Visiting Team's Fans at MetLife...

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by JudoJNoble, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. JudoJNoble

    JudoJNoble New Member

    May 9, 2013
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    Hey guys,

    I'm making the trip in with a couple of friends to watch the game at the stadium for the first time, and was wondering how friendly/hostile the crowd tends to be. I'm not fortunate enough to make it to games live, but have a couple of cool friends who are willing to take me with them if I can make the trip. So yeah, I'm definitely up for that! :grin:

    The thing is, they are a couple of Saints fans, an will likely be all decked out in fan gear; and I don't know if I need to tell them to tone it down, or be on their guard for some of our less friendly sorts. I don't want to come across like it's not okay to be proud fans of their team, but it would be even worse for them (well, all of us) to have a bad game day experience, if some people like to spill beer on visitors or pick fights or something.

    I just don't want my friends to have a bad time, especially because of any bad apples among our team's fans. Even though those obnoxious Patriots fans allegedly started that fight last week, it got me thinking about next weekend. Friendly jibes back and forth are all cool, but I don't know how inappropriate people in and around MetLife get, you know?

    Really looking forward to watching what should be a good game, especially since it will be at the heart of Jets country. Hopefully it won't be my last trip in; but any personal experiences (or other opinions/advice) would be much appreciated!
  2. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    As long as you don't run into Chainsaw Pete you should be fine. His permit to carry it into Metlife was grandfathered in and there is nothing anyone can do. Good guy, just don't cheer for the visitors. Hope this helps and have a good game.
  3. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    It is pure luck. Certain games, I see some Jets fans giving hard time to opposing fans and some games I don't. It depends on what section you sit and what type of folks show up for that game.

    By experience, I can say your chances of having a peaceful game is higher at low levels than nosebleeds.
  4. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Hope none of your friends are female. Don't you know Jets fans make women flash their ta-ta's and punch them in the face if they don't.

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