17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    This is a problem..
  2. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Whatever you'd like to believe. The fact is you can walk away from your PSL. The Jets would not spend their time and money to sue you into paying it off. They'll take what they got from you and move on. They will not waste their time they will simply re-sell those seats to somebody else in due time. AND if you don't want to go through all that you can always transfer after the 2010 season and make it somebody else's problem. Take your 2010 PSL payment cost (say you did a payment plan of 5 or 15 years) and just add them into what you paid for your 2010 seats as one big total cost. Don't "sell" them in a transfer, just sign them over, and walk away that way. It will be very easy to find someone who will take them, depending on your seat location, especially since you've already paid part of the PSL!

    You don't wanna pony up the cash for better seats? Thats your problem/situation.
    #6962 MurrellMartin, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i have never parked over there. pats hater says you can. but i can wait to see the "Hired Help Parking Team" tell people where they can walk too.even its a shorter walk they will probably deem it unsafe and for vechicles only.

    in that front lot with the big sign, is there grass area or sidewalks for tailgating?i have a feeling that 1 car 1 space policy will strictly be enforced.

    i could see mulitple staff personel directing you to the exact parking spot you are to park in.one car after the next parking right next to each other
  4. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Yup, we are living in a caste system here in The States. We used to do things for the common good, things like using tax dollars to pay for bats and balls for our kids' basball teams, now we have user fees. We used to get our luggage on the plane included in the price, now they charge for them because many people complained they were paying for luggage they never checked, they carried on their own bags.

    This caste system at the stadium is just a continuation of that. If you want the good things in anything, you gotta pay for them. The simple fact that you were there first doesn't count anymore. Sad, but true.
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Jets WILL not lower PSL prices***. I spoke to them yesterday. KInda suprised me, but Woody said it yesterday too. They will try every incentive in the book, free parking, Bonjovi tickets etc. They did say they are very open to lowering Great Hall Club ticket prices but not the PSL.

    However I give you the *** because Jets are still mulling it over for "dripline" seats and "obstructed view seats". Under this scenario you lower the PSL on Mezz B and LLEZ seats in the rows at begining of cover where you get dripped and beer spills from UD that suck, you also lower PSLs on Mezz B jammed against Huge screens and LL EZ seats where fieldgoals or net is in way or 15k or 20k jammed by an entrance. In this version the PSL price cut is NOT retroactive. Some guy in a nice aisle row in section 146 by 144 by row 20 who paid 5k will not get his PSL knocked down just cause the last 2,000 crappy seats in an 18,000 seat section will not sell.

    However, Woody only said he would not sell PSL seats on a game by game basis. Sounds to me he is heavily inducing existing Upper Deck people to move down which keeps opening up UD seats. He will have to sell those UD seats on a game by game basis and that could be a few thousand.

    Woody is a business man and I doubt someone in Mezz B row one on aisle who was happy to pay 4k and a 120 ticket price will get his ticket reduced cause Mezz B last row in middle with the wind at their back wont sell.

    When you price large sections of different various values with a single value if pricing is done correctly 1/3 is slightly underpriced, 1/3 is correctly priced and 1/3 is overpriced. If Woody has sold out 2/3's of PSLs and has not adjusted his pricing guess which 1/3 remains? Woody come crunch time will say these supposed "drip-line" seats being reduced are not a true PSL reduction.
  6. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I was simply referring to your comment RE: 227's thoughts RE: 227 hating the Jets..
  7. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Wow, Fatcessa is going bonkers on the Jets today. Specifically trashing Woody and calling him all kinds of names over the PSLs and the implied threat to black out games.

    Much discussion on blackouts. Impacts include CBS, Fox Sunday night shows' ratings, DirectTV subscriptions, NFL image, etc.
    Bottom line - all agree, no one will ever black out a Jets or Giants game. Ever.
    Just won't happen.
  8. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I thought Fatcesa was WAY off on his assessment of Woody's comments (what else is new) and that's the first time I've called him fatcesa, so I generally like the guy, or at least I did before Russo left. That's for another thread...

    Woody in no way threatened a black-out IMO. He simple held his ground that the PSl's will be sold at their current price. He's wrong of course, but he can think that if he wants to. All he said was that the threat of a blackout won't deter him or cause him to buy-back seats. Conclude from that what you will, but Francesa, um fatcesa of course spun that to attack the Jets. Yawn.
  9. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Push will come to shove, and Woody will have to eat crow one way or another. He put himself in a corner, there is absolutely no way that the remaining PSL will be sold without substantial discounts. If he doesn't offer them game by game he'll have to offer them as season tickets without a fee (as I've said he would so all along). If not, blackouts here we come
  10. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I'm not so sure they won't sell out. I am thinking that there is four months until the season opener. Sure, football nuts like all of us are thinking about the upcoming season, but we are a small sample.

    Once training camps open and people see the stadium on TV for the preseason games, ticket sales will heat up.

    Others have pointed out that there is no real incentive to buying now. To many people, the thought of sitting in the upper deck is synonymous with bad seats. All we keep hearing is that the upper deck is sold out, and plenty of lower seats are available.

    Again, the average football fan is only concerned with staying out of the "bad seats". If they have the money, they will hold it until they are sure no better deals will come along. To them, the idea that they are under cover on the mezzanine sounds great (Hey, I was one of those people). To them, being able to say they have lower level seats in the corner will also be great. While we may know better, the average huckleberry buying seats will only wonder how he was able to snag lower level season tickets to the Jets after they had a waiting list for 2 decades.

    I think once we start hearing that there are only a few thousand left, sales will heat up more. People will fear they are going to get shut out and start snapping up the dregs of the seats remaining. Yeah, it's near the top of the aisle in the corner of the end zone, but hey, it's still in the stadium.

    We have to remember that not everyone is like us. They don't research the perfect seats like we do. They don't follow the draft for weeks before it happens. They have no idea where the Jets have their summer camp. They only know that football starts on September 13th and they want a seat.

    Or I could be totally wrong.....hey, I am married, so I have been known to be wrong a time or ten.
  11. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    don't count on it, the Jets have looked under every possible stone and can't possibly squeeze more blood out of this rock. Stay tuned, it's going to get interesting
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    In another thread you state that you have not purchased a PSL and do not intend to. Yet, this statement leads others to believe that you HAVE INDEED purchased a PSL on YOUR terms (i.e., your clause that states you "plan on walking away if teams go south").

    So which is it? Please clarify for us all, because this is very misleading:

    1) Have you purchased a PSL?

    2) If so, did the Jets agree to your "walk away" terms?

    3) Did you not purchase the PSL and if not, was it because the Jets would not agree to your "walk away" terms, or

    4) This is all a bunch of bullshit.

    Seriously, it's unfair to leave people hanging on the thought that it's possible to obtain a special PSL contract from the Jets in which it's perfectly okay with them for you to "walk away" from your contractual obligation if the team "goes south" at this or any time during the life of the contract.

    A response is in order.
  13. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Bah! Bribe them with a burger and a beer. Works for me.
  14. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    That is how they do it up in Foxborough.
  15. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I was thinking back to when the Jets first were filling the stadium, assigning seats based on seniority. I was originally told that I would be called in May to choose my seats. Then when I never got a call the week they promised, I called them and was told it was pushed back to late July. When that call never came, I called and was told that they were concentrating on selling tickets for 2009, and we would get a call in September after the season started.

    The story I heard was that they were taking longer for the long seniority folks to pick their seats.

    I wonder how sales would have gone if they had done things quicker. What I mean is that if they didn't fiddle around with sales in the beginning and and gave people a firm deadline, would they have sold more tickets by now?

    What does anyone else think? Do you think if they ran through the list faster and got to the bottom of the list and through the waiting list earlier, would they have sold tickets faster? Or would it have been slower?

    They took what seemed like forever to get to me. I am a big time sports nut so it was not a really big deal for me, they were going to sell me them eventually. But what about the average season ticket holder? Anyone think they lost a bunch of sales making these people wait so long? Maybe some just got fed up with the process?

    Just a random thought that flashed through my head tonight.......
  16. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I had 1979 seniority, and if they were delayed calling me it wasn't by much as I recall. My decision was all about economics, and it took no more than 10 minutes for me to finalize my choice on 5/27.
  17. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    My seniority was late 90's when the tickets were transferred into my name. In the beginning it was about economics and weather. I wanted seats under cover with a low PSL. I had originally chosen the alcohol free seats in Mezz B.

    But once my wife and I saw the Club Corner seats for a similar PSL, we made the leap into the club. The club gave me the freedom from the weather, and the $5000 PSL was close to the lowest available for me at the time.
  18. trojannation

    trojannation New Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    they definitely didn't strictly follow senority during june/july... i just became a season ticket holder last season and had my new stadium seats in july... they seemed like all they cared about was getting people to sign psl contracts and putting down deposits

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