs, and we would not have to deal with all this Parking BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Again, I will take the inconvient parking over paying $1000 a ticket for the right to sit in the Upper deck. The Giant fans who paid 1k to sit in row 20 are going to be pissed. Its the one thing Woody did right, I really don't care about my seasons once I die. The upper deck sucks, lets be honest, we will make it fun because all the real fans are up there... or most, but its a major downgrade for all of us. "F" the Giants, they are an old and unimaginative orginization just like their fans. We are the leading edge pro team in NY, we just don't have the fan base size that they have to fill the place. They went througt their entire wait list, you know the famous one that was 100 years long
    #7266 sec314, May 24, 2010
    Last edited: May 24, 2010
  7. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i have been reading the giants website and all mezz sidelines club seats and lower level behind the giants bench,the ticket prices will remain the same.no increasef or the 1st 3 seasons.

    the great hall with be covered in Giants pictures as well just like the jets
  8. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I think putting a PSL on the uppers would've sold much more of the more expensive PSL's. The 4k-7.5k group.

    So yeah I think Woody deserves a little credit for that.

    (As mentioned earlier)
  9. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    They all were priced WAY too high, especially for a market that foolishly hoped the PSL costs would be less than in other stadiums because the stadium was shared by two, and each seat would in effect have two PSL's to it.

    If the lower sidelines were 6 to 8K, lower end zones 2.5K, mezzanine EZ 3K etc they would have filled up quickly before the economy got worse. They'd still make a shit load of money, have the seats filled for years to come, and we'd all have better seats today. Those of us with money and some seniority would be upgrading their seats and be really looking forward to the stadium opening, and there'd be no near mutiny over this ridiculous parking fiasco.
  10. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The funny thing was going into this whole mess, we had 22 years seniority and I thought we'd end up with bad seats. Or seats that I don't prefer I should say.

    I thought people would be jumping allover this with a chance to move, I was WAY off.
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I think you and I underestimated how many people don't care they have shitty seats. I know people in UD for over 20 years in crappy seats who took crappy seats in UD, they never asked to move down or for better seats with no PSL so why start now.

    That and Jets did so much pricing changes. I had a friend in row one Mezz who and his Dad loved the seats to death. Jets last September still had row one available up there but friend had heart attack with $400 tickets and said no way. By time they cut prices on tickets his mind was made up and row one was going. Other people in UD like a sideline view, up till TC/LGL price cut there were no moderately priced sideline PSLs.

    Also few people do what we do. My cousin basically paid for his UD seats, jets don't even have his current email and he ignored the one or two calls he got. Some UD people are like I guess I will see my seats in August.

    The Jets counted on people either paying up to keep their good seats, or people in bad seats paying up to finally get good seats and a higher percentage of people on Waiting list actually buying tickets. Plenty of friends I know on waiting list did not buy a PSL, remember, season tickets last year were not even sold out.

    Also Jets had way too many tickets per season ticket holder, when they were cheap, one guy might have 8 tickets in his name and sold a lot or was sole owner for his group. Came crunch time folks renting a seat ain't buying a PSL.

    Giants sold out whole UD at 1k and even have a long waiting list to buy 1K UD seats if they become availalbe. Jets have not even sold out a PSL free UD>
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The rep who showed me my seats on Friday called me this morning. "Hey," he says, "just giving you a call today like you asked me to." Trouble is, I never asked him to. Oh well, WTF else is new. Lie your fucking asses off, all the time, all the way, every day.

    I interrupted his second attempt at a pitch by telling him flat out, "Listen, I talked to my wife and we still don't want a PSL. Thanks for showing me those seats though... they were very tempting. But I still can't justify it.
    Really appreciate your time though."

    "What is it, the PSL or the ticket price?" he asks. I tell him it's both. Then he goes back to the "well the PSL is only X number of dollars per month when you break it down." To which I reply, "I have never looked at debt that way. A $20,000 PSL is exactly that. I never look at debt as 'Well, it's only $.42 per day, do you know what I mean? Thats not the way you look at debt or financial obligation. Do you know what I'm saying?"

    For that, he had no comeback. "I know what you mean," he said. I told him, "I don't have one or two seats... I've got four. It's a lot of money and breaking it down into monthly payments over 15 years is not the way to look at this sort of non-essential debt."

    "Well, I figured after talking to you on Friday that this is what you were thinking," he says, and starts to sign off "If you change your mind or if there is anything I can do...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...."

    So I figure, let me get the parting shot. "You know, here's the thing you guys ought to know. The orange parking, especially for Pepsi Corner, is horrendous. In fact, I'm pretty sure if nothing is done, I will not buy 2011 seats... I'll be done. I am talking about the horrendous walk from the other side of 120 t the Pepsi Corner Uppers. It is SOOO INCONVENIENT it's unconscionable. We are going to have to hike from the east side of 120 diagonally across the stadium to get to our seats, then the same thing going home. NOT GOING TO WORK FOR ME.

    I go further. "I've called Manny Jacobo, my original rep, three times already AND HE DOESN'T RETURN MY PHONE CALLS. Your management team needs to know how I feel about this orange parking situation, especially in the PEPSI CORNER, because you guys are going to have a ton of ONE AND DONE upper deckers, me included. I'll be here this year and I'll be gone, an I know LOTS OF OTHER GUYS WHO FEEL THE SAME WAY. So I strongly suggest you pass this messageup the chain of command because you are going to have huge defections come 2011 if you don't."

    "Okay, I hear you and I know what you mean," he says. "Okay," I left it, "make sure you tell your management this is going to happen, because I can't get through to Jacobo to tell him this. If you guys will not at least give us old-timers the courtesy of an upgrade into the vacated uppers or a break on the parking, you're going to have a stadium that's half empty in 2011, ad then you're going to have twice the work trying to resell all those upper seats all over again."

    "Thank you Sir... I'll pass it along." A bunch of assholes.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    40" doesn't cut it Jetbo. Get with the fucking program. Go with at least a 50" and while you're at it, pay for the Comcast high def with DVR capability. Now you can record Sopranos episodes, for example, (or even Jets games you have to miss) and then watch them all at your leisure.

    Fuck the parking, fuck sitting in the wind and rain, fuck the expense and fuck the wasted day and all the preparation it entailed. Your kids get their homework done and your wife feels like she's actually got a husband again.
  14. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    I Like it. Now that's what I am talking about. If Everyone would do/say that, MAYBE FREAKIN WOODY WOULD GET THE HINT!!!!!

    I am so close to bailing as well, but I figured I had to give it at least 1 Season!!!!!!
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    In all honesty I know at least 10 seperate buyers that would buy UD tix if good seats were left.

    And that's just me, there has to be plenty more out there. Some of our "club" friends would buy uppers just to invite others to games.

    That's the "small" company perk now too. 2 different IT companies I know are waiting for a decent pair of uppers to open up, just to give out to their top clients. Ya know like tiny 8-12 employees.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "Good seats" is the catch phrase. People will always go for the sideline lower row seats, but what about rows 12-24 in Pepsi when they find out it takes 20 minutes to get from their seat to their car after the game?
  17. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    One thing I just thought about after reading 227's last post. Sounds to me like a large percentage of people will be entering from one side , most Upper deck people plus everyone who exits the train will be coming from the east so here we go again with long lines and congestion getting in, no? I guess you can walk around the outside but people are like sheep and will follow everyone else. You think they would spread people out, nope, all that work and lets park all the UD people on the same side of the stadium.
  18. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    There are 5 different entrances as opposed to 4 in the old stadium.

    Verizon, MetLife & Pepsi Gates and both 50 yard line entrances.

    Pepsi could be a tad crowded, but you could always walk over to the 50 yard line entrance, which is what I'll be doing.
  19. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    227 - This is the report I was hoping to hear the day after your tour, but it just took a few days. It's actually better that they had you qualified as a hot "lead" and you were able to spin it around on them. Your economics lesson though simple is a good one. People planning their finances by reasoning away payments as suggested by your latest rep are what makes guys like Woody billionaires, and so many out there in financial trouble. One PSL? Maybe, but for anyone carrying multiple seats - Dads, Grandads - forget about it.

    The best part is you were even able to get your parking complaint in loud and clear. I will file mine today.
  20. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Of course they care. They, like me just know it's the only option and the smartest one given these prices. You should be working in Florham Park.

    Why are there even "shitty seats" to begin with? This place was touted as such a wonderful state of the art, best stadium in the NFL, blah blah blah, and today they'll be awarded a Super Bowl to help them stroke themselves some more times. They would not have been allowed to bid if they weren't getting it. They'll get the votes of other cold weather sites who'll hope to get Jets/Giants votes reciprocated later.

    Makes me sick.

    Also - after reading here about all the claims of available "vacated" uppers opening up, I contacted my rep two weeks ago who said there was nothing available in the upper deck, so I don't know how this rumor started.

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