And keep divorce out of the courts too. That should be an entirely private industry, not government judges making the ruling.
No, no, no, cassock breath - you don't agree with me and you don't even know it. You get to define your marriage anyway you want to, but you don't get to define mine or anyone else's.
Government should have nothing to do with that. Just because those benefits are currently set for a legal spouse doesn't mean they can't be designated to a consort of one's choosing - even a certain poster's camel, if that's what he wants.
Or a little Jewish girl with Jewish grandkids. Kids turn out the way they do, all you can do as a parent is teach them the best you can and love them. They may be straight, gay or serial killers...out of our control.
Not camel. Goat. Please... Well Bellows, Jewish is a strong possibility. I told this to @BrowningNagle before. I am not a religious guy and I don't believe in the current state of religions and I don't impose any religion on my kids. But they know we aren't Christians because they know we don't go to church and we don't have any cross at home etc. So they think they are Jewish just like other Jewish kids at school. I didn't feel the need to correct them as I don't really care. So they might stick with Judaism and marry a Jewish girl who knows.
Government has a vested interest in marriage, because it fosters procreation, and hence...New Taxpayers. The benefits aren't discriminatory. They are self sustaining. the basic principles of economics and civics escape you?
Hell no, but why are we still giving money away for the barren ones? (Psst, I've heard that in certain communities procreation occurs sans marriage.)
I remember seeing that username "Truth4U2" with the big cross avatar and thinking "I wonder when that troll account is going to go bonkers". Was I wrong?