Separate names with a comma. ALL patriots fans can eat a dick....if tom brady's isn't already shoved far in your mouth.....
Booo to the pats fans here on the jets board trying to get respect. matter how respectful you are I won't respect you, patriots are...
Are you guys gonna do the 2 for $20?
drunk men will not go quietly...pretty much ever and then you add on the fact that he, along with others, profess his innocence..i think he...
This woman in the wheelchair needs to be arrested and given no special treatment what-so-ever. Throw her in a cell...throw away the key...and...
absolutely right, the spread isnt that much and vegas is almost always close...everyone thinks this will be a good, close game with the...
the bolts will be a tougher game if you ask me...if we can get past goofy-ass river's and his gay bunch i think rex would foam at the mouth at a...
it's funny to me how a CHARGERS fan will join a JETS board to talk shit about how serious we are taking things i haven't posted in a while and...
its not playin in albany, plattsburgh, or anywhere in between why would anyone want to watch the jets in ny
let's face it, marshall would be a huuuuge addition to our offense, we really are in need of a solid number one reciever. I am content with...
Yeah, honestly i think the jets have a real nice team this year. Let rex work with them at camp and see if everything falls into place. whatever...
my opinion as of right now...if they wanna add a more reliable reciever from FA, thats fine with me, but we dont need it. If jones decides he...
Here are some possible free agents to help shape up the jets for next season, Personally i think Cotch has earned his place as a premiere receiver...
this is an excellent picture of albert haynesworth...although the burger doesnt attempt murder by stomping its cleats on heads...hypothetically if...
this is very interesting when its all together in one place crazy how most of the stuff involves the patsies
he would be my top choice for DT.....if it wasnt for kris jenkins! if yiou cant tell im still real excited to see jenkins in a jets uniform
i doubt well get anything more than a 2nd for him high hopes for a talented player though and ps, javon walker does not suck, hes still an...
with jenkins in the middle our defense is definetly something to look out for this year and as for the last post if you as me, i think vilma for...
our offense wasnt good enough this season to really expect anything keep him on the staff for next year, let him work with clemens and see if he...
best upset ever in my eyes they should make a movie