17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    There will be people that will spend but not enough. Let's be honest...the Jets are the lower class team with higher PSLs then the Giants. All these companies you have listed are screwed. Hedge funds got screwed by Madoff. Even if I was a millionaire I still wouldn't do a PSL.
  2. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Something to add tonight I sat in my seats and saw the upper deck of the new stadium soaring over the upper deck of the current stadium. I took a pic on my cell but I'm clueless with how to load to this site. If anyone knows how please let me know.

    Something I talked about on the ride home with my dad was how mad I am and should we just drop altogether for 2010. 75% of our friends will no longer be there for next year. We talked about high def but then I talked about the Yankees game last Fri night. When A rod hit that shot there's nothing like high-fiving everyone around you and hearing anywhere from 20,000-80,000 screaming fans depends on where you are and how good/bad the team is. I could watch on hi-def but I'm happy to sit anywhere in upper deck of the new stadium and have screaming fans around me.
  3. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I was there tonight and I just love how they had like 5 commercials for buying Jets tickets during the timeouts. Then they had banners over the tunnels saying "Buy Jets' Tickets". I'm surprised they don't hire any sky-writers to or pull a banner over the stadium. As soon as my friend and I walked in, we got a nice welcome by a staff member of "Do you own season tickets?" and we just laughed and walked away.
  4. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Soon to an internet site losjetsamigos.com or something to that effect.

    Anyway, just got back from the game sat is Sect 111 less than halfway up on the 50 behind the Jets bench, maybe 20% full my row had 6 people out of 27 seats. Asked the few people next to me and the ones in front of me if they would be there for the entire season and all of them said no.

    I left about 10 min into the 3rd qtr since my ride needed to get home to the family. Total cost for today $105 ticket, $20 parking pass that I did not use, $32 for four not really cold beers (nice to have a ride home) and $45 for dinner for my friend at Applebees after the game who drove and paid the NJ Tpk tolls to Exit 8.

    $202 for 1 person to see the debut of the 2nd coming of Joe Willy.

    But I know this will be the last time ever I get to see a game from anything lower than the moon on the 50. Unless the tickets are a gift never would dream of dropping $700 a ticket at the new cash machine. So my $1250 investment for this year will likely run around 2 grand when all is said and done.

    But I will enjoy it for what it is, the final season of the good old days.

    Not a cheap night
  5. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    The companies I listed are screwed? I only listed two companies as examples and by the way, they are doing fine. Everything else I listed are facts. This recession hurts from the top to the bottom. Some executives and top management but the real people that's hurting in this economy are the middle class and small businesses. ALL this is beside the point, that I think the Jets will sell out their new stadium and you(as many others) don't think so.

    The Jets already opened the upper-deck to people who didn't want to pay for PSLs. That in a way is already a price cut. That's 27,000 seats that doesn't need to be sold. That 27,000 PSL-free seats in a way made up gap that was separating the Giants and the Jets. Then there are the PSLs that range from 4k to 20k. Then there's the club seats. The Giants sold out all there PSLs that weren't club seats. And they expect to eventually sellout before the season starts.

    We will see how far along the Jets are once they finish the PSL process by seniority.
  6. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    ^You may be right, but if there are no playoffs this year you will see either one of two things

    Fully covered sections in the BSL area like Jacksonville


    They will sell single season ticket plans in certain levels since the BSL gives you the right to the seat 'forever' but does not stop the Jets from doing whatever they need to do to fill the stadium. Your BSL agreement is with an LLC and financed as a loan that you owe like any consumer loan to a finance company who can do whatever they can within the law to collect if you default.

    Read the fine print on the BSL, you really do not have any rights to say how the Jets can price or sell any other seats in the stadium and everything can be ammended to their liking just like a credit card company can double your monthly payment or increase your interest rate if you default (or not)

    I am going to wait it out and see what happens.
    #2646 jets&rushfan, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  7. jetsyoung

    jetsyoung New Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    I don't think you should think of it as a typical investment where you have payback period, ROI. etc. You are going to be sitting in great seats for years and if you're a die hard fan - there will be enjoyment and experiences there that you will look back at on in thrity years and know are priceless. If you can afford it, you should do it and enjoy it - it doesnt matter what anyone here thinks. To each his own.
  8. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Upper class is also taking a beating in this economy. Maybe your daddy is doing fine but EVERYONE lower, middle, and upper are hurting.

    The 27,000 non PSL seats were the biggest mistake the Jets made. Someone like me with 1991 seniority will feel bitterness that I was booted from the upper deck by someone who only had seats a year longer. When you have freebies everyone feels entitled to them regardless of their seniority which only has created more bitter feelings towards the Jets. 27,000 fans get freebies but the other 53,000 get screwed.

    Yea the Giants sold out but they have 4 times the fan base and corporate will buy seats because people actually want to see the Giants. Not many people takes their clients to see the Jets. We have some people here who I'm sure entertain clients and I'd bet most of them would agree they rarely would take them to a Jets game or give them tickets. In December a 6-10 Jets team has a 25% full stadium and tickets basically being given away. A 6-10 Giants team still has a decent crowd and ticket prices are still going for a fair price. The Giants PSLs are also a better invesment for brokers or casual fans because they re-sell online for a pretty good amount of money. Even in this lousy economy a full season upper deck is selling for $2400. For the Jets try $1,100 with a parking pass included. You can get a Jets parking pass on ebay for $300. Giants parking pass goes for $500.

    If there are so many Jets fans and wealthy ones why are the Jets literally begging you to get tickets for 2009? Pretty soon they will have the Flight Crew giving you a free lap dance if you buy season tickets for 2009.
  9. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Yeah, comparing the Jets to the Giants is a bit ludicris. That is like comparing the Mets to the Yankees, or the Devils to the Rangers. The little teams just don't have the fan bases. That is why they spent so much money last year on Favre to generate buzz to put fans in the seat. That is also why they made the splash with Sanchez. These aren't FOOTBALL decisions, these are business decisions. I anticpate that once the new stadium is up, and tickets are locked in, you will see Woody pretty much go back to his cheapy ways of a few seasons ago when he let Kendell go over peanuts and more or less killed the season.

    F Woody.
  10. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I am not sure if anyone mentioned this---they even had people roaming the parking lots 3 hours before game time asking about interest in getting season tickets and BS surveys! Then as you guys said there were people who you saw as soon as you walked in asking if you were interested--then those commercials!!!!! Simply amazing!

    I am like many of you--I have loved going to games and love tailgating! We were there at 4 pm yesterday---all this said--I am waiting for my rep to call me in a month or whenever and I am leaning towards bailing out on 2010! This whole " PROCESS " has left a real bad taste in my mouth,,,most of my buddies bailed this year and it just won't be the same in 2009 and I can only guess what 2010 will bring-------I am not getting suckered for a PSL ,I will cut my losses at these 2 preseason games and parking that they extorted from me, thank you very much ! I do not want high upper endzones-where not only I cannot see but my kids will need safety harnesses in case they stumble ! Unless I have a change of heart, but I just honestly don't see it--I go and get my new big screen TV and that will be that. 9 games left and counting!
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    last night leaving the game i took a couple of more pictures of the new stadium. there is 2 different escalators at each end zone. i also couldnt get over how the upper level concourses are higher than the old stadium.it is gonna be a real shock for season tix holders who went from 20th row field level to row 16 of the uppers in the new digs.
  12. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    17 A you are ohhhhhhhhh so correct! My wife looked at me while tailgaiting and said " oh my gosh, you did'nt exaggerate when you said the old place can be dropped inside of the new place, that place is so BIG "

    I took the tour just as u did 17 A and at that time I thought I had no shot at seats being offered ! Wow how things change with time,,, now I am sure I will be offered tickets and most likely am going to turn em down!
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    we are tearing down the marriot hotel and replacing it with the Waldorf Asxtoria. beautiful marble floors, gigantic chandiliers and ceilings a giraffe would have a hard time hitting its head in.

    but not only is the building being replaced and upgraded, the have replaced and upgraded the fans.....(upgrade as in income statis that is))))
  14. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Jeans are not allowed and sport coats are required to get into the club sections. Tea will be servived at halftime, and absolutely NO CLAPPING OR OTHER INPROPER BEHAVIOR allowed.
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Did anyone see those commericals about fan behavior? I'm shocked I wasn't stopped by security for booing their ticket commercials or chanting just say no to PSLs on the escalator up and in my seats.

    The best was anyone who parked in what was lot 13B they now renumbered and it made it 17E and moved 13B to the back. I don't get why they number it this way but the walk in was horrible. They made some new pathway to walk in and what was once a 1 beer walk can now be a 3 beer walk.
  16. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Is it just me or did it appear that they repaved some of the parking lot? I was parked in 18C.
  17. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    My bud and I have been going to Shea for opening day for 20 years together and I went to every opening day since I was 7 with my dad.

    This year we couldn't get opening day tix for Shitty Field so we went to the first weekend game. We were walking around field level and my bud asked a camera man about his set-up. My bud is an amateur photographer but has some nice gear and the camera man wasn't shooting--he was just standing there.

    Well, the usher didn't like my bud talking to the camera man and next thing I know security was on us like flies on shit. They asked my bud for his ticket, took it and ripped it up and escorted him out FAST. I went with him even though I wasn't booted and we left. The security bitch wouldn't even tell me why he was getting the boot.

    We left thinking this is how it is now in sports. I was thinking this is how it is going to be at Jets games now and that fucking sucks balls.
  18. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Sports stopped being about the game long ago. It really is sad...watching the Jets succumb to the same malarky as the yankees have. I really don't think the yankees really give two shits about winning. It's all just a paycheck.
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    your right miz but its really really going way too far way too quickly in new york.

    i went to the mets game yesterday, we got tickets in the sny suite which is where some bars and restaurants are, we walked in and were walking around as the suites are difficult to locate and i looked at the girl that was with me and said where the fuck is the baseball game at? it was crazy watching all these douchebags sitting around in lounge chairs drinking watching the game on a big screen tv.

    and it was fucking beautiful, and they have beer and burgers and hot dogs and chicken fingers in the suites for FREE, yet these tools are in there sippin away. its a damn shame.

    the guy did look at me awfully crooked when i went to go up the escalator, showed him the ticket while asking ooooohhh am i in the right place ;)
  20. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I hate watching the games on a monitor. I sat in some 12x section of Giants stadium once, under the Mezz overhang and ended up watching the game on a shitty 19" TV. I said to myself "why the fuck would I pay to watch a game on a TV smaller than at my house.

    That is why this might be my last season as well. 314 is where I am now and I really like my seats...although I certainly wouldn't mind moving towards the center or lower. Since sitting in those seats will be impossible next season, well, it is what it is. Probably all done.

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