Obviously none of us knows the actual situation, but it isn't necessarily the case that if it was Alzheimer's it would have progressed faster than it apparently has. This is from the website of the Alzheimer's Association:
I worked in Alzheimer's related research at a brain bank at the Bronx VA from 1990-1996. I know what I'm talking about given the 100's of interviews that I did with patients at the Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged over that span. The course of the disease that is being described in the up to 20 year span is similar to the course that Ronald Reagan experienced from approximately 1989 (maybe 1990) to his death in 2004. He was essentially invalided from 1994 onwards and kept in seclusion. Most patients who have onset of AD between 45 and their early 70's go straight downhill from there and wipe out quickly. The patients that we actually got to interview at the JHHA were all in their 80's and above as the disease tends to progress more slowly with late onset. Steinbrenner could have AD, but he'd be a surprisingly young candidate to still be walking around 4+ years after the onset of symptoms. Editing to say: if Steinbrenner drops out of the public eye shortly and we don't see him again then he might be on the longer progression. If Torre gets fired and Steinbrenner is clearly in charge then the odds he's senile are really low. Nobody let's a senile person run a billion dollar company after it's time to take away the keys, not even a son.
If we get swept by the Mets and lose 2 of 3 or are swept against Boston I think Joe will be fored but why is it his fault? Joe is not in the batter's box just like when our pitchers struggled he wasn't on the mound. This is NOt Torre's fault.
Your blinders are far too thick junc. Joe is DIRECTLY at fault. If you can't see that at this point, then you aren't even TRYING to look.
Joe was great last night wasn't he? he really forced Clippard to pitch well and made our lineup score 6 runs. Great job Joe! keep it up! Directly at fault?:lol: That is such nonsense and you know it.
Oh yeah, Joe was great last night. Maybe you want to check the game thread where I screamed about him sending Cano on a stupid steal attempt, and pulling Clippard after 6 innings so he could satisfy his hard-on for seeing Proctor appear in every single game. Yes junc, Joe is DIRECTLY at fault, and you are the sole person left on the planet who refuses to accept that. The SOLE person.
Oh so Joe i only resosible when we lose? he doesn't get credit when we win? shocking!:lol: :breakdance:
I would be willing to give Joe a bit of credit for last night if I thought he had anything AT ALL to do with it. Instead, Clippard's performance (which was cut short for no reason by JOE,) as well as Jeter and ARod's heroics at the plate, were what sparked the team last night. If you watched the game, you'd agree with everyone else who thinks the same. But you are obsessed with Torre, and giving him love for rings he was there for almost a decade ago now. Sorry man, it's been long enough. A monkey can coach this team to do what it's done so far. We need someone who isn't going to pull a starter who is dominating after 6 innings, simply to get "his guy" into the game. We need someone who is going to tell Robbie Cano to get over his lazy bullshit. We need that same person to smack Abreu upside his head. But you want to keep Torre, no matter how much he hurts this team. As much as you claim everyone blames Torre for losses too much, you are the exact opposite. Junc, I would love to be sitting here praising Joe for his work this year, for the simple reason that since he is the acting Yankees manager, if we were praising him, we'd be winning games. But we're almost a dozen games back now junc. We're by no means out of the race, but we need to act fast to save this season. The problem has not been the pitching, and if you are at all honest, you would have to agree. With a lineup this stacked with offensive talent, there is no reason for everyone to slump at once. If not for ARod, Posada, and Jeter, we'd never score any runs. Who do you blame for that? The 8 rotating guys playing? If you don't see a problem with: Damon Abreu Matsui Giambi Cano Melky Mienkiewich Phelps all slumping simultaneously, then you are just ignoring the evidence. If you don't see a problem with Proctor pitching the 7th last night, in a game where we up 5, with a rookie pitching brilliantly, who was still under 100 pitches, with a huge Boston series coming up, then you're ignoring more evidence. If you don't see a problem with Mo finally getting into a game after 5 days of rest, when his entire career he's been vocal about his need to pitch at least 5 times a week, you're ignoring yet further evidence. So basically, you're either just trying to play Devil's Advocate, simply to have something to argue about, you really have far too much loyalty regardless of the detrement to the team, or you just don't get the game of baseball. I'm pretty sure it's not the last option.
jeter and AROD's heroics at the plate? ARod was really heroic up 5-1:lol: it was classic ARod, he is back to his normal self. if it was 2-1 Mets or 2-1 yanks then he strikes out grounds into a DP.
Holy Shit junc, you're frigging delusional. I actually joked that someone would make that comment about the timing of ARod's HR. Of course, it had to be you that made it. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it is option 3.
When he had runners on 2nd and 3rd what did he do? struck out, hen up 5-1 he hits a HR just like down 8-3 on saturday he hits one but when we need him in a clutch spot(beside those 3 weeks in April) he strikes out or if there is a runner on 1st he'l ground into a DP.
Yep....Every at bat must be clutch. If not, he is a fraud. Who cares that he is batting .365 Who cares that he has 61 hits What matters is one AB in 1 game..
Funny how he doesn't talk about his precious shortstop and what he did in his first at-bat against a rookie, pitching his first game, in New York, in a hostile environment, with his team's entire season riding on his shoulders. Unbelievable. I was actually starting to like Mets fans, and wishing their team well. Now I hope they lose 25 straight.
So Jeter is clutch, except the times when he isn't? A HR is the 4th inning is clutch? Your team needed a hit with the game on the line in the 8th and his clutch powers disappeared.