17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    There were NO NO-SHOWS at SUNDAY's Game

    Those were just unsold tickets, Jets are still pounding out ticket sales for 2009 even after full season plan, half season plan, do a PSL tour and get 2 free tickets, buy a Jersey and get two free tickets promos etc.

    I also got this spam today pushing 2009 Jets individual tickets for sale at a discount. I love the ticket limit of 8!!!!!!!

    Three Jets spams in two days, you should have won Sunday.

    Football Season is Here-Get your New York Jets Tickets Today!
    New head coach Rex Ryan brings his exciting brand of football to the New York Jets. Playing in the competitive AFC East, you won?t want to miss a minute of exciting, hard hitting New York Jets football! Plum Benefits brings you an exclusive discount offer, you won?t find anywhere else.

    Limited tickets available, act fast!
    There is 1 offer available:
    OFFER A:Save 10% on Individual Tickets OFFER CODE:pLUMFull Price:$90.00 - $140.00Offer Price:$80.00 - $125.00Seats:Lower endzone, mezz, upper center & endDays/Times Offered:See additional notesDates Offered:11/15/2009 to 01/3/2010Purchase By: Ticket Limit:8
  2. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I have not received those e mails but that is just priceless!!
  3. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    I am in the upper deck now, and will be in the upper deck in the "new" stadium.

    Though I have no psl, and my sympathies to those who do, I am still PISSED that my seat price is going from $80 bucks this year to $125 next year.

    A 56% increase for 4-5, same old jets football. That's ridiculous. And it makes me sick, the same sick I get from watching the jets do it to the fans year after year.

    HCUBED Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Just an fyi. ..........They're laying down the field turf

    Looking Good!!!

  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Todays, spam, woody johnson is cordially inviting me to tour club seats and I get two free games tickets for going on tour!!!
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    First Blood has been drawn and it is tasty. Just got an offer for a 1/2 season "rental" of a PSL. I am holding my uppers till it is finalized. The UD may start to clear out as we start renting seats at face downstairs.

    Jets Timeshare sales of seats are getting ugly. Also I know a guy who had buyer remorse and they would not let him back out of some of his PSLs. They are no longer fans but are now hostages.
  7. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    What do you mean "half season rental"? You mean this is coming from the Jets? Or a friend who has season tix for 2010 has offered you tickets?
  8. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    The ignore function doesn't work when people quote him
  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    From fans. Back in the spring The Jets were telling 1980s and early 1990's season ticket holders whole upper deck would be sold out. However, if you bought a PSL they would put you in immediately for seats in UD. Now these people who had a pair now have two PSLs and two UD seats. They were lucky and got great sideline UD seats. But now they realize they can't flip that PSL and resale is shot. Also Jets are refusing to buy them back. To minimize loss they are looking for people to rent seats for a few games on the higher ticket price seats.

    People in UD have play-off, SB rights and parking but still have benefit of sitting down front at face whenever they want.
  10. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    ...but wait...is it a row one rental....:eek:hmy:

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    Who wants to take bets this never happens..like the row ones downstairs.. like the row one giants psl... he's back again with the blah blah blah..
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My new screen name will be rowonerentalfan. Or maybe rowsixjetfan as that is where my rental seats are.

    I got someone to go on the upcoming deal "Take A Tour of The New Jets Stadium and Get Two Free Tickets to See The Team In 2009", as he wants the free tickets and they are bringing a camera, will post the photos when I get them.

    End result with my four row one tickets is 30 different people sat in the seats. The four seats were owned by long time jet fans who did not want to buy PSLs anyhow. The Jets should be very happy I invited, sold or gave tickets to 29 non season ticket holders who got a once in a lifetime experience to enjoy the game upfront.

    I am also going to sell a 1/2 season package at face next year for UD EZ to some lucky cheapskate!! While I sit in my row six seats. I have dealt with so many tickets this year that I feel the Jets have pimped me into their own personal ticket broker. However, unlike the Jets I sold my last 3 games (12 tickets) already as the Jets curse is unshakable. Otherwise I would be doing buy one get one free deals myself! Bottom line Jets have a FIVE game seaon. First two preseason is junk and last three games usually freezing. Paying 15K for a PSL to see five good games a year is nuts.
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Ellsworth don't hate the player hate the game. Believe me if the Giants don't turn it around come December they will be begging people to take their stinky PSLs. My friend just dumped a Giants/Falcons ticket last week for under face value, when was the last time that happened? People don't buy PSLs for teams that you can't get abover face for their tickets. New potential PSL buyers if they check stubhub to see what Jets last three games are going for are going to need their nuts rubbed by a Jets Cheerleader while Woody pours shots down their throat to get them to sign on the dotted line.
  14. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Funny how you say the Jets have pimped you when you are the doing the pimping. You're the one who can't afford tickets and needs to turn tricks..err.. i mean sell tickets for above face to pay for the seats you actually sit in.

    In fact, it's people like you that are part of the reason PSL's exist. You buy seats at face and then make money by selling them above face. Is there any reason why the Jets shouldn't raise their prices to make the money that you're making off of them? I guess it's ok for you to charge more than you paid, but not ok for them to charge more for the tickets themselves. Interesting....

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    I only hate the game that you play.. Bragging about your ticket sales.. what you get, what you dont want, No one cares here.. I truly hope no one buys your upperdeck
    endzones.. New potential psl buyers are buying to go to games..because they are Jet fans.. unlike you who is a wannbe im not quite sure what..
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Hey I am no ticket scalper. I had row one Mezz tickets and got chance for row one sideline. Jets would not let me swap seats so a Trader agreed to pick up my row one Mezz tickets at face and then I bought the row one sidelines, next day trader got canned and I got stuck holding 40 tickets in my name. Even if I went to all ten games I still had 30 tickets to move. I finally unloaded Mezz season tickets at $250 dollars UNDER FACE, to a buddy who split them up three ways. He did not want to get stuck either. Then I had parties to go to and missed pre-season. Another $440 of tickets down drain as you can't sell them except for peanuts. Before game one of this season I already lost $690 on Jet tickets. To make matters worse the only way to get back that $690 was to sell my Pats and Dolphin tickets, which I did. In the end, I donated a pair to charity, let four friends go for free and if it was not for the 3-0 start I would have been out thousands. Just to break even I had to two miss best two games of year. Selling/giving away/donating 36 tickets and a parking pass in a few weeks is a nightmare. Why anyone in their right mind would buy a PSL is beyond me.

    The weirdest part of whole story is Woody Johnson and Jets saved my butt in end!!!!! They bought back my row one 40 yard sideline tickets from me for the Dolphin game for some senior executive for $900 bucks!!!! In the end I broke even. However, everyone who got to sit in seats enjoyed them.

    For the life of me I could not get a single person to give me face on the $115 front row 25 yard line mezz tickets. Those same seats I have are like $300 a game next year. Good luck with that. Club seats will be biggest money pit known to mankind.

    If three people in one week offered me regular season games at face next year what do you think resale of a PSL is going to be, ZERO.
  17. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Look how much it is to sit in Row One this Sunday, my new name is $88 dollar Jet fan.

    Lower Corner 107 ROW 1 $88.00 each
  18. RSherryJr

    RSherryJr New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Everyone at our tailgate echoed the same exact thing. There are like 8 of us that own tickets and go every week. We were all saying that next season we will try to get 3 home games. Then we are going to go to two road games. I figure that even at todays prices I save money, let alone the $120 a ticket they want, plus the pre season, plus the PSL, plus the fact that Woody has raised the prices just about every year he has been here. So lets do a little math here.

    2 tix for 3 home games - 240 x 3 = 720
    2 tix for 2 road games - 120 x 2 = 240 - Prolly Miami and Buf I put the tix @ 60 each, even though it is $35 in Buff from What I was told by my relatives who live there.
    Airfare, car rental, 1 night hotel = 700 (for most people, I have a place I can stay near Miami and Buffalo) Still being very, very generous, imo.

    So that is 1,660 for 5 games plus trip to Miami and Buffalo.


    2 tix for 10 games - 2,400.

    I personally miss a game or two every year because I can't sell them, something comes up, or other things. The two pre season I almost never go to. So I'm really buying 6 games.

    Am I wrong in my analysis here? Because this is almost laughable. Especially considering I didn't even add in the PSL cost.
  19. VegasMav

    VegasMav Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    At this point, the Jets are worried about tv blackouts for next season in the new stadium. Watch for some drastic price slashing early next year.
  20. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    A+ for you sir. That was an excellent analysis and should be an eye opener to those considering Jets season tickets for the first time. You can literally pick and choose the games you want AND take two airline trips with hotel accomodation for LESS than you would pay in season tickets, with absolutely no commitment.

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