Separate names with a comma.
You can't plug in a seashell!
about who and what he is, pretty much. He just doesn't give a fuck. kind of refreshing.
Still the prettiest by comparison. Cruz has revealed himself to be avaricious on a scale not seen since Nixon, Hillary too. Kind of my point....
Look at it this way Byz. It's not just Trump. Trump, the one honest guy in the race...for better or worse. Cruz...a venal,avaricious, lying...
Because you're retarded. Look at the Fla numbers, to start. Hitlery! barely got more votes than Trump. and that nag in a two horse race. 700K...
Dude, really. You spend months pissing me off with leftist drivel. Then come out with something potent and cogent.... see, worlds collide. We...
LMAO., In HS senior year, in History , he used to makie us do current events. The guideline was a newspaper article. So I started bringing the...
Your post is so off the mark, with what the candidate said, anything you say from this momenbt onward, should be treated with the gravity of a...
Wow. Just fucking wow. Original Post. Citizen's United. CFR. What kind of mind expanding substances did you acquire?
Great. Gary is getting the vote of... Actual Libertarians. 1% Stoners with a brain 5% And guys who think prostitution should be legal, because...
Dude, that statement, is naivete defined. It's a nudge , nudge, wink, wink thing.Liz Mair (who did the ad) everyone shouts super pac, and you...
Primaries, are for principle. General elections are for Pragmatism. Not voting against Hillary!, is the same as voting for her. That makes you...
Ok. so, let's start with grammer. supporters. plural. Hence, you meant to write, "and those that call themselves conservatives and support...are...
no need..when I shag a goat, it's da bomb!
What quote Brook? I saw nothing about shagging goats on the edge of a cliff so they keep backing up.... ;-)
They cornhole in Nebraska.
Get back to me, when you support the civilian ownership of warships. and yes, that is implied.
Did you guys know that 9 days after Cruz got elected to the Senate, his wife was promoted to managing partner at Goldman Sachs? Mar 22: 9 days...
Melania was OOB. Don't blame trump for punching back. Blame Cruz for hiring the scumbag that did the ad. (yes, I know her name, and her...