Separate names with a comma.
Explain to the class, in your own words, how that is obtainable for free. And then, How Trumps re-alignment of the tax code results in 1T a year...
She's using the same article we discussed above, and it's retarded. That alleges that Trumps plan does away with the equvalent of the entire...
So, the entire working class should favor Trump.
Yep, and the overuse of commas. It should read like it would be spoken.
I said that before he was drafted. Nothing has happened in the interim to change that fact.
Clearly... the results speak to your veracity.
Guess Willie won't be waiting on those coaching offers to come in when he retires. lol
Your English teacher called. She wants you to write 'Past Participle' on the board 500 times. Snark is amusing, when it's not illiterate. You...
There is no actual magic sweet spot, there is a moving target and as Kasich will fondly tell you he hit it 4 times with Clinton. Code simplified,...
Trust busting was an act against monopolistic tendencies (See Std.Oil) and Roosevelts reaction to the non enforcement of the Sherman Anti Trust...
No one is talking about expatriation. Where did you even get that? Once your money is duly taxed, you can legally bank anywhere you choose. That...
The estate tax was not enacted to prevent Royalty. Stop making shit up.. The modern estate tax was enacted in 1916. And the people at the...
There shouldn't, much like paying income tax on dividends, it's double taxation on capital. Secondarily, look at the amount collected, annually,...
No. English is a wonderful language learn it. It does not reduce the PIT by 1.2 It reduces total federal revenues by 1.2T per year over 10...
What makes you think it was unintentional?
Yeah, you're real good at math. Budget. Submitted annually. 1.6 trillion, income from personal taxes. (Clearly you haven't read it...try this ......
Of Course, I deal with jerk offs like you all the time....(just kidding bro) well, sort of. but not really... ;-)
actually, attempting to understand the budget, is kind of important, even if you only do it in election years.
As someone that is pretty good with the english language, (and actually looks in on the Federal budget) there isn't enough math in that post for... we have drones,infra red, and far more sophisticated electronics.....