17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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  2. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Are you a season ticket holder?

    I wonder how they picked the survey people, maybe they have a list of ticket holders that complained or were on the fence.
  3. Giants4Ever

    Giants4Ever New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    "People just want to sit down and watch the game, not hang out in some exclusive lounge"

    couldn't agree more. No one is gonna use these clubs, people will tailgate, come in full, and drunk and watch the game. All these amenities belong in Manhattan at a Knicks game not at a Giants or Jets game.

    I have already emailed the Giants and told them that if they ever consider stopping tailgating OR make it less then 5 hours I will never spend a penny inside the building for the life of my tickets and neither will any of my guests.

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    Hard copy AFC invoices in todays mail
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Great post!!!! I feel the exact same way and am happy to hear you've been able to express that to them again and again. Keep at it. Wish I did that, but since I had the option of heading upstairs due to how long I've been paying them going to games, I opted "up" rather than "out". At least I'm in for 2010. If it sucks sitting up there, then I'm out for 2011, and I'll miss going. I would trade 10 rows in height for some rain protection. My seats for 30 years had that at Shea and Giants Stadium and the Jets kept me under the roof in '84 when we came to Giants Stadium from Shea. They knew it was probably important to ticket holders.

    It's an outrage that no consideration in planning the design was given to the comforts of the average fan sitting in regular seats. Only clubs. This Stadium has FAR less covered seats the the current one. That's a disgrace in this part of the country if it's not a domed stadium. I didn't want a dome, but some roof protection would be nice, at least as an option for us. That mailer they sent out a few weeks ago "Come in from the cold" was insulting. Also, there doesn't look to be direct escalators to level 3 as we've had all these years. Seems like hiking upstairs will take a LONG time now.

    If the team is very good here-out, it'll be a good experience for a while in the new place, but if not? Those uppers will be empty after Thanksgiving each year.

    Regarding the PSL and ticket prices, I still contend that we (Jets fans) are paying the price of the Giants market. The Giants 100 year wait list encourage these PSL and ticket prices. Based solely on Jets supply and demand, it may not have been as bad left to Woody alone. I did say "may"...
  6. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Yep season ticket holder for 5 yrs now. Wonder how they picked who they would survey.
  7. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I didn't get the survey either.

    I did get one earlier though.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You'll never get one looking the way you do. You need to look like me in order to get one.
  9. amNY reporter

    amNY reporter Banned

    Jan 14, 2010
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    looking for NYC fans for news story

    I like to spam.
  10. Giants4Ever

    Giants4Ever New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Maleh answered a different survey in November. But, like the one Cohen received, it disappeared from the user?s control once it was sent in, a nifty form of cyber self-destruction that kept portions of it from being reprinted here.

    ?It had tons of questions about the new stadium,? Maleh said, and it asked him for answers on subjects from tailgating to P.S.L.?s. Like others who cannot afford licenses or are boycotting them on principle, Maleh bought four season tickets in New Meadowlands Stadium?s 27,000-seat upper tier, where P.S.L.?s are not needed.

    What was the question regarding tailgating???????????
  11. yayankee

    yayankee New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    New York Times " Plenty of Good Seats Available"

    Plenty of Good Seats Still Available

    The Jets are hot, but their fans know the heartbreak of high hopes. A losing tradition has been the backdrop to the team?s sales of personal seat licenses at the Jets? and Giants? new stadium.

    Fans have had to balance their passion with the sanity of spending thousands of dollars, in a terrible economy, for the continued right to buy season tickets to see a team that has rarely rewarded their devotion.

    Now, as the Jets accelerate their marketing before the 82,500-seat stadium opens next season, they seem like a legitimate team with a good future, perhaps even a marketable one that does not have to rely on 40-year-old glory, a fan in a firefighter?s helmet or a 40-year-old arm that performs better in Minneapolis than in New Jersey.

    Who knew that whipping the Cincinnati Bengals two weeks in a row could do so much for team psychology?

    ?Eight minutes after the Jets won on Saturday ? boom! ? they sent me an invoice for A.F.C. championship game tickets,? said Murray Maleh, a season-ticket holder from Manhattan.

    If the Jets and the Baltimore Ravens win this weekend, they will play in the title game Jan. 24 at Giants Stadium.

    Already, 10,000 tickets to that game have been sold to season-ticket holders, according to the team.

    It will not be difficult to sell out the stadium for a conference championship game. More important to the Jets is selling out the new stadium, where two-thirds of the seats (the upper deck is exempted) require buying personal seat licenses for $4,000 to more than $30,000 each. An auction in late 2008 of 2,028 licenses to the Coaches Club seats behind the home bench did not create a buying frenzy: 620 sold for an average of $26,000 each.

    Only the Jets know how many licenses have been sold to their nearly captive market.

    And they refuse to say how many remain.

    ?Sales are going well,? said Matthew Higgins, the Jets? executive vice president for business operations. ?December was a record month.?

    Winning six of the last seven games has helped sales. So does a slowly improving economy and the chance to let buyers tour the nearly completed stadium, which is ahead of schedule.

    Higgins said that all of the seats in the Coaches Club, which contains the most expensive seat licenses in the house, have been sold, at prices from $30,000 to $80,000.

    ?We?re committed to selling out the building before we open,? he said.

    The Giants are more forthcoming with numbers, perhaps because they are closer to a sellout. The team says it has fewer than 1,500 seat licenses left, all in club areas, including 300 for the most expensive behind their home bench.

    The Jets have been selling their P.S.L.?s with an odd slogan, ?Opportunity Has Never Knocked This Hard,? which suggests that fans would have razed the old stadium themselves simply to pay a lot more to sit in the new one. And they have also tried to listen to their customers.

    Last week Steve Cohen, a season-ticket holder from Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., received an e-mail survey that was sent to a certain subset of fans. It asked him to designate prices for four different seat locations in the new stadium as a bargain, fair or too expensive. ?It seems P.S.L. sales aren?t going well, and they were looking at what level they can make them move,? he said. He said he would pay $5,000 to $8,000 per license for the equivalent of his current lower-bowl Giants Stadium seats. But, he added, ?If I?ve got to go upstairs, I?m a TV watcher.?

    The Jets say that asking fans what they would pay will not lead to reducing prices on slow-moving seats but could help them develop promotions like zero-percent financing for a year.

    Thad Sheely, the Jets? executive vice president for stadium development, said, ?We?re trying to isolate the extent to which the benefit will move purchasing intent.?

    Maleh answered a different survey in November. But, like the one Cohen received, it disappeared from the user?s control once it was sent in, a nifty form of cyber self-destruction that kept parts of it from being reprinted here.

    ?It had tons of questions about the new stadium,? Maleh said, and it asked him for answers on subjects from tailgating to P.S.L.?s. Like others who cannot afford licenses or are boycotting them on principle, Maleh bought four season tickets in the new Meadowlands stadium?s 27,000-seat upper tier, where P.S.L.?s are not needed.

    ?It bothers me that it?s all about money,? Maleh said. ?In the off-season, when they?re making moves, like getting Bart Scott, or oooh, they got Bret Favre, you know it?s because they?ve got a new stadium.?

    And, according to the team?s latest commercial, it will be the place where opportunity has never been so close, bold, stylish, delicious, memorable, vivid, beautiful, loud and huge.

    That?s a lot of adjectives for Rex Ryan and a $1.6 billion stadium to schlep around.

    E-mail: sandor@nytimes.com
  12. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay, so doing the math, he's charging $300 per seat per game x 2 seats= $600 per game, or $6,000 for all 10 games.

    How much is the face value of the ticket he's selling for $300?
  14. yayankee

    yayankee New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    They are just selling the seats, and retaining the PSLs, for 2010 season, good idea, they make about 1200 for the two seats. The cost to them is 245 per game

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    Hes been running that ad for a few months now.
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I have three people who offered me at face games they can't make it to for their PSL. All are casual Jets fans who can't make all games and have no interest in scalping. A regular Joe like me can see a few games each year in PSL seats at face very easily. Seats have moved from scalpers hands into regular people hands who just want to dump the games they go to each year at face when they get the invoice.
  17. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Section 227 you have softened my heart. I gave my last game for free to a charity lottery as a non-tax deductable prize and the guy who won was a 20 year upper deck Jet fan who really really enjoyed row one on the 40 yard line for his last game at Giant stadium!!! See I have evolved all because of you.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Good idea? Maybe.

    Based on the cost you state (I'm not sure that's what it is but I'll assume so), his profit per seat is $55 per game or $110 X 10 games = $1100 for the season. Now we need to figure out how much the 2 PSLs cost him for those seats and then we can figure out what kind of PSL ROI he's got going on.

    A return, mind you, assuming he will consistently be able to sell all 10 games every year (even the preseasons and even games after we go 3-10, for example) for the same $600 per game.

    It's a lousy "investment," in my opinion, and NOT a good idea. Again, we've discussed this many times, but if you're a Jets fan and want to attend the games yourself and are willing to eat half your tickets because of preseasons, bad losses during a season, lousy weather, etc, that's one thing. But if you're buying these PSLs and then looking to sell the tickets at enough of a profit to cover the cost of the tickets and the PSLs too, then you've made a horrible choice.

    Like RowOne says, there will be PSL seat tickets galore at face or well below, depending upon preseason, weather, record at the time, etc. Take it from me, you will NEVER have enough "hot" games (games you can sell for above face) that will EVER make up for all the other losers like the meaningless Eagles-Jets games in the 4th Preseason Game of the summer to even come close to sniffing a break-even.

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    I definately remember you telling this board you sold your last 3 games for face , cause you had holiday parties
  20. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Did anyone see on Loud Mouth a few days ago.. where Chris and Adam were talking to Mike T. and Chris showed that mini game ball? I think I heard Mike T. say that its going to all season ticket holders... is that correct or did I hear wrong?

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