Separate names with a comma.
Hopefully some of the McDonald hate can die down for a bit. I'm still baffled ppl were hating so hard on this kid.
That's including the 49er game, and he played fine. He had a couple plays that looked like he should've had more effort than the replay showed,...
Huh? He hasn't let someone catch more than 36 yards on him In a year prior to this game. What are you talking about?
That defense was really good. Really good. I think we lose this game though If they have a better QB.
Darnold taken It to them.. good for him honestly.
I think this will be our achilles heel for the season overall.
Corley was drafted on potential. I never expected him to be a big contributor this year.
Yeah, you are right.. 4 min Is still a lot of time. I was thinking running It down, kick the field goal... that would've left too much though. You...
He's a really really good pick for us..
SOJ syndrome talking here... Kinda wish he would've slid down to run more clock.
I mean, they do have a really good defense. I don't think we should be struggling the way we are though.
What a fucking play by BH... Holy shit, didn't know he had that In em. Nice catch fella.
This Is professional football. Clearly you are mistaken.. lol
Which Is wild.. Weren't they talking about how much extra they did practice wise In the off-season this year? ..and this Is still the product we...
Keep telling ya to wait till something actually happens. Every year, It's the same shit. Then we walk away with egg on our face. It's a disgusting...
Normally I would say this Is premature.. It's been 14-15 years since we've seen the playoffs.. With this team... Premature shouldn't exist.
Reality Is kicking In, eh.... Things are starting to look like we should expect.. SOJ syndrome has already kicked In full force for me.