Separate names with a comma.
he's been weirdly quiet
JJ has a neck to flush the QB out of the pocket If anyone has a neck to flush a QB it's Clemons :) [IMG]
your persecution complex and overreaction to people who don't share your views are both tiresome and repellant. You must be a treat in person.
4) your posts are low quality and poorly thought out. lurk moar. Case in point.
1) winning teams take BPA when drafting. Ties broken by need. Sauce was BPA. End of conversation. (which isn't to say the jets are a winning...
Hey Guys.... [MEDIA]
ah TGG...always at least one slap fight happening somewhere
This is our super bowl
100%...he's a flightless shitbird. Born on 3rd and thinks he hit a triple.
this thread is the monkey cage at the zoo
So...coaches need to coach?
jets make the playoffs we're all wearing pearls and returning to this thread to post pics
if it helps
bart Bart Scott
he needs to keep long armed tackles off his body...this is like a 7th percentile arm length....freakishly short
he has t-rex arms. HEIGHT - 6' 7" WEIGHT - 260 lbs ARMS - 32 1/8" Danger, will robinson.