17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Thanks, this is what I figured. It's hard enough for these guys making $6/hour or whatever just to funnel cars into spots that are coming in randomly. Trying to get people into assigned spots would be logistically impossible, also assuming everyone is coming directly from where they live for every game was a silly concept.

    There are a few things people should be left to do for themselves in this country without supervision, I'd think parking your car at a football game is one of them. Especially since the stadium is located in the middle of, you know, vast swampland with ample parking.
  2. no psls

    no psls Banned

    May 21, 2009
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    I've got the 4:00 to 5:00 tour . be ready to do somw walking . supposedly, there will be no elevator or escalator service on saturday or sunday. LOVELY !!!!!
  3. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    I agree. I think the pre-paid concept has been pretty outstanding. When I asked him about it, I actually said, "Please don't tell me we're going back to paying at the gate for parking." Then to add tailgate areas on top of that would've been a nightmare.
  4. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    That was actually the primary reason why I had to speak to a rep. I was gonna go with someone in a wheelchair and I was wondering what handicap access they had available. Glad I asked well ahead. Just in case anybody who is going in a wheelchair or canes is interested, the service elevators are off during the weekends because it's mostly the construction workers who use it. But the reps will be more than happy to schedule u in on the weekdays when the elevators will be in service.
  5. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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  6. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Upper Corner Concession??

    I decided not to go tomorrow since I was there in February. Maybe someone who is going can do me a favor? Let us know what has become of this area in the upper Bud Light corner - 302-304 area. I am curious to see if it is a worthwhile concession, or just some bullsh*t thing. There are probably four of these - one per corner. When I contacted the stadium folks I was told it would be themed to the "corporate sponsor" of that gate. So anything's possible. We could be blessed with a Verizon store and a Met Life insurance sales office. At least I'm near the Bud Light corner. Maybe it'll be a Spuds Mackenzie petting zoo...

    Anyone remember Spuds Mackenzie?

  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Hey I saw on ebay a jet fan selling 3 season ticket seats on aisle in section 313 row 13 upper prime for $3,650 in total for all ten games. Jets side 50 yard line. Expires tommorrow, it is a buy it now price.

    That is under face value. Anyone on fence with out tickets who does not want a PSL but wants good seat not a bad deal.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i know it makes me old but yes i remember spuds, a petting zoo would be perfect :) its annoying that they would put garbage there but thats what pays the bills. oh wait thats what pays the owner after the bills are paid in 5 years. fuckin scumbags the all of em.

    you have to figure there are 20k cars that are driven to the game. 500k per game. well the 8 regular season games at least. thats absolutely insane.. and its guaranteed. so its probably closer to 30k parking passes than 20k.

    and honestly, they cant manage to get the fucking elevators working on a weekend? do they need someone special to turn the fucking things on? i dont grasp why this is an issue other than they are really trying to annoy people into psls.
  9. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    Just got back from the tour. Please keep in mind that I've never owned Lowers in the old stadium. I've sat down there a few times, but not as a regular. So, bare with me when I feel extremely surprised at how I describe some of the views.

    The Stadium looks really nice. Sitting up in Sect 332, Row 26 made me feel dizzy. The view isn't terrible considering they're PSL-free seats, but you def feel being really high up. One thing that stuck out is the entrance to the upper-Uppers. They shrank the entrances and put 2 small staircases IN the entrance, rather than by the seats. I took a picture of it, but I don't know how to post it. This is gonna cause a lot of traffic for people going to get beers or bathroom and I expect it to get worse during halftime.

    After checking out some options in the Mezz and the Lowers, I'm actually strongly considering changing my seats. The seats on the Mezz feels like you're on top of the field, which is really good. Not to mention the wide-open space you get below the huge LCD screens when walking to the Concourse, as opposed to the crampness of the Uppers. For 4K and $15 more (going from $105 to $125) than the price I'm paying now in Season Tickets, I began contemplating the idea to move. Then they showed me the 5K, $125 seats by the corner of the endzone, and I'm strongly considering moving there.

    Overall, the Stadium is monstrous but it looks really nice. Most of the concession stands were walled off because they're still being worked on, so there wasn't much u could see. The prices are steep if you're paying for your entire family, but some of those 4K-5K seats (I think) are totally affordable if you're only paying for ur own seat.

    If someone could show me how to post pics, I'll be happy to post them on here.
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Interesting VinnyT on Jetsinsider claimed he spoke to his rep this weekend and he said this: "I chatted with a rep on line yesterday and they are in fact going to do an upper deck shift a couple weeks after this open house this weekend"

    Exact opposite of what they told 227 the day before.

    Another thing that suprised me is some people reported that a lot of 15k seats were sold, Jets are trying to show best seats availalble in 4k, 5k, 6k, 7.5K and 15K seats to UD people to tempt them to move.

    I knew a decent amount of early people choose 4k and 5k seats, and they got some traction with 6k and 7.5k when they lowered prices but 15K seats WTF, that is a steep nut to cover.

    If someone can post pictures and does not know how, Yahoo's http://www.flickr.com/

    is pretty easy to use. Free, just need to set up account and hyperlink where your pictures are and post

    also interested for peope who went what were best PSLs available and did anyone ask if they could get upgraded in UD if they had shitty seats.
  11. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Saw my seats today. I signed in got a card with my seat location and took an elevator up 2 levels to meet a guy named David who then took me to my seats. He was very nice and polite and showed me my seats. Didn't put any pressure on me at all. Did mention that row 6 of the upper deck of the new stadium is last row of the old stadium. I'm in row 15 in 346 and used to sit in row 7 of 337. I felt 10-12 rows higher in my new seats compared to the old ones and felt a slight pushback. I didn't think it was terrible. I walked up to row 26 though and those were pretty high up there.

    I was told parking will be color coded but no real true assigned lots. It will almost be like an onion with club parking first, then PSL parking, then non PSL parking. It was also nice that when you take the esclator to the upper deck section 346 is right directly there.

    Overall it's a beautiful stadium in my opinion. The upper deck might be a little higher but the pushback it what is tougher. I was pretty happy though with my seats and I think that's why my rep didn't give me the hard sell. If I said I was upset I'm sure I would have gotten a push to buy some PSLs. He just showed me the mezanine on the way down but didn't give me a hard time.

    I know a lot of you on here have had the urge to insult the sales rep teams but I tend to disagree. I know one girl who took a job and I have been in the stadium 2 times now. Most of these people are kids right out of college looking for some kind of job in a god awful economy. Most are hoping they can either stay on with the Jets (I know a girl who was told this could happen) or have something on their resume for the future. It's better to have sales rep for New York Jets then bartender at Friday's on there. If we are going to rip on anyone it should be management who has them doing all these crazy sales pitches.

    I didn't ask about an upper deck relocation and in all honesty I could care less. I've always believed you bought it you're stuck with it so these are my seats for a year if I don't like it then I'll deal with it by asking for a change or get rid of them.

    In the past few years almost every team in the area is building some kind of new stadium. Yankees, Mets, Jets, Giants, Devils, Nets, Metrostars, etc. I've come to realize I have 3 choices either don't go anymore and stay home, piss and moan and go to the games, or try to make the best of the situation and go to the games and enjoy myself. I may be higher in the upper deck then I used to be but I'll still be in the stadium, I'll be with my friends and family sitting near me, and for now we have a decent football team.
  12. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Took my second tour today

    • I took the tour today. It was my second time in the new stadium, as I did the individual tour in March. Tour guy was very nice, took us all over, pretty much where ever we requested.
    • He said that if some people when seeing their seats for the first time weren’t happy, the Jets would try to make them happy. (Such as behind the plexi-glass, etc.) He didn’t indicate what they would do to accommodate you, just that the Jets understood that some people, after seeing their seats, might have some concerns. My guess is that if you don’t like what you have in the UL, they’ll offer you a $4K PSL, pretty much what they’ve been doing right along?
    • As the agent did on my personal tour in March, today the tour guy indicated that my seniority would come into play if I move to the Mezz. He said they still have Mezz seats they’re holding for UL people with seniority, rather than offering them to non STHs in the open market. Their messages on seniority are at least, consistent.
    • I told him the PSL price didn’t scare me on the $5K or $7.5K seats, but the ticket prices did. He agreed, that many people had the same concerns.
    • The restrooms are labeled now indicating how many there are. Lots! The guide indicated the restrooms are smaller, but lots more of them. Hopefully, this should eliminate the lines during half time, etc.
    • Yes, the concourses are wider. Its easier to see that now as there is much less construction equipment in the UL as when I was there a month ago.
    • We went down to the Mezz level and walked around. One thing I noticed which I didn’t the last time, was the wind. Even the agent pointed it out. When in the corners of the stadium on the Mezz level (around 245/6), there is a concourse that looks right out over the parking lot. Wow, the wind was coming through that tunnel as if I was in front of a fan. I’ll guess the wind was 20-30 mph. Yes it was breezy out today but not that windy. He even said that if he had a seat near that wind tunnel, he’d move. He said (although I didn’t check it) that this wind is in all four corners, just about where the club seats meet the end zone Mezz seats.
    • We asked to go on to the field so one of the people in charge actually took us to the field and let us take some photos from the turf.
    • The guide/agent did not give us the hard sell. He casually mentioned that if I was interested in moving down, he’d see what he could get, especially since my seniority is pretty good (1984). He agreed though that there wasn’t much available better than my UL seats on the 40 yard line.
    • The escalators were working. He said they have been working since Friday.
    • There were wide stairways but they do zig-zag down and it looks like if you use these versus the escalator, it might take more time. (Similar to the spirals in the old stadium.)
    • He said the Jets have not released the parking plan yet. He said he’s heard the different rumors about PSL vs. no-PSL, tailgate and no tailgate lots, etc. He said the Jets are well aware of the complexities of parking (how people from different sections meet, people from the train meet tailgaters, etc.), that’s why they haven’t announced something as simple as PSL and non-PSL lots. However, since the agents get these questions all the time, they ask the Jets often and the current position is that parking is still being worked. It should be announced soon. He said if anyone tells you they know the parking plan, they don’t know the correct story, they're just guessing.
    • When you look at the old stadium from the parking lot, it doesn’t look like they’ve made much progress in taking it down. However, when we viewed into the old stadium from the UL concourse, wow, it’s almost gutted. He said they’re tearing it down from the inside out. He said it will be down and paved over long before the first preseason game.
    • This also means more parking. He said they will have more spaces than even before they started construction on the new stadium a couple of years ago. That may be figuring into the delay in putting a parking plan together. My personal feeling is that they will definitely do pre-paid, seasonal parking. If for no other reason, is that they get your money whether you go to a game or not, months ahead of when you attend a game.
    • Something I hadn’t heard before was the video screens. I indicated before how big and nice these were. He said they actually installed smaller ones but Woody didn’t like them and had them removed and these newer ones put in.
    • The agent said he was at the Lacrosse tourney. He said they will continue to work out the bugs (security, vending, traffic, parking, etc) with these events long before the first game in August.
    • He said Xanadu is a mess. Just got sold AGAIN and its in limbo - no activity. Looks crappy. However, the Jets are thinking that if they get the Superbowl bid (find out in May), that Xanadu will immediately take off as the NFL will have tremendous pressure to use that for the Superbowl activities (remember, it will be cold in February).
    • Overall, a good trip. This time I brought my wife and daughter and they were glad they went too.
  13. no psls

    no psls Banned

    May 21, 2009
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    Your right about the winds. I was there saturday also. The wind in the concourse was worse than the wind in the seats. My seats are in Sec 332 , row 14. The kid who gave us our tour (Jeff) was pleasant and did not pressure us for PSL sales. The view from this section is not that bad, considering that I previously sat in Sec 319 , row 22 in the old place.
    the new stadium will seem much better if we win a few games there this year .
  14. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Interesting on Stubhub in reduced priced sections it appears scalpers took tickets, and good rows too. Two of these listings are same scalper and all three seats start on aisle towards higher priced section. I guess, nothing down, fake company name, take as many good ones as you can and scalp, if you can't cover seats with PSL fee dump them next year and walk away.

    Sadly, that means for those who actually are season ticketholders who got very low row, on aisle seats closest to higher priced section you paid for a PSL, but will be sitting next to a rotating crew of stubhub people instead of fellow owners. Not all these seats will break even or make a profit, which means some of the seats listed below will be for re-sale by Jets next year, maybe at a discount.

    Lower Goal Line 133 row 3 - eight seats
    Lower Goal Line 143 row 4 - eight seats
    Lower Goal line 133 row 4 - six seats
  15. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    what,no pictures?
    all weekend long tours and no one knows how to post pictures???
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's why I am not a season ticket holder anymore. I go to every game but I didn't always have 3 other people to attend w/ me so I was eating tickets alot. Now I pay alot less for tickets and get just the amount I need. I have saved alot of money the past couple of years just buying off stubhub, ebay, etc...
  18. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    But then you don't get the free yearbook, or those nifty section hats. lol

    The first shot at face value playoff tickets is nice though.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    if i have to overpay a bit on playoff tickets it's a risk I'll take. heck, I got 2 great seats in the mezz for the Bengal game which was essentially a playoff game and I got them for much less than face WITH a parking pass.

    I do miss the few freebies we got like the magnet and hat, etc... but I think it's working out:grin:
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i like having the same people around me for all the games.good to have people in front of you watching out making sure you dont fall forward every 2 possession when im geting up and down to piss and get more beer.

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