17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    ANY INFO ON WHAT SEATS ARE CURRENTLY BEING OFFERED? I am supposed get the phone call in 3 weeks, but something tells me it might be sooner.Any info on what is still left upstairs is appreciated-----if there is nothing but real crap it is off to BEST BUY TO START PRICING THOSE BIG TV'S!!!!!!
  2. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think the rate at which they go through years of seniority will start accelerating very soon as the availability of good uppers dwindles and people have to start thinking about buying $4-5k PSLs. I think a huge majority of folks will bail.

    We just put an offer on a house. Not sure if we'll get it, but I'm mentally preparing myself to be a one and done season ticket holder. I have good seats for 2009 finally in my own name, but I think I'll go back to waitlist and renter for 2010 unless something drastic changes. 20% of any house in my area = a metric boatload of cash to put down :) Not much left for PSLs. I'd consider financing, but I'll already be signing up for a 30 year mortgage. Don't want to pick up another mini-mortgage.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Cornfed good luck with the house! My thinking is the same as you regarding "the process" will move faster with all the good upper seats gone. Thats why I think I will get called sooner rather than later--time will tell. If any of you out there in tv land have spoken to your rep lately feel free to let us know what they offered you--thanks for any info
  4. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Giants Reprice Some 2010 Club Seats

    FYI, The Giants have re-priced some of their PSL Club Seats.

    Basically they have added a new price point section and called it MEZZANINE CLUB C, which is basically the equivalent of the JETS E/W Club corner.

    Currently the Jets have SECT's 208, 219, 244, and 233 listed as E/W Clubs, with a PSL of $5000.00 Per seat, and a Per Game ticket price of $400.00***.

    The Giants have split their MEZZANINE Club B section in half, calling them now MEZZ CLUB B, and MEZZ CLUB C.

    Giants MEZZ CLUB B has a $7500.00 PSL and a Per Game price of $400.00

    The NEW MEZZ Club C for the Giants (which is the equivalent of E/W CLUB CORNER for the JETS, see *** above), will be $7500.00 for PSL, but the Per Game ticket price is now $250.00!!!!!!

    Also, the GIANTS ticket prices for CLUB Seats will remain the same, with no price increases for the first 3 seasons in the NEW Building!!!!
  5. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    thats pretty wild to hear.. i wonder if the jets will do the same.. i think they have to
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Adjustments by either the Giants or the Jets IN TICKET PRICES to get certain otherwise unsellable PSLs sold right now should rasie IMMENSE red flags for anyone contemplating this purchase. Note that the Giants are NOT changing the PSL, but the ticket price only. Such an outrageously shabby trick by the Jets would not surprise me one iota either.

    After all PSLs and seats are sold and they've settled into 2010 and beyond, NOTHING prevents them from simply raising the ticket prices back up to the $400 target range they originally thought "fair." In other woirds, nothing prevents them from disproportionately raising prices anywhere. Believe me (and anyone else you know who has had Mezz seats), the Jets are not averse to putting the screws to certain sections over other sections. They do it because they can (and they have), and no one who has paid a PSL has a leg to stand on. You will pay whatever ticket price they tell you to pay, period.

    So don't be misled by a bargain sale drop in ticket price to get the PSLs sold. If they were to drop the PSL price, that would be another story, but you don't see that happening, so BUYER BEWARE again.

    And hey, I'm not saying they can't and won't do the same thing to us non-PSLers in the Upper Deck. Sure, they can pick on us and raise our ticket prices from $105 to $200 in five short years if they want to, caliming the seats were underpriced originally too. The only difference is though, we'll tell them to shove those tickets up their asses because WE CAN! And they know it. No PSLS over our heads.
  7. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    it does say that the price will remain the same for the first 3 years.. which yes, i know in year 4 they can have a huuuuuge increase. In all honesty tho, many other stadiums do the PSL's, its not like the Jets/Giants are introducing them to the NFL. No other teams seem to be screwing the fans over with absurd ticket prices. We shall wait and see tho
  8. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    The Jets and Giants are SPLITTING A STADIUM. Unlike teams like Carolina and Chicago and others who have ONE team there and you are given first right TO EVERYTHING (concerts, etc) in the stadium as well. Unlike the Jets/Giants all you are paying for are for the 10 games a year for the 1 team.

    It sucks. Other teams are doing it 10x better.
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Your last paragrpah is dependent on how the team does. If we win Divisions, a Championship and go to the Super Bowl over the next 3-5 years and our QB is the real deal, then they will raise the tickets in the UD but I might not jump ship. I have options for sure, but its gonna come down to the product more then ever. No more free ride Woodie, its put up or shutup time. Look at the Yankee product vs. the Mets product and see what happends over the next few years. The Mets are gonna have to start creating smaller and cheparer packages to keep their fan base buying seasons after this year. Its all about the quality of the product when you start charging these outrageous prices.
  10. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Sorry amigo. please don't report the hijacking to the message board police.

    I already have my new seats, it's a weekend, and I never post on any Jets threads but this one. I guess I got carried away thinking about the crappy season approaching.
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    um i think 227 is kidding.
  12. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    I think another key thing to look at regarding Chicago and Carolina, is the starting prices of their PSL's. You could get a PSL for the best seats in the house for $4k. So you keep them a few years, and most likely, given the affordability, you really didn't risk losing much money at all. But when you start your PSL prices at $10k, 15k, 20k...that's a whole different story. These are unprecedented levels, and there is no history to say if they will ever go up in value?? It's not unlike sub-prime mortgages...the rating agencies at S&P and Moody's said "we had never seen such a thing before, so we thought we should list them as AAA rated." These PSL prices in my mind have nowhere to go but down. Sure, you can still get a $4k PSL in the new stadium, but it's hardly the best seat in the stadium.
  13. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    And I was being serious? You mean there are message board police?

    This board needs to face the reality that along with this joke of a PSL situation is the grim reality that the Jets organization sucks and has no clue. I have an ugly feeling this will be pretty evident once the season begins. Now factor THE same old Jets into the PSL equation and you have current seats that aren't worth face value as the season unfolds.

    And if you thought pennington and miami beating the jets was bad, just wait till tuna gets Michael Vick. The Jets are the worst team in this division. Now go sell some PSL's.
    #2253 backtoshea, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm not sure the team has ever linked winning or losing to how they price their tickets. At least, I don't ever remember that linkage.

    What I do know is that while Leon Hess was the owner, whatever ticket price increases we had over those years were the same (percentage-wise) across the board in all sections and that the increases never exceeded typical, average COLA or cost of living allowances (3-4% on average... in that range).

    After Woody bought the team, not only were the ticket price increases different in some sections than others, some of the increases far exceeded COLA numbers (10-12%% per year for the Mezz... and that has been about 8 years in a row). So, what I am saying is, the horrendous price increases I've experienced in my Mezz Section not only far exceeds what the other increases in other sections have been, it hasn't been linked in any way to win and losses. It's like the increases have been oblivious to winning or losing seasons.... no linkage whatsoever.

    So I'm not sure that your theory holds about linkage between winning and price increases. Woody has demonstrated he has no qualms whatsoever in sticking it to the different sections, some more than others, and that he could give a shit less if we win or lose in coming up with the increase formula.

    The bottom line to what I am saying is, this is Woody's history. MAybe some of the young people on this board don't know this, but this is what Woody's been up to since he bought the team. And what I am saying is, if Woody were to make the kind of ticket price reduction like the Giants have made to help push some of these people into a PSL that they might not have otherwise bought, they should be aware that there is no compunction on Woody's part whatsoever in not jacking their asses to the moon once they've committed to the cockamamie PSL.

    This is fact... this is not just me speculating. At a 10% add-on rate (+10% per year every year) the Mezz seats doubled in 8 years. Do the math on this and you'll see it happens when you hit the principle at 10% per year added on. So a lot of these newcomers who will be sucked into the PSLs because of a temporaray reduction in ticket price to make them more paletable should be aware that as soon as they've got their PSL cash inserted into the bear trap, Woody is going to crucify them financially with the ticket prices. He's done it for 8 years now to the Mezz (and that was without the PSLs over our heads). I can just imagine how much he'll stick it to anyone who has a non-refundable PSL on the line. Again... BUYER BEWARE when it comes to Woody... I'm just telling you all.
    #2254 Section 227. Row 5, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Woddie might do what he wants with tic prices regardless of success, but Sec 314 will only keep paying higher prices if we win. That's all I meant.
  16. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thats the biggest fear i have for all of the guys purchasing psls. when i read on the panthers site that it states in the contract that they cannot raise the tickets more than 4% in any given year and i asked around here what the contract said and it had nothing in it about that it scared the shit out of me.

    sorry for the run on sentence :(

  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, there has never been one mention by the Jets about governing ticket prices. The idiots who conceived this plan really have no marketing clues. The PSLs would have been much easier to sell had they provided some kind of assurance... any kind of assurance... that ticket prices would remain reasonable.

    But no. We won't do that. Buy the PSLs and the ticket prices are such and such for 2010. No mention of 2011. 2012. 2013. No assurances. In many cases, myself included, part of my thought process and decisionmaking was based on ticket price, not PSL. I could have almost lived with the PSL in my Section (Mezz Sideline). $7500 per PSL. WOW. A lot of money times 4. But okay, if I shell out $30,000, what about the ticket prices? $400 per seat and no assurances that it will remain there for the next 10 years?

    Well, screw that. I'm gone. And therein lies your PSL-selling problem.
  18. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Anyone Looking for 2010 NON-PSL Seats in the New Building

    I know, it is related to the thread only by virtue of the 2010 Seats, but a little off topic. I'm just asking for help with tickets. I hope this is ok.

    "If" you purchase 2 or 4 Full Season seats, for the upcoming 2009 JETS Season at FACE Value, @ $750.00 Per 10 game Season Strip, SECTION 321, LOW ROW

    "Then" I will sell you 2 or 4 Full Season Seats in the NEW Stadium for the 2010 Season (for at least 1 Season) at FACE VALUE, in SECTION 301, ROW 13 OR 14, on the AISLE

    And I am also offering Face Value, Full or 1/2 Season Seats for the 2009 Season on their own, without the 2010 hook if anyone is interested.

    if interested, PM me or email jetbo324@aol.com, thanks, Jetbo
  19. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    my brother in law has bailed out. thats the official word as of late last night. lucky for me i can get tickets as my number was called on the waiting list. the problem is i have tickets for 2009 its 2010 that i dont. can i defer my selection until next year?

    im going to call the rep today his name is guy.

    brother in law said sorry it had to come this but the psl fiasco made it an easy decision for a man with a mortgage,kids and bills. the jets arent taking every last penny ive got. ive supported this team for years and now have been royally screwed.
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ha ha get out of our thread. you have your own thread with this nonsense.

    bro seriously stop buying multiple tickets if you aint gonna use them.

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