Mr Cat,,,I hear you and totally get it but you can still come to the site for the hockey, baseball and weather thread. As for the 9 years = its amazing when you think about the warehouse / mausoleum and the state of the team, somethings seem to never change
Congratulations on page 1000 everyone. That's a hell of a lot of bitching and moaning! Oh yeah, and the stadium still sucks.
wow I did not even notice it hit 1000 pages,,,,,and yes it is a lot of bitching and moaning but its a lot of ineptness from the owners also and yes this new old now stadium sucks
Thanks to 17A and all the others ( there were and are too many to name ) for starting this thread and contributing a wealth of info to the thread ---and speaking for myself it was a huge help back when I was interested in season tickets and seat location and dealing with the POS reps and also when I ran like the wind from those same season tickets ! Now if Only others had used all this knowledge to their benefit as well they would not be saying right now to themselves " WTF did I do ? "
sorry, i should have been more clear... please god woody and his entire family will be gone from the jets and anything to do with them. i dont mean to wish death but im at by any means necessary at this point
this thread went through so much over these past 10 years or so... i can remember seeing the pictures that were posted and thinking about how amazing this place could be. but quickly remembering how dumb the jets are and how it can go so badly... then the wait a second the upper deck is higher than the old upper deck. my favorite poster ever on this group was section 227 iirc, he went through all the ups and downs of dealing with the reps and all the bullshit they pulled and put him through. i come on here hoping that he will pop back up and chew someone a new asshole for being a moron but am almost just accepting that he probably isnt with us anymore gecko doing spreadsheets to track ticket prices and how the after market worked as things like stub hub were first coming into play. the faces that have come and gone the stories the bullshit the idiocy, this thread literally had it all. and was top notch message board material for about 4 years. then we hit a real lull where it was only a few people every few months posting something. and now there seems to be a little bit of an uptick which is great, i really hope this thread goes on forever. cbg and i will still be mad and willing to remind everyone.
Mr Cat = first off welcome back and YES I will post here whenever I can and I also hope that this team somehow gets turned around one of these years but as long as the Johnsons are around I feel we are in trouble. That said maybe Cman or Brook or Petro or one of the Mods can shoot 227 a private message via e mail ?????
Hahahaha, ooops! I wrote Sunday November 3rd on my fridge calendar as Jets vs Miami @ The New Dump! Well, that's a problem because . . . I started a thread in the tickets for him that I was looking for a parking pass for that game and was also interested in tickets. No wonder no-one PMd me! No-one corrected me or called me a dolt, either! Shame upon all of your houses! Rrrrrr! LMFAO! I guess I'll be fixing that later, hahahaha.
So I guess " The Jet Experience " vs the Cowboys seems like a distant memory right now, how did that 33 - 0 last night go ?
An 0-4 team wins one game and act likes it the Super Bowl and the coaching never gets them to refocus on the next opponent. I saw this coming a mile away. Its typical Jets man, I've seen this act over the last 40 years. I saw a few guys at the deli yesterday getting sandwiches on the way to the game and for a minute I felt weird and sad that I was not going to a Pats game. First time since Brady started playing, even the last 2 years, after giving up seasons, I missed this game. But, I told myself, you don't want to feel like an idiot leaving the stadium after another loss wasting all this energy and time to do the whole tailgate stuff. I felt so good turning the TV at halftime and going to bed. I did my shift fellas, so many years, so much disgust. I've never in my life, other then marrying my wife, felt better about a decision bagging season tickets. I am never going back, even if they ever fool us and get good for a short time. I can't see how any long time ticket holder can renew after this year, this has to take a beaten fan base and knock it out for good. I used to have nothing but love for those long timers that till go, but after this, your a moron if you give the Johnson's you hard earned money and time and you deserve this shit. I got nothing left fellas, Wow, what waste of my fucking time and heart. Thank god I have a great women and 2 beautiful daughters to look back on and let this shit go. I known as big Jet fan everywhere and I am so embarrassed and sick of answering questions about this shitty origination. Rant over. 314 OUT
even francesser has it figured out.. he talked about what the new stadium did to the jets fanbase yesterday on his show. i wish funhouse had put it up so i could share it.