Separate names with a comma.
Interception is the code. For 100 points.
Specialteams is the code. For 100 points.
That’s great. But I never sent them an email at all and they posted the points to my account.
It’s not your fault at all and your not the problem at all.
Alright guys let’s just do our jobs by posting codes and trying to help people when they need it the most. Please stop fighting over things that...
Captain is the code. For 100 points.
Dline is the code. For 100 points.
Mnf is the code. For 100 points.
Hailmary is the code. For 100 points.
Tv - Jets Late Night Show.
Tackle is the code. For 100 points.
The post game show is on right now from 7 pm to 8 pm on sny.
Tailgate, player, and gridiron are the codes. For 100 points each.
Jetswin is the code. For 100 points.
Season19 is the code. For 100 points.
Newuniforms is the code. For 250 points.
They just posted the island points today at 4:35 pm.
Okay thank you so much.
When you went to the tent did they scanned one ticket or all your tickets?
Touchdown is the code. For 250 points.