Separate names with a comma.
That's exactly what I don't want to see with the numbers.
It's not outlandish. A player with 4-6 years service minimum salary is $805,000.
Big Nets fans now. They didn't used to be.
Again, this was exactly my point but someone sees someone use the word ghetto and immediately they claim racism. He does not get that or...
Btw, as long as we're making broad generalizations about complete strangers, you being born in the 90s you can't be more than 27-28 so you come...
You keep calling me a racist and I’ll keep telling you to shut the fuck up you piece of shit. I never said that. And I have NEVER deleted a...
Thank you. Geezuz christ.
I "attacked you" because you called me a fucking racist without any foundation. You can't even understand what I was talking about--I love the...
All I remember it was a beautiful sunny day.
No I did not. So go fuck yourself asshole. Stop looking for racism where it isn't. The only ones getting offended are weak ass triggered...
I see what you did there--well done. :D
Abdominal surgery will have that effect on you.
I still think we may have a fair amount of cap room next year to again be active in FA so not sure we'd be getting any comp picks if we lose Lee...
I’ve heard he was also permabanned on a Tampa Bay Rays board. And they only have like 7 fans.
He had 6 other offers.
Yes, that’s him and that was his GF. She was about a foot taller than him and he was wearing platform shoes. Prom pictures or something from his...
Please please please do not come out with some funky new age numbers. It’s a lazy way to look edgy and different but then a few weeks later it...
Nope, I’m a racist. Fucking kids today. I may be an asshole but I don’t want to be lumped in with today’s level of triggered assholes. Sorry...
This asshole has no idea what I was talking about. Yeah I hate black unis because of racism but my third favorite professional sports team, the...