I was shocked by how low the per year average is, particularly when he was supposedly offered 4 years / $78 million by Toronto. He's effectively playing the last two years for the Yankees for $6 million per year, which is crazy. He obviously wanted to stay with the team, which I understand, but I'm shocked that his agent couldn't get at least $100 million for six years.
Did they get him to add for depth, to compete with Matz, or to take Matz spot with the idea of departing with Matz?
Amazing how such schmucks can rise to positions of authority. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if other stories start coming out - why would it have suddenly started in 2016 and then suddenly stopped?
Goodness what a fucking lunatic. Who just continues on and on like that? http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=30739344 I don't get it though. Where's the Vetting? Like ESPN knew about this in 2017. The just sending unsolicited photos of your penis is bad enough but him continuing to text with no answer from her? I mean he just kept going and going. That's the thing that really freaked me out. Someone with that obsessive component within themselves I strongly doubt would only be this way with one woman.
ESPN sat on this when Arizona hired him, they waited until he was in a real position of power to publish. Shows how much they really care about women in sports. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well they did have to respect her wishes. She didn't want to talk about it until now. That's 100% within her rights. The thing is ESPN apparently learned about it from a source in baseball. I find it hard to believe that teams wouldn't have heard about it too. So did the Mets for example know about this and hired him anyway?
Why did she want to talk about it NOW ? That's what bugs me as a Mets fan. And ESPN had the story in 2017. If it wasn't worthy of printing then, why now ? Sleaze on both parties.
Facebook, Instagram, the Internet, this Jets forum -- they all rely on "obsessiveness" in terms of offering opinions and stupid actions and stupid thoughts. Posting on Facebook that you took 2 hours to take a dump ? It's all content and generates pageviews and revenues.....but at what cost ?
They said why they didn't run with the story. She didn't want them to run it so they respected her wishes. She's a foreigner doesn't seem like English was a language she had a complete grasp of. Also she's no longer working as a journalist so maybe the fear factor of it hurting her job was no longer in play. She was probably scared. It's her experience though whatever the case. She could come forward when ever she felt like it. I mean he sent over 60 unanswered text. The guy has got issues. ESPN learned about it from a source in Baseball so I'm finding it hard to believe this info wasn't in the ether that teams didn't know about this. Some men are just sad though. If woman want to see your dick we will let you know. lol
After 3 unanswered messages you get the hint if a female isn't into you.. 60? Jesus. This isn't on the Mets unless they knew about it. This is all on the Cubs for not handling this back in 2016.
Was just going to post this. Good. F that guy but also shame on ESPN for holding this since 2017. Porter got 2 promotions since then and now that he’s a GM they release it? That doesn’t sit right with me.
She’s the one that didn’t want them to run it. They had to respect her wishes. She’s a foreigner if I had to guess because it’s baseball I’m thinking maybe she is an asian woman? "I know in the U.S., there is a women's empowerment movement. But in [my home country], it's still far behind," the woman said. "Women get dragged through the mud if your name is associated with any type of sexual scandal. Women are the ones who get fingers pointed at them. I don't want to go through the victimization process again. I don't want other people to blame me." Things like this happens here I could see it being even worst in Japan or China. Again I’m just assuming because of baseball popularity in those place as opposed to you know um Germany. lol Anyway he’s gone and onward and forward we go. They probably won’t get anyone else and just stick with Sandy.
Yeah just from what I’ve heard on the radio today it sounded like she was from Japan or China. I get that she didn’t want it to become public but ESPN could have absolutely gone to the diamondbacks or Mets and given a little bit under the table to say hey this guy is a bad guy, maybe go elsewhere . I feel like ESPN has always been out in front of stuff like this and vocally against harassment and social injustices but to just hold the story for 3 years? Idk. Just seems wrong IMO.
Didn’t they hire the runner up to the FO? Just make him GM & get back to business! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk