I hope we had some fun w/ the uniform thread, it's the offseason and this is something a little different. click for link to uni thread: http://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/best-uniform-for-each-team.80401/ Below are my opinions on who the best QB in franchise history was for each team, please share yours or feel free to counter any of my picks. I will post pics of each player against the Jets if possible(see if you can name the game that the pics are from) AFC East: Buffalo: Jim Kelly(best of luck to Jim in his fight against cancer) http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0905/radio_a_jkelly1_sy_576.jpg Miami: Dan Marino, I have him in my top 5 all time http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/multimedia/photo_gallery/0809/nfl.best.rivalries/images/jets-dolphins.jpg New England: Tom Brady obviously http://turnonthejets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Jets-Pats1.jpg NY Jets: Joe Namath- not much to choose from, no real sustained success from any of our QBs http://www.findingdulcinea.com/docr...more-Colts-in-Super-Bowl-III/news/0/image.jpg AFC North: Baltimore: Joe Flacco http://nimg.sulekha.com/sports/original700/shaun-ellis-joe-flacco-2010-9-13-20-30-11.jpg Cincinnati: Ken Andersonhttp://www.80sfootball.com/storage/ken anderson.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1297473304948 Cleveland: Otto Graham, always gets left out of the discussion for greatest ever http://sportsthenandnow.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Graham-Cleveland.jpg Pittsburgh: tough call btw Bradshaw and Ben, I will go Ben as Pitt Ds of the 70s were incredible and took so much pressure off the QB plus he had Harris and the HOF WRs(even though Swann doesn't belong) http://media.pennlive.com/patriotnewssports/photo/9203413-large.jpg AFC South: Jacksonville: Mark Brunell http://cbsnewyork.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/hugh-douglas.jpg?w=620&h=349&crop=1 Indianapolis: Johnny Unitas http://img.spokeo.com/public/900-600/johnny_unitas_1969_01_12.jpg Tennessee: Steve McNair, Moon put up better #s but always folded in big spots http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...erivatives/gallery_1200/gal-mcnair-11-jpg.jpg Houston: Matt Schaub http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Matt+Schaub+Houston+Texans+v+New+York+Jets+J3324m0KjwAl.jpg AFC West: Oakland: Ken Stabler http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0730/nfl_a_stabler_madden_200.jpg Kansas City: Len Dawson http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/13...wp1cOZm6khjzAkVJwBEBqVAnh3QP4QOkbOazhDyknqw== Denver: John Elway http://extras.mnginteractive.com/li...140118__20140119_C4_SP19FBNELGAMES~p1_300.jpg San Diego: Dan Fouts http://img.spokeo.com/public/900-600/dan_fouts_1987_11_01.jpg NFC East: Dallas: Roger Staubach http://cdn.rsvlts.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Roger-Staubach.jpg NY Giants: I don't think Tittle played w/ them long enough. For me it comes down to Simms vs. Conerly, I will go Simms. http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mC58V16OFvRy1QcGaym95Tg.jpg Philadelphia: this is interesting, Randall was more dyanamic but they never won anything w/ him, they made a SB w/ Jaws, won a title w/ Van Brocklin but he wasn't w/ them along enough. I will go w/ Donovan McNabb http://www.thekickisgood.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/mcnabb-vomit.jpg Washington: Sammy Baugh http://dubsism.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/sammy-baugh.jpg NFC North: Green Bay: Bart Starr though Rodgers is closing fast http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2011/0111/sn_u_bartsts_576.jpg Chicago: Sid Luckman(obviously the QB position was very different back then) http://cdnl.complex.com/mp/620/400/...sports-figures-of-all-time/luckman_410685.jpg Detroit: Bobby Layne http://www.mmbolding.com/BSR/pq50layne.jpg Minnesota: Fran Tarkenton http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/image...otos/000/678/801/Tark_original.jpg?1357840749 NFC South: Atlanta: Steve Bartkowski(Ryan will pass him soon though if he hasn't already) http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2b/4b/0c/2b4b0cf2713a44e85ed0d56f2d8e7678.jpg Carolina: Jake Delhomme http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Carolina+Panthers+v+New+York+Jets+V-DObLcTKtBl.jpg New Orleans: Drew Brees http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2013/1103/nfl_u_drewbrees_ch_600.jpg Tampa Bay: Doug Williams- there aren't many choices http://img.spokeo.com/public/900-600/doug_williams_1982_12_12.jpg NFC West: Arizona: Jim Hart http://sportsthenandnow.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/cardinals-jim-hart.jpg San Francisco: Joe Montana http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/eyM2N40qB40/hqdefault.jpg Seattle: Dave Krieg, Wilson is obviously on the right track to pass him http://www.seahawks.com/assets/images/imported/SEA/articleImages/otd-images/131013-krieg-600.jpg St. Louis: I want to put Kurt Warner here but he wasn't there long enough. I will go w/ Norm Van Brocklin http://www.nolandalla.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/norm-Van-Brocklin.jpg
That's cool, your'e going to accuse me of trolling while I am trying to have a serious conversation here......
So he is "seriously" the best QB for the Eagles all-time despite never taking a snap. Not only are you a troll but you're terrible at it
I really liked the Eagles pick. I think I probably lean more towards McNabb based on my age since he was the Eagles QB in my football memories. Since what 98 or 99 until 2009 I think, but it's good to hear he holds up strong vs their other QBs too. I feel like the AFC East is the easiest of the bunch, but I'm not sure if that's because it is really that easy or it is because my football knowledge is centered around the Jets and then of course the teams they play yearly. I feel like if you went to other teams forums, those are the 4 you get for the AFC East almost every single time. For me Pittsburgh and Indianapolis are probably the toughest because it compares two QBs I've watched versus two QBs who are considered top QBs that I've never seen before. How close do you think Eli and Simms are? If Eli hangs around the league for 4-5 more years or more, he might get it just based on totality right? For being the Giants QB for what would be 14-15 full seasons. The Kurt Warner one was interesting. In my head, I always felt like Kurt played more games for STL, but it was more so that he was just spectacular in the few games he did play for STL. I think he resides as a St. Louis Rams player in my head and might be the best, but I'm fine with saying he wasn't there long enough to be considered one. It does bring up an interesting idea, would he be the best "floating" QB who doesn't have a team?
Do the Houston Oilers count against Tennessee? I think you have to put Dan Pastorini and Warren Moon ahead of McNair. Maybe Darryl Lamonica too, although I'm not old enough to have seen him play.
yes, they are worthy challengers. I think Moon was vastly overrated, great #s guy but always folded in big spots so I put him below McNair but I have no problems w/ those guys ahead of him.
If you were trying to have a serious conversation you would have tried to seriously explain your ridiculous comment instead of just throwing it out there like a worm on a hook
Is this you seriously trying to debate the merit of Mark Sanchez as the best QB in Eagles history? lol
The OP argued against it and you didn't make any argument against the OP at all, you just threw out a defining statement without any reasons. Totally trolling buddy