Separate names with a comma.
There are a bunch of reasons that some one would pass up some of the other jobs. There is a bright future for the Jets. Assuming we are looking...
Literally came in to say this exact thing. lol
This is about right.
I am definitely encouraged.. Just gotta hope those aren't going to slow him down. I expect him to be a beast for this team next season.
This is exactly what I am thinking as well. I think they got cocky and complacent last year. It seems like they are way more focused this time...
I think the reason Westerman wasn't resigned was because he was bad. Though I am encouraged to hear all this about Sapp. Hopefully he can become a...
The real question is, does anyone care?
Hahaha that was a good one. Definitely killed the mood of the party
This.. I couldnt have been happier when he left
Lets hope that was the reason the offense has been bad.
I hope that the FO doesnt feel this way, Josh Baker hasnt shown anything.. Id like to keep Mark Sanchez most consistent receiver.
This is exactly correct.. no need to give up picks for someone who would be marginally better than what we have.