Separate names with a comma.
You mean players that won't have a problem being his bitch? And also he needs guys that will keep their mouths shut, that's why Mangini wasn't a...
Respect to the OP for pissing on these losers while they're down I live in NY and still have to deal with what i see as waaayyy too many Pats...
I hate band-wagoners but i prefer to have a team worthy of being band-wagoned than what I'm used to.....
It's a reaaallll shame that this didn't work for Brady ...he's in the HOF of looking gay
If I made a new thread for every anti-pats thought that came to my head.....we'd have alot of threads but yes they are that spoiled, just like... "IS IT GROUPIE LOVE? IF IT IS, THATS WHASSUP, IF IT AINT,...
'' regular espn didn't even show this once, they probably buried it already hopefully someone whose better with technology than me was...
he was calling out the media for being so fucking rediculous this week and said "especially you tom jackson! Key was the only one to have our...
i cant believe the losers at espn arent even gonna show him call out tom jackson at the beginning..i saw it once on espn news, its right before he...
it sucks that only the respectful pats fans remain i wish those shit talking losers were required to read our boards after they got whooped
Funny to me how all these fans of cheaters have to come here to try and justify themselves as fans YOU MASSHOLES ARE JUST AS SCUMMY AS YOUR TEAM...
You sound fuckin disgusting...i don't want to read that stupid bullshit here go somewhere else..
This is where the genes of Buddy Ryan kick in to come up with a scheme, hopefully to trick brady with some new looks and throw him off long enough...
In 3rd grade I learned what a topic sentence was and when to start new paragraphs I GUESS i'll have to pretend i'm your teacher writing on...
This would mean you have 2 TE set which is a good running set but you would be allowing us to put 8 or even 9 in the box, if you send both te's on...
Is this defense you speak of in your incoherent comment the same one that Sanchez threw 3 td's against earlier this year? Yes (If you are...
:up::up: Soo many chargers fans singing the same song last year..
I hope my attacks don't appear personal...because they are directed at every single person who is associated with or supports Bill Belicheat,...
It'll make its way down to 6.5 or 7.5, the less chances people give us the better I expect us to do, our success will come from Schotty's ability...
:pats_suck::pats_suck::pats_suck::pats_suck::pats_suck::pats_suck: keep it in PERspective where u are...a jets message board...loser