Separate names with a comma.
how is this fucker still a coach?
watching the pats atrocious pass d get picked apart is an absolute joy
your team sucks
i dont have cable, but thanks for the unnecessary sarcasm, chief
anyone have a stream for the pats game?
this game must have been absolutely fantastic to watch as an outside fan. it was excruciating as a jets fan
romo is an unclutch bitch.
does their kicker suck?
how did they not lose yards on that 2nd and 2?
we better win
are you playing with my dick? wayne hunter needs to learn football
what happened to the sacks?
that was a phenomenal drive by nacho
need this fg
fuck yeah lt
keller will have 1000 yards receiving this year
if i see mike jenkins get crazy happy again after terrible coverage ill break something
is that a sub 960 mb low with a 5 inch rain swath? my god