Separate names with a comma.
We're not Miami?
A difference maker? How much of a difference did he make with his most recent team? How can he carry any team to the playoffs when he can't even...
The league should suspend him for the season. No one, least of all him, should be allowed to profit from this most embarrassing display of...
Didn't notice that, in which case I now amend my previous position. :)
Man, nobody wears it like Jets fans. We're indeed a fractious lot. Geez guys, it didn't work, and the guy who picked him is gone. He didn't want...
He didn't do much. 100 plays, 3 tackles, 0 sacks.
I dunno ... "He bombed the scouting combine, showing up at 258 pounds (more than 20 above his playing weight), running a slow 40-yard dash (4.84...
Someone please tell me Blake Cashman is the real deal and makes the cut. I only saw the highlights from the last game and I realize it was mostly...
Silly Cimini. Doesn't he know it's our job to do that? :rolleyes:
What a trip down memory lane, lol! I confess to being a McElroy believer for a while. I thought he looked pretty good, but I guess I just saw the...
Hudson was also part of a pretty neat story: Playing QB for Texas in the '65 Orange Bowl, "He hit George Sauer for a 69-yard touchdown pass and...
Jim Hudson was almost my screen name.
The only good thing I can say about Ryan is he was certainly colorful. I was glad when he was gone. By and large, the team as a whole operation...
I'm entering my 55th year (no typo) as a Jets fan. Can't wait for this season to begin. :)
I'll have what he's having ... :)
I'd be surprised if Darnold would have the time to check down to the TE anyway. And we all know they're never primary.
Good catch.
When I clicked on the link, in my mind I set the Over/Under at 5 before someone posted, "Good, we're gonna need one." We made it to 21! Who says...